Tan Lac (Hoa Binh) Map Cropping Samples

Tan Lac (Hoa Binh) Map Cropping Samples-1

Tan Lac (Hoa Binh) Map Cropping Samples-2

Tan Lac neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Tan Lac with 3D shadow effect

Tan Lac map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Tan Lac (geojson format) :
Tan Lac.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Tan Lac map for "Google Maps" :
Tan Lac.txt
Bounding Box for Tan Lac Map : ( 20.464266 , 105.106101 , 20.771415 , 105.392472 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Tan Lac map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](20.464266, 105.106101, 20.771415, 105.392472);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Tan Lac)
rel["name"="Tan Lac"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Tan Lac"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Tan Lac
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Benh Mo | 20.750000 , 105.116670 |
Bo Phoi | 20.583330 , 105.266670 |
Da Bac | 20.766670 , 105.150000 |
Dac Hay | 20.583330 , 105.133330 |
Dich Giao | 20.600000 , 105.216670 |
Dong Dai | 20.600000 , 105.250000 |
Dong Lai | 20.533330 , 105.333330 |
Dong Trieng | 20.583330 , 105.233330 |
Dong Trieng | 20.700000 , 105.133330 |
Hai Ha | 20.616670 , 105.233330 |
Hao Trang | 20.733330 , 105.200000 |
Huong Tan Lac | 20.608890 , 105.271670 |
Kho Lach | 20.600000 , 105.233330 |
Lang Hai | 20.733330 , 105.150000 |
Lang Lang | 20.550000 , 105.366670 |
Lang Moi | 20.750000 , 105.150000 |
Lang Thoi | 20.583330 , 105.366670 |
Lang Tram | 20.483330 , 105.283330 |
Lang Vo | 20.483330 , 105.266670 |
Luong Duoi | 20.504820 , 105.243920 |
Man Duc | 20.600000 , 105.300000 |
Mong Luong | 20.516670 , 105.250000 |
Muang Chu | 20.650000 , 105.233330 |
Muong Hai | 20.566670 , 105.333330 |
Muong Khen | 20.614410 , 105.279480 |
Muong Pheo | 20.583330 , 105.300000 |
My Hoa | 20.650000 , 105.233330 |
Na Quhi | 20.583330 , 105.316670 |
Ngoc My | 20.516670 , 105.350000 |
Nuoc Ka | 20.516670 , 105.233330 |
Phong Phu | 20.633330 , 105.200000 |
Phu Bieng | 20.583330 , 105.200000 |
Pua Cha | 20.633330 , 105.166670 |
Qui Hau | 20.616670 , 105.283330 |
Qui My | 20.550000 , 105.233330 |
Suoi Rem | 20.748090 , 105.182630 |
Tan Son | 20.524870 , 105.268970 |
Tan Tien | 20.553860 , 105.310910 |
Thanh Hoi | 20.550000 , 105.316670 |
Trieng Nen | 20.547910 , 105.275770 |
Tu Ne | 20.583330 , 105.316670 |
Tuan Lo | 20.600000 , 105.233330 |
Tuong To | 20.533330 , 105.183330 |
Xom Bo | 20.561440 , 105.179910 |
Xom Bua | 20.641800 , 105.222870 |
Xom Coung | 20.533330 , 105.283330 |
Xom Cut | 20.533310 , 105.356400 |
Xom Giac | 20.691690 , 105.180700 |
Xom Gieu | 20.500000 , 105.250000 |
Xom Ong | 20.705950 , 105.231470 |
Xom Tran | 20.517680 , 105.286270 |
Xom Trao | 20.646700 , 105.186430 |
- You can download geometry data for Tan Lac in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.