Vanj (Kuhistoni Badakhshon) Map Cropping Samples

Vanj (Kuhistoni Badakhshon) Map Cropping Samples-1

Vanj (Kuhistoni Badakhshon) Map Cropping Samples-2

Vanj neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Vanj with 3D shadow effect

Vanj map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Vanj (geojson format) :
Vanj.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Vanj map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Vanj Map : ( 37.947022 , 71.175663 , 38.759216 , 72.292242 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Vanj map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](37.947022, 71.175663, 38.759216, 72.292242);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Vanj)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Vanj
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Andarbog | 38.232320 , 71.544200 |
Ardobag | 38.442980 , 71.591710 |
Baravn | 38.486530 , 71.647030 |
Baravni Tor | 38.311400 , 71.307940 |
Bichkharv | 38.335010 , 71.408270 |
Bichrav | 38.187990 , 71.990950 |
Bodaud | 38.353860 , 71.420350 |
Boud | 38.383330 , 71.466670 |
Budun | 38.218790 , 71.487740 |
Buguz | 38.361050 , 71.785260 |
Bunay | 38.428480 , 71.553020 |
Buniga | 38.315440 , 71.275830 |
Chikhokh | 38.520490 , 71.694420 |
Dash | 38.316670 , 71.666670 |
Dashtak | 38.314660 , 71.256590 |
Dich | 38.550000 , 71.700000 |
Dursher | 38.580920 , 71.790970 |
Dzhafak | 38.307890 , 71.683740 |
Ems | 38.006220 , 71.668480 |
Garmchashma | 38.607370 , 71.858520 |
Garnavat | 38.483330 , 71.600000 |
Ghumayak | 38.395340 , 71.514850 |
Gidzhovast | 38.550750 , 71.756830 |
Gumas | 38.578050 , 71.810490 |
Gushkhun | 38.368870 , 71.467310 |
Izhog | 38.183330 , 71.633330 |
Jamag | 38.272780 , 71.570520 |
Jangal | 38.411020 , 71.525080 |
Khaspo | 38.504420 , 71.671180 |
Khikhik | 38.249940 , 71.375430 |
Khneuk | 38.233330 , 71.466670 |
Lakhsh | 38.323370 , 71.271500 |
Langar | 38.358790 , 71.448500 |
Lyangar | 38.586720 , 71.832460 |
Mazar | 38.283330 , 71.566670 |
Motravn | 38.187110 , 71.441780 |
Murgudga | 38.620550 , 71.866210 |
Nimshus | 38.266670 , 72.216670 |
Obgo | 38.486650 , 71.634380 |
Odesht | 38.400690 , 71.499900 |
Poimazor | 38.653760 , 71.971680 |
Potov | 38.467350 , 71.609200 |
Puli-Dangal' | 38.566670 , 71.766670 |
Rau | 38.440640 , 71.579160 |
Ravgada | 38.531160 , 71.716280 |
Rog | 38.337820 , 71.421100 |
Rovand | 38.594550 , 71.844320 |
Sadvadg | 38.500570 , 71.654740 |
Shaud | 38.205400 , 71.474430 |
Shavru | 38.517320 , 71.682530 |
Shipad | 38.108310 , 71.334130 |
Shirgovad | 38.563170 , 71.755630 |
Sitvarg | 38.449560 , 71.604590 |
Siyafark | 38.516670 , 72.250000 |
Starg | 38.598150 , 71.824580 |
Tekharv | 38.526830 , 71.691100 |
Torsher | 38.533000 , 71.695360 |
Ubagn | 38.384300 , 71.864430 |
Udob | 38.539580 , 71.710910 |
Uist-Dakht | 38.450000 , 71.850000 |
Ushkhorvak | 38.550000 , 71.750000 |
Uskrogh | 38.357300 , 71.425460 |
Uzbay | 38.328260 , 71.257120 |
Vanvan Bolo | 38.645770 , 71.933220 |
Vanvan Poyon | 38.636810 , 71.910340 |
Vishkharv | 38.226680 , 71.523690 |
Vravz | 38.316670 , 71.250000 |
Vzvudek | 38.200000 , 71.566670 |
Yazgo | 38.583810 , 71.827220 |
Zaych | 38.287570 , 71.639170 |
Zelmobod | 38.333330 , 71.383330 |
Zhovid | 38.470080 , 71.627710 |
- You can download geometry data for Vanj in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.