Merkez (Manisa) Map Cropping Samples

Merkez (Manisa) Map Cropping Samples-1
Merkez (Manisa) Map Cropping Samples-1

Merkez (Manisa) Map Cropping Samples-2
Merkez (Manisa) Map Cropping Samples-2

Merkez neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect
Merkez neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Merkez with 3D shadow effect
flag map of Merkez with 3D shadow effect

Merkez map with 3d shadow effect
Merkez map with 3d shadow effect

Create and download free physical and topographic maps for Merkez.

Download outline map of Merkez (geojson format) : Merkez.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Merkez map for "Google Maps" : Merkez.txt
Bounding Box for Merkez Map : ( 38.468898 , 27.123751 , 38.930925 , 27.630988 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Merkez map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](38.468898, 27.123751, 38.930925, 27.630988);
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Merkez)
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Neighborhoods and Villages of Merkez
Neighborhoods and VillagesCoordinates (Latitude, Longitude)
Akcakoy 38.811480 , 27.265510
Akgedik 38.639880 , 27.279440
Asagi Cobanisa 38.571110 , 27.570830
Asmacik 38.905770 , 27.317620
Avdal 38.722350 , 27.284170
Ayvacik 38.556170 , 27.475850
Bagyolu 38.716900 , 27.328420
Belenyenice 38.792290 , 27.448100
Beydere 38.681560 , 27.247870
Bostanlar 38.730110 , 27.313020
Camkoy 38.735620 , 27.386560
Camlica 38.751450 , 27.314350
Cavusoglu 38.635850 , 27.560950
Cerkezmahmudiye 38.750000 , 27.450000
Cerkeztevfikiye 38.718110 , 27.349100
Cinarlikuyu 38.748420 , 27.395820
Davutlar 38.794770 , 27.361070
Dazyurt 38.770200 , 27.191910
Demirci 38.844720 , 27.381110
Dere 38.610940 , 27.368280
Durasilli 38.803380 , 27.163520
Duzlen 38.772500 , 27.158060
Emlakdere 38.607880 , 27.324300
Eskiyagcilar 38.673250 , 27.275920
Evrenos 38.658070 , 27.348180
Gokbel 38.851390 , 27.436670
Gokceler 38.574700 , 27.286350
Gurle 38.614060 , 27.291810
Guzelkoy 38.664080 , 27.445620
Hacihaliller 38.606940 , 27.600000
Halitli 38.760770 , 27.428430
Hamzabeyli 38.581650 , 27.609900
Harmandali 38.633330 , 27.550000
Horozkoy 38.632130 , 27.402620
Ilyascilar 38.803440 , 27.269640
Kagan 38.808060 , 27.430830
Kalekoy 38.772180 , 27.400110
Karaagacli 38.680580 , 27.519740
Karahuseyinli 38.890710 , 27.293270
Karakilicli 38.776390 , 27.343330
Karakoca 38.560040 , 27.331150
Karaoglanli 38.529170 , 27.566670
Karaveliler 38.828650 , 27.331710
Karayagci Hacilar 38.745550 , 27.329150
Karayenice 38.764050 , 27.448740
Kayapinar 38.599370 , 27.351170
Kecili 38.614590 , 27.347130
Kelemli 38.797580 , 27.469160
Kiranciftligi 38.743930 , 27.392550
Kocakoru 38.748540 , 27.378970
Korukoy 38.831730 , 27.238630
Kozaklar 38.806390 , 27.301940
Kucuk Belen 38.784950 , 27.296090
Kucuk Sumbuller 38.740480 , 27.245630
Maldan 38.845830 , 27.279170
Manisa 38.621475 , 27.392554
Molla Suleymanli 38.744960 , 27.341820
Muradiye 38.660250 , 27.338360
Muslih 38.832650 , 27.342390
Orencik 38.850000 , 27.350000
Orselli 38.862820 , 27.263680
Ortakoy 38.750670 , 27.213940
Osmancali 38.783330 , 27.433330
Otmanlar 38.759660 , 27.165070
Pelitalan 38.852380 , 27.329240
Pinarkoy 38.888040 , 27.280000
Recepli 38.917320 , 27.344440
Sakalli 38.896170 , 27.347960
Samar 38.668290 , 27.246350
Sancakli Igdecik 38.492130 , 27.537300
Sanjakli Cesmebasi 38.554340 , 27.539610
Sanjakli Kayadibi 38.544720 , 27.522220
Sanjakli Uzuncinar 38.517360 , 27.520970
Sannasuhlar 38.683330 , 27.219770
Sariahmetli 38.887160 , 27.246540
Sarialan 38.784520 , 27.412250
Sarikaya 38.565650 , 27.316790
Sarma 38.763500 , 27.400100
Selimsahlar 38.709940 , 27.508310
Siyekli 38.808330 , 27.233610
Sumbultepe 38.750970 , 27.353920
Sungullu 38.876220 , 27.290740
Tekeliler 38.712550 , 27.451960
Tepecik 38.757750 , 27.504690
Tilki Suleymaniye 38.734170 , 27.478060
Turgutalp 38.574570 , 27.378980
Ucpinar 38.734230 , 27.361640
Uzunlar 38.912040 , 27.310070
Veziroglu 38.672540 , 27.473050
Yagcilar 38.673010 , 27.291680
Yayla 38.590200 , 27.319930
Yaylakoy 38.781540 , 27.222510
Yeni Harmandali 38.631290 , 27.534790
Yeni Mahmudiye 38.662630 , 27.508660
Yenice 38.863800 , 27.252050
Yesilkoy 38.623330 , 27.620560
Yukari Cobanisa 38.561090 , 27.551960
Yuntdagikoseler 38.850000 , 27.200000

- You can download geometry data for Merkez in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**) Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.

Create Merkez neighborhoods and villages map.

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