Balya (Balikesir) Map Cropping Samples

Balya (Balikesir) Map Cropping Samples-1

Balya (Balikesir) Map Cropping Samples-2

Balya neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Balya with 3D shadow effect

Balya map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Balya (geojson format) :
Balya.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Balya map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Balya Map : ( 39.6160601021 , 27.3384440861 , 39.95238043 , 27.853899258 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Balya map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](39.6160601021, 27.3384440861, 39.95238043, 27.853899258);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Balya)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Balya
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Akbas | 39.656480 , 27.527090 |
Akcal | 39.733330 , 27.633330 |
Akpinarciftligi | 39.716670 , 27.650000 |
Alidemirci | 39.713610 , 27.679440 |
Arpabuku | 39.882690 , 27.713740 |
Balya | 39.748610 , 27.578890 |
Bedellerobasi | 39.748680 , 27.665200 |
Bengiler | 39.742570 , 27.483560 |
Cakallar | 39.719700 , 27.555060 |
Camavsar | 39.698710 , 27.423680 |
Camova | 39.802310 , 27.540520 |
Camucu | 39.684720 , 27.387220 |
Cigdem | 39.713610 , 27.467780 |
Cukurcuk | 39.811070 , 27.586040 |
Danisment | 39.869170 , 27.633060 |
Degirmendere | 39.782210 , 27.543330 |
Degirmendere | 39.903970 , 27.574700 |
Deliler | 39.850000 , 27.516670 |
Derekoy | 39.863330 , 27.505000 |
Doganlar | 39.782220 , 27.510560 |
Dortyol | 39.720460 , 27.402220 |
Farsak | 39.719230 , 27.361460 |
Gokmusa | 39.811930 , 27.720140 |
Goktepe | 39.692120 , 27.529170 |
Goloba | 39.853810 , 27.575260 |
Habibler | 39.698610 , 27.487030 |
Hacihuseyin | 39.693200 , 27.651550 |
Havutbasi | 39.785060 , 27.471140 |
Ilica | 39.875830 , 27.776390 |
Ilicakpinar | 39.916670 , 27.733330 |
Kadikoy | 39.781050 , 27.609350 |
Karacahisar | 39.909420 , 27.740000 |
Karadag | 39.816670 , 27.516670 |
Karadag | 39.843120 , 27.538270 |
Karamustafa | 39.825450 , 27.514820 |
Karlik | 39.827420 , 27.735310 |
Kasikci | 39.707760 , 27.521940 |
Kavakalani | 39.787640 , 27.671310 |
Kayalar | 39.829170 , 27.672780 |
Kayapinar | 39.828890 , 27.596390 |
Kocabuk | 39.626850 , 27.550830 |
Koyuneri | 39.922910 , 27.658790 |
Mancilik | 39.886910 , 27.529290 |
Medrese | 39.673610 , 27.559730 |
Mustecap | 39.742350 , 27.534490 |
Narli | 39.689230 , 27.696700 |
Orenkoy | 39.852250 , 27.641730 |
Orhanlar | 39.911540 , 27.617770 |
Patlak | 39.757830 , 27.616130 |
Semizkoy | 39.814800 , 27.619130 |
Sobucealan | 39.811770 , 27.751390 |
Uzuncinar | 39.864050 , 27.588630 |
Yaylacik | 39.750830 , 27.431390 |
Yazlik | 39.799250 , 27.576890 |
Yenikavak | 39.910150 , 27.808950 |
- You can download geometry data for Balya in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.