Ia Grai (Gia Lai) Map Cropping Samples

Ia Grai (Gia Lai) Map Cropping Samples-2

flag map of Ia Grai with 3D shadow effect

Ia Grai map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Ia Grai (geojson format) :
Ia Grai.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Ia Grai map for "Google Maps" :
Ia Grai.txt
Bounding Box for Ia Grai Map : ( 13.839923 , 107.453391 , 14.145 , 108.008138 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Ia Grai map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](13.839923, 107.453391, 14.145, 108.008138);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Ia Grai)
rel["name"="Ia Grai"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Ia Grai"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Ia Grai
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Bao Duc | 13.950000 , 107.833330 |
Bi De | 13.963670 , 107.676750 |
Ia Kha | 13.962420 , 107.844840 |
Lang Beng | 13.895680 , 107.629400 |
Lang Gok | 13.970190 , 107.820620 |
Mit Kom | 13.987570 , 107.566150 |
Plei Bek | 14.016670 , 107.833330 |
Plei Bi Yot | 13.933330 , 107.583330 |
Plei Bia | 13.900000 , 107.616670 |
Plei Blang | 13.966670 , 107.950000 |
Plei Blang Yam | 13.950000 , 107.850000 |
Plei Blo Odung | 14.016670 , 107.883330 |
Plei Bra | 13.929240 , 107.549560 |
Plei Breng | 13.983330 , 107.966670 |
Plei Broch | 13.983330 , 107.850000 |
Plei By Yot | 13.966670 , 107.683330 |
Plei Chium | 13.966670 , 107.750000 |
Plei De Chi | 13.900000 , 107.816670 |
Plei De Olung | 13.933330 , 107.783330 |
Plei Dei | 13.945550 , 107.736540 |
Plei Doch | 13.966670 , 107.650000 |
Plei Dung | 14.066670 , 107.866670 |
Plei Gao Monu | 13.900000 , 107.966670 |
Plei Ho Bo | 13.983330 , 107.633330 |
Plei Honh | 13.966670 , 107.816670 |
Plei Ia GMit | 14.018400 , 107.880310 |
Plei Ia Ore | 13.983330 , 107.850000 |
Plei Jut | 13.983330 , 107.966670 |
Plei Klah | 13.966670 , 107.950000 |
Plei Klong | 13.950000 , 107.650000 |
Plei Ko Bo | 14.066670 , 107.900000 |
Plei Krom Ho | 13.900000 , 107.666670 |
Plei Mo Nang | 13.933330 , 107.750000 |
Plei Monou Quen | 13.950000 , 107.616670 |
Plei Monu | 14.033330 , 107.916670 |
Plei Ngoi Yo | 14.047120 , 107.872600 |
Plei Nhe | 13.950000 , 107.716670 |
Plei Pan Lan | 13.866670 , 107.633330 |
Plei Pang | 14.033330 , 107.866670 |
Plei Pong | 13.966670 , 107.800000 |
Plei Poo Jal | 13.916670 , 107.916670 |
Plei Redang | 13.966670 , 107.533330 |
Plei The | 13.866670 , 107.633330 |
Plei Tot | 14.036540 , 107.920870 |
Plei Xat Atau | 13.916670 , 107.900000 |
Plei Ya Bio | 13.950000 , 107.683330 |
Plei Ya Gran | 14.050000 , 107.866670 |
Plei Ya Tchouc | 13.983330 , 107.600000 |
Plei Ya Te | 13.916670 , 107.566670 |
Plei Ya Ya | 13.916670 , 107.650000 |
Plei Yan | 14.050000 , 107.916670 |
Plei Yang | 14.033330 , 107.900000 |
Pleiku Tong | 13.950000 , 107.883330 |
Po Plei Jrirang | 14.011600 , 107.640590 |
Polei Djereng | 14.033330 , 107.650000 |
Polei Iom | 14.050000 , 107.616670 |
Polei Monu | 14.066670 , 107.650000 |
Polei Yome | 14.050000 , 107.616670 |
- You can download geometry data for Ia Grai in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.