Piritu (Falcón) Map Cropping Samples

Piritu (Falcón) Map Cropping Samples-1

Piritu (Falcón) Map Cropping Samples-2

Piritu neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Piritu with 3D shadow effect

Piritu map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Piritu (geojson format) :
Piritu.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Piritu map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Piritu Map : ( 11.194779 , -69.242571 , 11.501373 , -68.729746 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Piritu map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](11.194779, -69.242571, 11.501373, -68.729746);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Piritu)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Piritu
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Araguan | 11.275560 , -68.933240 |
Barimismal | 11.380460 , -69.130980 |
Borrego | 11.400070 , -69.084600 |
Campechano | 11.436110 , -68.918330 |
Campechano | 11.437700 , -68.938700 |
Candado | 11.283330 , -69.233330 |
Carativania | 11.266670 , -69.233330 |
Caricuche | 11.318330 , -69.220560 |
Cecibalito | 11.400000 , -69.166670 |
Ceferina | 11.316670 , -68.883330 |
Ceronar | 11.433330 , -68.833330 |
Cerro Cesibal | 11.403890 , -69.177780 |
Cerro Pelon | 11.417220 , -69.143330 |
Chimpire | 11.350630 , -69.123100 |
Cienaga El Toro | 11.323890 , -69.025000 |
Coral | 11.400000 , -68.950000 |
Corozo | 11.333330 , -69.133330 |
Corral | 11.350000 , -69.083330 |
Curari | 11.318970 , -68.971580 |
El Cantil | 11.333330 , -69.133330 |
El Cascabel | 11.407130 , -69.080680 |
El Cayube | 11.327120 , -69.143050 |
El Desecho | 11.490930 , -69.145970 |
El Empujon | 11.435580 , -69.101750 |
El Encanto | 11.355580 , -68.797270 |
El Guay | 11.400000 , -68.883330 |
El Jobo | 11.366670 , -68.833330 |
El Limon | 11.493330 , -69.146670 |
El Limoncito | 11.254440 , -69.167320 |
El Mamon | 11.428160 , -69.108230 |
El Palmar | 11.333330 , -68.866670 |
El Pozo | 11.438300 , -68.979150 |
El Roble | 11.398620 , -69.054410 |
El Sibucaro | 11.398890 , -69.133160 |
El Solito | 11.307540 , -69.228240 |
El Tanque | 11.442550 , -69.176560 |
El Tapon | 11.281140 , -69.155910 |
El Tuque | 11.411110 , -69.050560 |
El Vizcaino | 11.342270 , -69.045930 |
Espinal | 11.233330 , -69.166670 |
Fila Juncales | 11.266670 , -69.133330 |
Guaical | 11.283330 , -68.783330 |
Guamacho | 11.354490 , -69.088340 |
Guarataro | 11.304830 , -69.108180 |
Guarecal | 11.311850 , -69.204770 |
Guarecal | 11.333410 , -69.170660 |
Guarica | 11.300000 , -69.166670 |
Guasimal | 11.367220 , -69.111110 |
Hato Macaco | 11.283330 , -69.183330 |
Hato Viejo | 11.483330 , -69.133330 |
Homocuparo | 11.266670 , -69.116670 |
Huequito | 11.338380 , -69.020540 |
Isidro | 11.361280 , -68.772600 |
Jobalito | 11.366670 , -69.100000 |
La Barranca | 11.283330 , -69.083330 |
La Ceibita | 11.427780 , -69.171670 |
La Comunidad | 11.382220 , -69.130280 |
La Costa | 11.433330 , -68.833330 |
La Cruz | 11.366670 , -69.116670 |
La Cuchara | 11.450000 , -69.133330 |
La Cumbre | 11.315050 , -69.157280 |
La Danta | 11.300000 , -69.100000 |
La Florida | 11.380780 , -69.122210 |
La Frontina | 11.316670 , -69.100000 |
La Hacienda | 11.489950 , -69.139070 |
La Luz | 11.370830 , -69.118200 |
La Madera | 11.368180 , -69.092290 |
La Montana de Hueque | 11.431840 , -69.020880 |
La Montanita | 11.345750 , -69.180180 |
La Pena | 11.366670 , -69.150000 |
La Piedra | 11.283330 , -69.183330 |
La Piedra | 11.316670 , -68.850000 |
La Represa | 11.383330 , -69.133330 |
La Vaquita | 11.348820 , -69.059950 |
La Villa Uno | 11.450000 , -69.066670 |
Las Bocas | 11.250000 , -68.933330 |
Las Lomas | 11.339150 , -69.146010 |
Las Playitas | 11.433330 , -69.000000 |
Loma Grande | 11.407880 , -69.043950 |
Lomas Grandes | 11.420040 , -69.047450 |
Los Aros | 11.438050 , -69.039810 |
Los Hierbales | 11.336950 , -69.111080 |
Lucindo | 11.416670 , -69.166670 |
Mata de Gueque | 11.433330 , -69.033330 |
Monte Oscuro | 11.366760 , -69.055510 |
Mumuche | 11.216670 , -69.000000 |
Palmar | 11.416670 , -69.133330 |
Papayal | 11.396350 , -69.072840 |
Paso Redondo | 11.366870 , -69.172120 |
Pelon | 11.300000 , -69.133330 |
Picure | 11.300000 , -69.183330 |
Piedra Larga | 11.383330 , -69.183330 |
Piedra Lucia | 11.397400 , -69.195400 |
Pilancon | 11.350000 , -69.133330 |
Piritu | 11.373890 , -69.137220 |
Polanco | 11.366670 , -69.100000 |
Polona | 11.383330 , -69.150000 |
Popotal | 11.320230 , -68.936100 |
Sabanas Altas | 11.487990 , -69.108500 |
Sabaneta | 11.416670 , -68.816670 |
Sacuragua | 11.294210 , -69.166650 |
Saladillo | 11.466670 , -69.100000 |
San Antonio | 11.358850 , -69.130680 |
San Gregorio | 11.283330 , -69.150000 |
San Jacinto | 11.350000 , -69.100000 |
San Jose | 11.343320 , -69.110710 |
San José | 11.433330 , -68.833330 |
San Jose de La Costa | 11.434380 , -68.834930 |
San Jose de Piritu | 11.352360 , -69.109390 |
San Juancito | 11.361110 , -69.111110 |
San Pablo | 11.450000 , -69.166670 |
San Pedrito | 11.445180 , -69.110930 |
San Sebastian | 11.333330 , -69.116670 |
Santa Rosa | 11.384440 , -69.077780 |
Sauca | 11.446890 , -68.882510 |
Soledad | 11.408930 , -69.112220 |
Taguaqui | 11.381630 , -69.162610 |
Taguaqui | 11.333330 , -69.166670 |
Taquia | 11.418090 , -68.845650 |
Tulanal | 11.413520 , -69.102380 |
Turen | 11.347380 , -69.094620 |
Tutanal | 11.413330 , -69.098890 |
Varacara | 11.350000 , -68.933330 |
Viana | 11.431550 , -69.068600 |
- You can download geometry data for Piritu in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.