Merkez (Rize) Map Cropping Samples

Merkez (Rize) Map Cropping Samples-1

Merkez (Rize) Map Cropping Samples-2

Merkez neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Merkez with 3D shadow effect

Merkez map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Merkez (geojson format) :
Merkez.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Merkez map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Merkez Map : ( 40.831573 , 40.402145 , 41.072983 , 40.724495 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Merkez map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](40.831573, 40.402145, 41.072983, 40.724495);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Merkez)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Merkez
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Akarsu | 41.022670 , 40.585630 |
Akpinar | 41.043060 , 40.653010 |
Aktas | 41.021010 , 40.608070 |
Alipasa | 41.028690 , 40.458050 |
Ambarlik | 40.911690 , 40.545180 |
Ayane | 40.958640 , 40.484250 |
Balikcilar | 41.066230 , 40.648970 |
Bestepe | 40.975420 , 40.445140 |
Bildircin | 40.996480 , 40.469790 |
Bildircinkoy | 41.006760 , 40.492050 |
Bogazkoy | 41.028040 , 40.634780 |
Camidagi | 40.991720 , 40.549270 |
Caybasi | 40.926680 , 40.544720 |
Caycilar | 40.998020 , 40.469750 |
Caykent | 40.968190 , 40.527970 |
Ciftekavak | 41.032160 , 40.478320 |
Cimenli | 40.918420 , 40.547060 |
Cinciva | 41.000000 , 40.483330 |
Derebasi | 40.966400 , 40.559990 |
Duzkoy | 40.990310 , 40.477320 |
Elmali | 40.941680 , 40.512090 |
Gecitli | 40.955460 , 40.424120 |
Golgeli | 41.013020 , 40.482310 |
Gündoğdu | 41.038010 , 40.600000 |
Guzelyurt | 40.886630 , 40.567950 |
Ilica | 40.864720 , 40.588330 |
Karasu | 40.898530 , 40.563030 |
Karayemis | 40.925070 , 40.526740 |
Kasarcilar | 40.970640 , 40.541840 |
Kendirli Beldesi | 40.966670 , 40.433330 |
Kirechane | 40.961970 , 40.503280 |
Kirklartepesi | 40.961020 , 40.489270 |
Kocatepe | 40.967170 , 40.505720 |
Komurculer | 40.932850 , 40.521340 |
Koprulu | 40.977700 , 40.516340 |
Kucuk Cayir | 40.889700 , 40.576790 |
Kucukkoy | 40.992330 , 40.493560 |
Melek | 40.964170 , 40.548810 |
Muradiye | 40.953410 , 40.552880 |
Ornek | 40.999960 , 40.557540 |
Ortapazar | 40.978410 , 40.473190 |
Pazarkoy | 40.997920 , 40.578010 |
Pehlivantasi | 40.994190 , 40.479670 |
Pekmezli | 41.014780 , 40.582160 |
Pinarbasi | 41.019760 , 40.620900 |
Rize | 41.032987 , 40.546331 |
Selimiye | 40.969380 , 40.465080 |
Sogukcesme | 40.982410 , 40.493610 |
Sogutlu | 41.060630 , 40.657410 |
Sutluce | 40.986100 , 40.564390 |
Taskopru | 40.957890 , 40.538890 |
Taslik | 41.038470 , 40.601270 |
Taspinar | 41.018070 , 40.604260 |
Tekke | 40.946410 , 40.520640 |
Topkaya | 41.016500 , 40.467720 |
Tuglali | 40.988100 , 40.490900 |
Uckaya | 40.980790 , 40.484760 |
Uzumlu | 40.953970 , 40.517110 |
Uzunkoy | 41.022030 , 40.473310 |
Velikoy | 41.027420 , 40.620210 |
Yemislik | 40.945360 , 40.497530 |
Yenidogan | 41.013310 , 40.630720 |
Yeniguzel | 40.981660 , 40.541600 |
Yenikale | 41.059020 , 40.631260 |
Yenikasarcilar | 40.973570 , 40.544560 |
Yeniselimiye | 40.967860 , 40.451030 |
Yesildere | 40.912130 , 40.531040 |
Yigitler | 40.954100 , 40.533530 |
Yolustu | 40.975390 , 40.479490 |
Yolveren | 40.992300 , 40.531910 |
Yukari Selimiye | 40.972310 , 40.439750 |
Zincirlikopru | 41.009620 , 40.575110 |
- You can download geometry data for Merkez in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.