Sungurlu (Corum) Map Cropping Samples

Sungurlu (Corum) Map Cropping Samples-1

Sungurlu (Corum) Map Cropping Samples-2

Sungurlu neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Sungurlu with 3D shadow effect

Sungurlu map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Sungurlu (geojson format) :
Sungurlu.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Sungurlu map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Sungurlu Map : ( 39.9286624401 , 33.9641355824 , 40.4828445616 , 34.6764027221 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Sungurlu map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](39.9286624401, 33.9641355824, 40.4828445616, 34.6764027221);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Sungurlu)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Sungurlu
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Akcakoyunlu | 40.030190 , 34.179800 |
Akcali | 40.212120 , 34.404590 |
Akdere | 40.239260 , 34.493930 |
Akpinar | 40.121950 , 34.193330 |
Alembeyli | 40.043720 , 34.218240 |
Arabacayi | 40.227970 , 34.551500 |
Arici | 40.254140 , 34.369370 |
Arifegazili | 40.222560 , 34.534690 |
Asagibespinar | 40.153530 , 34.239220 |
Asagifindikli | 40.267590 , 34.417720 |
Asayis Karahaci | 40.399720 , 34.220370 |
Ayagibuyuk | 40.077330 , 34.485930 |
Aydogan | 40.143050 , 34.193420 |
Bagcili | 40.062380 , 34.254470 |
Bagdatli | 40.266670 , 34.050000 |
Bahsili | 40.103140 , 34.118630 |
Balkaya | 39.969180 , 34.330190 |
Besdam | 40.241150 , 34.615050 |
Beskiz | 40.082160 , 34.431940 |
Beylice | 40.216670 , 34.611350 |
Beyyurdu | 40.180190 , 34.582160 |
Boztepe | 40.215880 , 34.294290 |
Bozyayla | 40.230580 , 34.117450 |
Bunalan | 39.953020 , 34.305040 |
Buyukbolat | 40.038220 , 34.276440 |
Cadirhuyuk | 40.308760 , 34.114500 |
Camoluk | 39.983330 , 34.266670 |
Canbeli | 40.016770 , 34.412810 |
Cavuscu | 40.336080 , 34.203140 |
Cavuskoy | 40.202240 , 34.484790 |
Cayan | 40.369300 , 34.269550 |
Cayyaka | 40.359600 , 34.124700 |
Cevheri | 40.204060 , 34.430440 |
Cicekli | 40.273500 , 34.392470 |
Ciftlikkoy | 40.152360 , 34.281940 |
Cingiller | 40.267860 , 34.334880 |
Cukurlu | 40.066040 , 34.358670 |
Culhali | 40.297840 , 34.313530 |
Dayancik | 39.995290 , 34.199220 |
Denizli | 40.158420 , 34.155500 |
Derekisla | 40.089390 , 34.314660 |
Dertli | 40.287790 , 34.280920 |
Ekmekci | 40.171400 , 34.637230 |
Esme | 40.309660 , 34.496580 |
Gafurlu | 40.248430 , 34.590580 |
Gazi | 40.287820 , 34.374180 |
Gokcam | 40.136870 , 34.574480 |
Gokcekoy | 40.200090 , 34.614280 |
Goller | 40.052690 , 34.406650 |
Gulderesi | 40.322710 , 34.444500 |
Guloluk | 40.323960 , 34.285240 |
Guvendik | 40.133330 , 34.100000 |
Hacilarhani | 40.286070 , 34.575530 |
Haciosman | 40.332330 , 34.316230 |
Hilalli | 40.386650 , 34.179410 |
Ikizli | 40.307510 , 34.342600 |
Imirli | 40.267650 , 34.292000 |
Inegazili | 40.225090 , 34.020770 |
Kaledere | 40.338370 , 34.426290 |
Kalenderoglu | 40.408030 , 34.266170 |
Kamisli | 40.119530 , 34.491320 |
Karacabey | 40.011260 , 34.325570 |
Karacay | 40.242540 , 34.227050 |
Karakaya | 40.253200 , 34.630970 |
Karakocali | 40.308230 , 34.453200 |
Karaoglu | 40.310460 , 34.522170 |
Kavsut | 40.275830 , 34.136940 |
Kemalli | 40.106460 , 34.345470 |
Kertme | 40.281350 , 34.446890 |
Kirankisla | 40.173910 , 34.497430 |
Kislakoy | 40.236410 , 34.309530 |
Kizilcakisla | 40.342140 , 34.286010 |
Korku | 40.102360 , 34.480980 |
Kucukbolat | 40.118510 , 34.378430 |
Kucukemekci | 40.160460 , 34.641670 |
Kucukincesu | 40.135770 , 34.450000 |
Kula | 40.467120 , 34.145340 |
Kurbagli | 40.025480 , 34.396470 |
Kuscali | 40.274300 , 34.008250 |
Kuzucak | 40.067450 , 34.139220 |
Mahmatli | 40.245020 , 34.350040 |
Mehmetaliciftligi | 40.430410 , 34.273720 |
Mehmetbeyli | 40.106060 , 34.652060 |
Muratkolu | 40.288410 , 34.485870 |
Oglakozu | 40.229010 , 34.451750 |
Ortakisla | 39.973520 , 34.245500 |
Ortakoy | 40.351340 , 34.402630 |
Oyaca | 40.352160 , 34.343940 |
Pasaciftligi | 40.453810 , 34.139950 |
Salmankoy | 40.119980 , 34.525480 |
Saraycik | 40.252990 , 34.529380 |
Sarikaya | 40.071770 , 34.272910 |
Sarisoku | 40.030370 , 34.354820 |
Sekerhacili | 40.154560 , 34.594200 |
Sungurlu | 40.167500 , 34.373890 |
Tatli | 40.074300 , 34.378010 |
Tatlisu | 40.189110 , 34.242620 |
Terzili | 40.211960 , 34.164310 |
Tokullu | 40.316670 , 34.133330 |
Topuz | 40.374780 , 34.325170 |
Tugcu | 40.187260 , 34.321550 |
Tuglu | 40.431200 , 34.311720 |
Turgutlu | 40.183500 , 34.158950 |
Ucoluk | 40.384660 , 34.352290 |
Yeni Hacilarhani | 40.288200 , 34.585990 |
Yesilova | 40.250000 , 34.200000 |
Yesilyurt | 40.269340 , 34.211300 |
Yirce | 40.408480 , 34.293830 |
Yorgali | 40.092410 , 34.272840 |
Yoruklu | 40.311510 , 34.251090 |
Yukari Beskiz | 40.065140 , 34.453220 |
Yukaribespinar | 40.175890 , 34.246920 |
Zangi | 40.037830 , 34.339010 |
- You can download geometry data for Sungurlu in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.