Trieu Phong (Quang Tri) Map Cropping Samples

Trieu Phong (Quang Tri) Map Cropping Samples-1

Trieu Phong (Quang Tri) Map Cropping Samples-2

Trieu Phong neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Trieu Phong with 3D shadow effect

Trieu Phong map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Trieu Phong (geojson format) :
Trieu Phong.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Trieu Phong map for "Google Maps" :
Trieu Phong.txt
Bounding Box for Trieu Phong Map : ( 16.655801 , 107.00089 , 16.902834 , 107.309674 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Trieu Phong map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](16.655801, 107.00089, 16.902834, 107.309674);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Trieu Phong)
rel["name"="Trieu Phong"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Trieu Phong"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Trieu Phong
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Ai Tu | 16.768860 , 107.165040 |
Ai Tu | 16.761750 , 107.141190 |
An Gia | 16.833330 , 107.133330 |
Ba Lang | 16.833410 , 107.264190 |
Bich La | 16.783330 , 107.183330 |
Binh An | 16.850000 , 107.250000 |
Cao Hy | 16.850000 , 107.183330 |
Chau Lang | 16.716670 , 107.050000 |
Dai Hoa | 16.816670 , 107.183330 |
Dai Loc | 16.816670 , 107.183330 |
Dong Ha | 16.849998 , 107.133301 |
Gia Do | 16.850000 , 107.133330 |
Giao Liem | 16.850000 , 107.150000 |
Ha Tay | 16.883330 , 107.200000 |
Le Xuyen | 16.845760 , 107.193600 |
Long Quang | 16.821500 , 107.218980 |
Luong Kim | 16.850000 , 107.183330 |
Nho Ly | 16.833330 , 107.183330 |
Pho Hoi | 16.883330 , 107.200000 |
Phuoc Le | 16.833330 , 107.166670 |
Phuoc My | 16.783330 , 107.150000 |
Ta Kien | 16.783330 , 107.166670 |
Tan Dinh | 16.783330 , 107.183330 |
Thanh Hoi | 16.850000 , 107.233330 |
Thanh Liem | 16.833330 , 107.150000 |
Thon An Don | 16.733330 , 107.166670 |
Thon An Luu | 16.800000 , 107.250000 |
Thon Bay | 16.843040 , 107.248590 |
Thon Bo Lieu | 16.800000 , 107.183330 |
Thon Bon | 16.815380 , 107.282920 |
Thon Chin | 16.862380 , 107.189530 |
Thon Dao Dau | 16.766670 , 107.233330 |
Thon Duong Le Van | 16.816670 , 107.150000 |
Thon Gia Dang | 16.800000 , 107.300000 |
Thon Gia Dang I | 16.800000 , 107.283330 |
Thon Ha My | 16.783330 , 107.183330 |
Thon Ha Xa | 16.783330 , 107.133330 |
Thon Mot | 16.804290 , 107.292190 |
Thon Phu Lieu | 16.800000 , 107.216670 |
Thon Phu Luu | 16.800000 , 107.183330 |
Thon Tai Luong | 16.783330 , 107.233330 |
Thon Tam | 16.853620 , 107.237410 |
Thon Thuong Trach | 16.800000 , 107.250000 |
Thon Tra Lien Tay | 16.800000 , 107.166670 |
Thon Trung An | 16.766670 , 107.233330 |
Thon Trung Chi | 16.816670 , 107.150000 |
Thon Van Hoa | 16.800000 , 107.200000 |
Thon Van Phong | 16.783330 , 107.250000 |
Thuong Phuoc | 16.712490 , 107.161730 |
Tuong Van | 16.883330 , 107.183330 |
Vinh Hoa Phuong | 16.866670 , 107.233330 |
Xom Con Tong | 16.883330 , 107.183330 |
- You can download geometry data for Trieu Phong in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.