Kagoma (Jinja) Map Cropping Samples

Kagoma (Jinja) Map Cropping Samples-1

Kagoma (Jinja) Map Cropping Samples-2

Kagoma neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Kagoma with 3D shadow effect

Kagoma map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Kagoma (geojson format) :
Kagoma.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Kagoma map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Kagoma Map : ( 0.48035 , 33.042154 , 0.700314 , 33.296749 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Kagoma map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](0.48035, 33.042154, 0.700314, 33.296749);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Kagoma)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Kagoma
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Bituli | 0.656610 , 33.090140 |
Bubiro | 0.663150 , 33.113460 |
Bubugo | 0.600050 , 33.075040 |
Budhagali | 0.495150 , 33.169340 |
Budima | 0.643660 , 33.095830 |
Budondo | 0.519630 , 33.159120 |
Bufalo | 0.516760 , 33.193580 |
Bugongwe | 0.607350 , 33.213770 |
Bukolokoti | 0.662080 , 33.130540 |
Bukongo | 0.566670 , 33.100000 |
Bukyeyune | 0.637250 , 33.281150 |
Bulama | 0.677460 , 33.221130 |
Buleba | 0.557680 , 33.157160 |
Bulugo | 0.650160 , 33.237400 |
Busegula | 0.661820 , 33.219170 |
Busiya | 0.655250 , 33.197580 |
Busiya | 0.649060 , 33.182140 |
Busowoko | 0.553540 , 33.097260 |
Butagana | 0.647840 , 33.141620 |
Butamira | 0.637040 , 33.202280 |
Butangala | 0.612820 , 33.168230 |
Buwabuzi | 0.619160 , 33.275640 |
Buwagi | 0.539320 , 33.154200 |
Buwala | 0.618100 , 33.067970 |
Buwenge | 0.642220 , 33.174440 |
Buwolero | 0.682170 , 33.166150 |
Buwuma | 0.644980 , 33.086420 |
Buyamba | 0.607960 , 33.253810 |
Bwase | 0.655000 , 33.157430 |
Ibungu | 0.524240 , 33.153130 |
Idome | 0.685170 , 33.185710 |
Igombe | 0.621100 , 33.186040 |
Isiri | 0.657580 , 33.192760 |
Iwololo | 0.625510 , 33.080280 |
Kabembe | 0.669150 , 33.096020 |
Kabowa | 0.531840 , 33.125080 |
Kagera | 0.538590 , 33.172330 |
Kagoma | 0.596360 , 33.197230 |
Kagomamakota | 0.605480 , 33.179250 |
Kaira | 0.641480 , 33.147920 |
Kalebera | 0.624260 , 33.155310 |
Kalugu | 0.648330 , 33.063610 |
Kamigo | 0.609680 , 33.261290 |
Kamira | 0.594020 , 33.128610 |
Kayalwe | 0.674020 , 33.206740 |
Kazinga | 0.511150 , 33.174710 |
Kibibi | 0.536600 , 33.116050 |
Kibundaire | 0.611980 , 33.135330 |
Kigaya | 0.664620 , 33.120210 |
Kiranga | 0.594660 , 33.096300 |
Kiryamuli | 0.560240 , 33.178030 |
Kitanaba | 0.672850 , 33.192890 |
Kitengesa | 0.603120 , 33.101480 |
Kitengesa | 0.561630 , 33.100710 |
Kivubuka | 0.501990 , 33.181790 |
Kiwagama | 0.640710 , 33.115790 |
Kiwumu | 0.569940 , 33.133070 |
Kizinga | 0.546560 , 33.136680 |
Kyabirwa | 0.489160 , 33.161400 |
Kyebando | 0.585360 , 33.144520 |
Kyerinda | 0.637010 , 33.178850 |
Kyomya | 0.546830 , 33.170210 |
Lubanyi | 0.618860 , 33.120100 |
Lubira | 0.603550 , 33.136300 |
Lukolo | 0.561550 , 33.189400 |
Lumuli | 0.637960 , 33.066080 |
Lwitamakoli | 0.616410 , 33.232680 |
Mabira | 0.608000 , 33.125100 |
Magamaga | 0.635880 , 33.187690 |
Mawoito | 0.658380 , 33.121250 |
Mpumude | 0.582310 , 33.152150 |
Mpungwe | 0.641150 , 33.198350 |
Muguluka | 0.612580 , 33.189730 |
Mutaibusibe | 0.558700 , 33.218100 |
Mutaikanyale | 0.577280 , 33.206520 |
Muwangi | 0.641440 , 33.158050 |
Nabigwali | 0.647770 , 33.244900 |
Nabitosi | 0.647880 , 33.283020 |
Nabusagwa | 0.658080 , 33.251510 |
Nakanyonyi | 0.557550 , 33.139760 |
Nakasegeeta | 0.643770 , 33.101910 |
Nakitokolo | 0.640820 , 33.223420 |
Namagera | 0.584790 , 33.131590 |
Namalere | 0.586830 , 33.169580 |
Namata | 0.630040 , 33.224940 |
Namizi | 0.517360 , 33.145160 |
Namwenda | 0.631180 , 33.132750 |
Nawaguma | 0.573700 , 33.155960 |
Nawamboga | 0.620990 , 33.213610 |
Nawampanda | 0.571090 , 33.096660 |
Nawangoma | 0.536050 , 33.186970 |
Ndiwansi | 0.646140 , 33.133660 |
Njereka | 0.666670 , 33.166670 |
Nyabotusi | 0.685070 , 33.203750 |
Wansiimba | 0.585520 , 33.120290 |
Yuka | 0.659110 , 33.151170 |
- You can download geometry data for Kagoma in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.