Varzob (Karategin) Map Cropping Samples

Varzob (Karategin) Map Cropping Samples-1

Varzob (Karategin) Map Cropping Samples-2

Varzob neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Varzob with 3D shadow effect

Varzob map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Varzob (geojson format) :
Varzob.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Varzob map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Varzob Map : ( 38.600007 , 68.449129 , 39.033501 , 69.007572 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Varzob map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](38.600007, 68.449129, 39.033501, 69.007572);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Varzob)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Varzob
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agurty | 38.660940 , 68.872830 |
Alakchin | 38.675000 , 68.769440 |
Alkhitoy | 38.668660 , 68.805770 |
Alkhuch | 38.727850 , 68.703300 |
Ardzhanak | 38.756210 , 68.581560 |
Bakaul | 38.666670 , 68.800000 |
Begar | 38.795210 , 68.825700 |
Bobosurkhon | 38.665190 , 68.625140 |
Bulokisaidon | 38.650280 , 68.610710 |
Burma | 38.850000 , 68.683330 |
Chagatoy | 38.639890 , 68.760430 |
Changob | 38.645610 , 68.574590 |
Chonar | 38.667230 , 68.898900 |
Chorbog | 38.661660 , 68.758600 |
Chormargzakon | 38.689200 , 68.740190 |
Dadozi | 38.628060 , 68.615810 |
Dagana | 38.700230 , 68.787970 |
Dashtimiron | 38.662160 , 68.828690 |
Dekhamalik | 38.850030 , 68.912990 |
Dubova | 38.618620 , 68.925790 |
Dzhalandar | 38.645220 , 68.828320 |
Dzhangalda | 38.682020 , 68.785150 |
Dzhirginak | 38.648320 , 68.627800 |
Fanfarok | 38.719700 , 68.810130 |
Firuzoobod | 38.697170 , 68.803670 |
Garob | 38.869560 , 68.963540 |
Gazhim | 38.825040 , 68.815670 |
Gofil'abad | 38.857530 , 68.668000 |
Gulbog | 38.626130 , 68.958050 |
Gulpista | 38.649760 , 68.806090 |
Gurakha | 38.650330 , 68.762450 |
Guruyon | 38.680980 , 68.605000 |
Guskharf | 38.741430 , 68.791920 |
Kabuty | 38.983330 , 68.800000 |
Katanbulok | 38.630750 , 68.952120 |
Kharangony | 38.675560 , 68.864720 |
Khayronak | 38.643060 , 68.850850 |
Khodzha-Maston | 38.744570 , 68.627020 |
Khoja Obigarm | 38.895990 , 68.798220 |
Khokali | 38.625560 , 68.916670 |
Khonanokh | 38.713890 , 68.604280 |
Kisatorosh | 38.683270 , 68.667740 |
Kondara | 38.810600 , 68.824030 |
Kosataroshi Bolo | 38.680560 , 68.666670 |
Kul'makmidi | 38.654980 , 68.833370 |
Kulibedak | 38.657640 , 68.724320 |
Kurpai | 38.641960 , 68.663550 |
Kurpay | 38.642230 , 68.862480 |
Kuruk | 38.846290 , 68.671680 |
Kushkak | 38.718650 , 68.633610 |
Loyob | 38.650060 , 68.652490 |
Luchob | 38.704800 , 68.681390 |
Magaitu | 38.842170 , 68.678860 |
Marifati | 38.625410 , 68.689800 |
Mekhtari | 38.620510 , 68.898930 |
Muguloni-Poyen | 38.655420 , 68.703520 |
Navruzbuloq | 38.687480 , 68.641180 |
Novobod | 38.686420 , 68.793640 |
Odzhuk | 38.777210 , 68.897260 |
Pichandor | 38.881030 , 68.955340 |
Poshum | 38.878130 , 68.924250 |
Pshambe | 38.891130 , 68.939430 |
Pugus | 38.852260 , 68.847880 |
Purud | 38.886340 , 68.923150 |
Rokhaty | 38.601310 , 68.931840 |
Sarinay | 38.740540 , 68.654620 |
Sary-Kutal' | 38.688150 , 68.694980 |
Shaikhak | 38.626060 , 68.903520 |
Shamal | 38.759940 , 68.617710 |
Sharshara | 38.693280 , 68.822690 |
Shir-Atala | 38.800940 , 68.715180 |
Sholikungurot | 38.675070 , 68.691720 |
Sokur | 38.666670 , 68.833330 |
Taftakhta | 38.722680 , 68.654450 |
Tagob | 38.838270 , 68.898470 |
Tash-Bul | 38.733330 , 68.616670 |
Tashbulok | 38.663760 , 68.854110 |
Toshbuloq | 38.712550 , 68.629790 |
Toykara | 38.636940 , 68.726940 |
Tutaka | 38.661390 , 68.585000 |
Varmanik | 38.836450 , 68.967110 |
Varzob | 38.773690 , 68.817760 |
Varzobkala | 38.766410 , 68.816090 |
Yeabzak | 38.683330 , 68.700000 |
Yunuskhodzha | 38.627250 , 68.672750 |
Zamchurud | 38.773500 , 68.800960 |
Zandkhur | 38.705390 , 68.645090 |
Zimchurud | 38.766670 , 68.750000 |
Zuman | 38.860570 , 68.957000 |
- You can download geometry data for Varzob in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.