Merkez (Manisa) Map Cropping Samples

Merkez (Manisa) Map Cropping Samples-1

Merkez (Manisa) Map Cropping Samples-2

Merkez neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Merkez with 3D shadow effect

Merkez map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Merkez (geojson format) :
Merkez.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Merkez map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Merkez Map : ( 38.468898 , 27.123751 , 38.930925 , 27.630988 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Merkez map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](38.468898, 27.123751, 38.930925, 27.630988);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Merkez)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Merkez
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Akcakoy | 38.811480 , 27.265510 |
Akgedik | 38.639880 , 27.279440 |
Asagi Cobanisa | 38.571110 , 27.570830 |
Asmacik | 38.905770 , 27.317620 |
Avdal | 38.722350 , 27.284170 |
Ayvacik | 38.556170 , 27.475850 |
Bagyolu | 38.716900 , 27.328420 |
Belenyenice | 38.792290 , 27.448100 |
Beydere | 38.681560 , 27.247870 |
Bostanlar | 38.730110 , 27.313020 |
Camkoy | 38.735620 , 27.386560 |
Camlica | 38.751450 , 27.314350 |
Cavusoglu | 38.635850 , 27.560950 |
Cerkezmahmudiye | 38.750000 , 27.450000 |
Cerkeztevfikiye | 38.718110 , 27.349100 |
Cinarlikuyu | 38.748420 , 27.395820 |
Davutlar | 38.794770 , 27.361070 |
Dazyurt | 38.770200 , 27.191910 |
Demirci | 38.844720 , 27.381110 |
Dere | 38.610940 , 27.368280 |
Durasilli | 38.803380 , 27.163520 |
Duzlen | 38.772500 , 27.158060 |
Emlakdere | 38.607880 , 27.324300 |
Eskiyagcilar | 38.673250 , 27.275920 |
Evrenos | 38.658070 , 27.348180 |
Gokbel | 38.851390 , 27.436670 |
Gokceler | 38.574700 , 27.286350 |
Gurle | 38.614060 , 27.291810 |
Guzelkoy | 38.664080 , 27.445620 |
Hacihaliller | 38.606940 , 27.600000 |
Halitli | 38.760770 , 27.428430 |
Hamzabeyli | 38.581650 , 27.609900 |
Harmandali | 38.633330 , 27.550000 |
Horozkoy | 38.632130 , 27.402620 |
Ilyascilar | 38.803440 , 27.269640 |
Kagan | 38.808060 , 27.430830 |
Kalekoy | 38.772180 , 27.400110 |
Karaagacli | 38.680580 , 27.519740 |
Karahuseyinli | 38.890710 , 27.293270 |
Karakilicli | 38.776390 , 27.343330 |
Karakoca | 38.560040 , 27.331150 |
Karaoglanli | 38.529170 , 27.566670 |
Karaveliler | 38.828650 , 27.331710 |
Karayagci Hacilar | 38.745550 , 27.329150 |
Karayenice | 38.764050 , 27.448740 |
Kayapinar | 38.599370 , 27.351170 |
Kecili | 38.614590 , 27.347130 |
Kelemli | 38.797580 , 27.469160 |
Kiranciftligi | 38.743930 , 27.392550 |
Kocakoru | 38.748540 , 27.378970 |
Korukoy | 38.831730 , 27.238630 |
Kozaklar | 38.806390 , 27.301940 |
Kucuk Belen | 38.784950 , 27.296090 |
Kucuk Sumbuller | 38.740480 , 27.245630 |
Maldan | 38.845830 , 27.279170 |
Manisa | 38.621475 , 27.392554 |
Molla Suleymanli | 38.744960 , 27.341820 |
Muradiye | 38.660250 , 27.338360 |
Muslih | 38.832650 , 27.342390 |
Orencik | 38.850000 , 27.350000 |
Orselli | 38.862820 , 27.263680 |
Ortakoy | 38.750670 , 27.213940 |
Osmancali | 38.783330 , 27.433330 |
Otmanlar | 38.759660 , 27.165070 |
Pelitalan | 38.852380 , 27.329240 |
Pinarkoy | 38.888040 , 27.280000 |
Recepli | 38.917320 , 27.344440 |
Sakalli | 38.896170 , 27.347960 |
Samar | 38.668290 , 27.246350 |
Sancakli Igdecik | 38.492130 , 27.537300 |
Sanjakli Cesmebasi | 38.554340 , 27.539610 |
Sanjakli Kayadibi | 38.544720 , 27.522220 |
Sanjakli Uzuncinar | 38.517360 , 27.520970 |
Sannasuhlar | 38.683330 , 27.219770 |
Sariahmetli | 38.887160 , 27.246540 |
Sarialan | 38.784520 , 27.412250 |
Sarikaya | 38.565650 , 27.316790 |
Sarma | 38.763500 , 27.400100 |
Selimsahlar | 38.709940 , 27.508310 |
Siyekli | 38.808330 , 27.233610 |
Sumbultepe | 38.750970 , 27.353920 |
Sungullu | 38.876220 , 27.290740 |
Tekeliler | 38.712550 , 27.451960 |
Tepecik | 38.757750 , 27.504690 |
Tilki Suleymaniye | 38.734170 , 27.478060 |
Turgutalp | 38.574570 , 27.378980 |
Ucpinar | 38.734230 , 27.361640 |
Uzunlar | 38.912040 , 27.310070 |
Veziroglu | 38.672540 , 27.473050 |
Yagcilar | 38.673010 , 27.291680 |
Yayla | 38.590200 , 27.319930 |
Yaylakoy | 38.781540 , 27.222510 |
Yeni Harmandali | 38.631290 , 27.534790 |
Yeni Mahmudiye | 38.662630 , 27.508660 |
Yenice | 38.863800 , 27.252050 |
Yesilkoy | 38.623330 , 27.620560 |
Yukari Cobanisa | 38.561090 , 27.551960 |
Yuntdagikoseler | 38.850000 , 27.200000 |
- You can download geometry data for Merkez in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.