Ngara (Kagera) Map Cropping Samples

Ngara (Kagera) Map Cropping Samples-1

Ngara neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Ngara with 3D shadow effect

Ngara map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Ngara (geojson format) :
Ngara.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Ngara map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Ngara Map : ( -2.99735 , 30.410674 , -2.254746 , 31.065507 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Ngara map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-2.99735, 30.410674, -2.254746, 31.065507);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Ngara)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Ngara
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Bihonzi | -2.639440 , 30.649720 |
Bugarama | -2.870560 , 30.528060 |
Buhororo | -2.538060 , 30.616670 |
Bukiriro | -2.783330 , 30.550000 |
Bukiro | -2.808610 , 30.531670 |
Busoro | -2.433330 , 30.783330 |
Ibugo | -2.666110 , 30.469440 |
Kabanga | -2.638610 , 30.467780 |
Kabanga | -2.625000 , 30.481940 |
Kabanga | -2.902220 , 30.498610 |
Kanazi | -2.550830 , 30.594720 |
Kanyinya | -2.654440 , 30.624440 |
Kasherazi | -2.516940 , 30.802780 |
Kasulo | -2.480560 , 30.913890 |
Katimba | -2.553330 , 30.517220 |
Keza | -2.750000 , 30.683330 |
Kibimba | -2.483330 , 30.700000 |
Kiginga | -2.801940 , 30.493330 |
Kumubuga | -2.795280 , 30.725830 |
Kumuvanike | -2.880560 , 30.548330 |
Lukokorome | -2.266670 , 31.016670 |
Mabawe | -2.585280 , 30.500830 |
Mbuba | -2.661390 , 30.597500 |
Mu Buhenge | -2.547220 , 30.527780 |
Mu Kafigiri | -2.600000 , 30.500000 |
Mu Kalinzi | -2.933330 , 30.716670 |
Mu Kikomero | -2.516670 , 30.533330 |
Mu Rgwonza | -2.478890 , 30.663610 |
Mu Rukurazo | -2.451670 , 30.713060 |
Mu Rurama | -2.728330 , 30.565280 |
Mu Rusagamba | -2.963060 , 30.843330 |
Muganza | -2.933330 , 30.666670 |
Mugoma | -2.523330 , 30.536670 |
Muhweza | -2.575560 , 30.544170 |
Mukolera | -2.894720 , 30.453610 |
Musumbo | -2.469440 , 30.688890 |
Ndeke | -2.733330 , 30.483330 |
Ngara | -2.512220 , 30.655830 |
Ntungamo | -2.583330 , 30.500000 |
Nyakasanza | -2.498330 , 30.852220 |
Nyakisasa | -2.702500 , 30.692500 |
Nyakiziba | -2.400280 , 30.752780 |
Nyamahale | -2.433330 , 30.916670 |
Nyamala | -2.432780 , 30.717500 |
Nyamiyaga | -2.466670 , 30.700000 |
Nyanzoyu | -2.901390 , 30.663890 |
Nyinampigwe | -2.675830 , 30.700560 |
Ruganzo | -2.546670 , 30.685560 |
Rugarama | -2.824170 , 30.450000 |
Rulenge | -2.717500 , 30.632500 |
Rusumo | -2.385000 , 30.785830 |
Rususu | -2.378610 , 30.785830 |
Rwinyana | -2.835000 , 30.531110 |
Shanga | -2.538330 , 30.542500 |
Yagaba | -2.866670 , 30.466670 |
- You can download geometry data for Ngara in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.