Merkez (Gumushane) Map Cropping Samples

Merkez (Gumushane) Map Cropping Samples-1

Merkez (Gumushane) Map Cropping Samples-2

Merkez neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Merkez with 3D shadow effect

Merkez map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Merkez (geojson format) :
Merkez.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Merkez map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Merkez Map : ( 40.253702 , 39.268083 , 40.732149 , 40.11807 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Merkez map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](40.253702, 39.268083, 40.732149, 40.11807);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Merkez)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Merkez
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Akcahisar | 40.382450 , 39.783600 |
Akcakale | 40.431960 , 39.525080 |
Akgedik | 40.377470 , 39.651270 |
Akhisar | 40.442970 , 39.849060 |
Akocak | 40.598610 , 39.891950 |
Akpinar | 40.425820 , 39.781830 |
Aksu | 40.386270 , 39.397830 |
Aktutan | 40.488180 , 39.543110 |
Alcakdere | 40.612260 , 40.004730 |
Alemdar | 40.438610 , 39.482970 |
Arduc | 40.448800 , 39.830800 |
Arslanca | 40.538230 , 40.020000 |
Asagi Alicli | 40.334670 , 39.516850 |
Avsarbeyli | 40.344520 , 39.466320 |
Babustan | 40.400000 , 39.866670 |
Bahcecik | 40.432560 , 39.596790 |
Balabantasi | 40.300000 , 39.383330 |
Ballica | 40.437380 , 39.729680 |
Bandirlik | 40.520730 , 39.785170 |
Besoba | 40.585910 , 39.892300 |
Beycam | 40.329530 , 39.715000 |
Bogali | 40.605470 , 40.029020 |
Bolodor | 40.313910 , 39.432910 |
Boyluca | 40.401760 , 39.325020 |
Calik | 40.351810 , 39.787510 |
Camli | 40.402960 , 39.482270 |
Canca | 40.460170 , 39.454640 |
Cayirardi | 40.372170 , 39.580770 |
Corak | 40.590870 , 39.828870 |
Cukut | 40.376150 , 39.697190 |
Dagteke | 40.366950 , 39.554980 |
Demirkaynak | 40.495610 , 39.395370 |
Demiroren | 40.460610 , 39.848200 |
Dibekli | 40.476390 , 39.370470 |
Dolek | 40.482770 , 39.710300 |
Dortkonak | 40.412200 , 39.379670 |
Dugunyazi | 40.358980 , 39.671100 |
Dumanli | 40.673100 , 39.798950 |
Duymadik | 40.398060 , 39.830610 |
Erdemler | 40.468330 , 39.725300 |
Esenler | 40.543120 , 39.829040 |
Esenyurt | 40.367660 , 39.553360 |
Evreni | 40.366670 , 39.350000 |
Gezge | 40.583330 , 40.050000 |
Gokcekilise | 40.283330 , 39.516670 |
Gokcepinar | 40.276370 , 39.507890 |
Gokdere | 40.327550 , 39.667650 |
Gozeler | 40.455330 , 39.392690 |
Gümüşhane | 40.460674 , 39.478793 |
Gumushkhane | 40.460280 , 39.481390 |
Gungoren | 40.561010 , 40.058140 |
Guvercinlik | 40.369730 , 39.840940 |
Harmancik | 40.433420 , 39.637290 |
Haskoy | 40.435610 , 39.358870 |
Horsul | 40.400000 , 39.350000 |
Ikisu | 40.533920 , 39.401630 |
Ikiz | 40.546520 , 39.804070 |
Incesu | 40.587250 , 39.856680 |
Kabakoy | 40.437030 , 39.696010 |
Kalaycioglu | 40.516670 , 39.533330 |
Kale | 40.386880 , 39.683320 |
Kaletas | 40.448180 , 39.757710 |
Kayabasi | 40.564320 , 39.824810 |
Kazantas | 40.320350 , 39.588660 |
Kecikaya | 40.378120 , 39.697240 |
Kilicoren | 40.381750 , 39.850270 |
Kirikli | 40.352870 , 39.558980 |
Kizilca | 40.274010 , 39.521120 |
Kocapinar | 40.459400 , 39.595050 |
Kocayokus | 40.346330 , 39.810340 |
Kodil | 40.463040 , 39.364570 |
Kovans | 40.400000 , 39.650000 |
Kurtoglu | 40.305160 , 39.397440 |
Midi | 40.350000 , 39.333330 |
Nazlicayir | 40.341480 , 39.733680 |
Olucak | 40.532630 , 39.590630 |
Olukdere | 40.382660 , 39.558210 |
Orenler | 40.531040 , 40.044740 |
Ovundu | 40.520580 , 39.332590 |
Pehlivantasi | 40.407780 , 39.787550 |
Pirahmet | 40.398040 , 39.600110 |
Reksene | 40.345130 , 39.452880 |
Saphane | 40.529060 , 39.766430 |
Sarginkaya | 40.362100 , 39.740470 |
Saricicek | 40.441320 , 39.857800 |
Soeguetagil | 40.438840 , 39.769610 |
Son | 40.550000 , 39.483330 |
Sule | 40.405050 , 39.716100 |
Sungubayir | 40.463300 , 39.802580 |
Sungurbeyli | 40.318780 , 39.553560 |
Tamzi | 40.373690 , 39.715590 |
Tandirlik | 40.488130 , 39.839110 |
Tekkekoy | 40.421210 , 39.587900 |
Yağlıdere | 40.545010 , 39.531670 |
Yagmurdere | 40.574870 , 39.862440 |
Yaydemir | 40.430870 , 39.383550 |
Yayladere | 40.471920 , 39.788700 |
Yenice | 40.319950 , 39.774200 |
Yenikoy | 40.319010 , 39.481840 |
Yeniyol | 40.400190 , 39.623730 |
Yesilyurt | 40.496490 , 39.473320 |
Yukari Alicli | 40.316110 , 39.526940 |
Yukari Yuvali | 40.526680 , 39.877380 |
- You can download geometry data for Merkez in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.