Buchats'kyi (Ternopil) Map Cropping Samples

Buchats'kyi (Ternopil) Map Cropping Samples-1

Buchats'kyi (Ternopil) Map Cropping Samples-2

Buchats'kyi neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Buchats'kyi with 3D shadow effect

Buchats'kyi map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Buchats'kyi (geojson format) :
Buchats'kyi.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Buchats'kyi map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Buchats'kyi Map : ( 48.83769 , 25.202866 , 49.214777 , 25.558403 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Buchats'kyi map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](48.83769, 25.202866, 49.214777, 25.558403);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Buchats'kyi)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Buchats'kyi
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Bobulintsy | 49.166980 , 25.352470 |
Brovary | 48.965360 , 25.455450 |
Dobropole | 49.195970 , 25.428770 |
Duliby | 48.931340 , 25.429580 |
Dzvinogorod an der Strypa | 49.083330 , 25.400000 |
Gubin | 48.847450 , 25.420340 |
Kidanov | 49.190920 , 25.365530 |
Kostel'niki | 48.881860 , 25.353930 |
Kuydanuv | 49.183330 , 25.366670 |
Mikolayuvka | 48.861780 , 25.395810 |
Mlynki | 48.931720 , 25.264170 |
Novyye Petlikovtsy | 49.164970 , 25.457810 |
Osovtsy | 49.150000 , 25.366670 |
Pomortsy | 48.961840 , 25.443740 |
Pozhezhe | 48.928580 , 25.533910 |
Pshedmes'tse | 48.972870 , 25.477230 |
Pylyava | 49.114620 , 25.471900 |
Repintsy | 49.014820 , 25.438600 |
Rublin | 48.904130 , 25.283190 |
Rukomysh | 49.098300 , 25.384190 |
Rusilov | 48.954480 , 25.390780 |
Seliska | 48.916670 , 25.300000 |
Snovidov | 48.879340 , 25.284670 |
Sokilets | 48.886710 , 25.401620 |
Voziluv | 48.850070 , 25.303660 |
Yablonovka | 48.965120 , 25.441590 |
Yarovo | 49.000000 , 25.316670 |
Zabaryshka | 48.983330 , 25.266670 |
Zaleshchiki | 48.988970 , 25.442970 |
Zhnibrody | 48.899650 , 25.439950 |
Zolotyy Potik | 48.909500 , 25.339260 |
Бариш | 49.028511 , 25.274263 |
Бучач | 49.060655 , 25.392734 |
Возилів | 48.863683 , 25.311407 |
Жизномир | 49.025944 , 25.383043 |
Золотий Потік | 48.901824 , 25.334627 |
Зубрець | 48.999225 , 25.298996 |
Костільники | 48.886244 , 25.354293 |
Ліщанці | 48.983910 , 25.387775 |
Медведівці | 49.092768 , 25.443434 |
Озеряни | 49.081963 , 25.286747 |
Осівці | 49.158946 , 25.353755 |
Переволока | 49.108988 , 25.351549 |
Пишківці | 49.052279 , 25.430916 |
Підзамочок | 49.074370 , 25.401387 |
Порохова | 48.949576 , 25.267502 |
Скоморохи | 48.928909 , 25.374834 |
Сновидів | 48.876504 , 25.286735 |
Соколів | 48.933878 , 25.342720 |
Сороки | 49.011006 , 25.362238 |
Старі Петликівці | 49.135500 , 25.361853 |
Стінка | 48.920904 , 25.248861 |
Трибухівці | 49.043448 , 25.461934 |
- You can download geometry data for Buchats'kyi in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.