Rockingham (North Carolina) Map Cropping Samples

Rockingham (North Carolina) Map Cropping Samples-1

Rockingham (North Carolina) Map Cropping Samples-2

Rockingham neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Rockingham with 3D shadow effect

Rockingham map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Rockingham (geojson format) :
Rockingham.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Rockingham map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Rockingham Map : ( 36.241342 , -80.035542 , 36.542865 , -79.510802 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Rockingham map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](36.241342, -80.035542, 36.542865, -79.510802);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Rockingham)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Rockingham
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Ayersville | 36.487080 , -80.025040 |
Beaver Island | 36.460140 , -79.990040 |
Benaja | 36.249860 , -79.677250 |
Bethany | 36.307360 , -79.858650 |
Bethlehem | 36.455690 , -79.718640 |
Canaan Park | 36.276250 , -79.785030 |
Cedar Ridge | 36.420140 , -79.656980 |
College Estates | 36.390690 , -79.693640 |
Dan River | 36.464580 , -79.762540 |
Dan Valley | 36.408470 , -79.941430 |
Deep Springs | 36.414300 , -79.877820 |
Eden | 36.502475 , -79.742545 |
Ellisboro | 36.332640 , -79.977820 |
Fairview | 36.527360 , -79.789760 |
Foushee | 36.292910 , -79.653640 |
Gold Hill | 36.318190 , -79.930590 |
Green Knolls | 36.473190 , -79.798650 |
Happy Home | 36.496250 , -79.628360 |
Harrisons Crossroads | 36.420420 , -79.689750 |
Hickory Grove | 36.518750 , -79.538360 |
Kirkwood | 36.449030 , -79.774760 |
Lawsonville | 36.392910 , -79.563640 |
Leaksville | 36.503190 , -79.751150 |
Leaksville Junction | 36.542080 , -79.659480 |
Lenox Castle | 36.300970 , -79.554470 |
Leviva | 36.397910 , -79.579750 |
Madison | 36.386828 , -79.974934 |
Matrimony | 36.520420 , -79.867540 |
Mayfield | 36.511250 , -79.566690 |
Mayodan | 36.420973 , -79.967467 |
Meadow Summit | 36.511250 , -79.729760 |
Meadow Wood Acres | 36.414860 , -79.691700 |
Midway | 36.273470 , -79.788920 |
Monroeton | 36.289580 , -79.734750 |
Mount View Estates | 36.414030 , -79.940870 |
Norwood | 36.352640 , -79.712810 |
Oakhaven Farms | 36.468750 , -79.532250 |
Oregon Hill | 36.448470 , -79.636970 |
Piney Fork | 36.445970 , -79.776700 |
Price | 36.539030 , -79.914760 |
Providence | 36.473750 , -79.828650 |
Reidsville | 36.336708 , -79.673075 |
Ruffin | 36.442802 , -79.543442 |
Sadler | 36.408750 , -79.616970 |
Sandy Cross | 36.353470 , -79.745590 |
Sharps | 36.364300 , -80.028380 |
Shiloh | 36.447640 , -79.864210 |
Stacey | 36.428190 , -79.581420 |
Stone Mill Estates | 36.428470 , -79.888650 |
Stoneville | 36.466212 , -79.906135 |
Sunset Hills | 36.497360 , -79.811430 |
University Estates | 36.399860 , -79.705590 |
Village Oaks | 36.376530 , -79.675590 |
Wentworth | 36.391432 , -79.751001 |
Westfield Acres | 36.430690 , -79.694200 |
Windmere | 36.418190 , -79.681980 |
Wittys Crossroads | 36.268190 , -79.843650 |
- You can download geometry data for Rockingham in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.