Qubodiyon (Khatlon) Map Cropping Samples

Qubodiyon (Khatlon) Map Cropping Samples-1

Qubodiyon (Khatlon) Map Cropping Samples-2

Qubodiyon neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Qubodiyon with 3D shadow effect

Qubodiyon map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Qubodiyon (geojson format) :
Qubodiyon.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Qubodiyon map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Qubodiyon Map : ( 36.922609 , 68.001081 , 37.828202 , 68.396599 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Qubodiyon map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](36.922609, 68.001081, 37.828202, 68.396599);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Qubodiyon)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Qubodiyon
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Akcha | 37.400820 , 68.169880 |
Arabkhonai Kalon | 37.385460 , 68.188430 |
Ayvaj | 36.985110 , 68.037380 |
Beshtemir | 37.343040 , 68.156640 |
Boghchigda | 37.758310 , 68.177840 |
Bolshevik | 37.166660 , 68.225140 |
Boshqal'a | 37.464710 , 68.169470 |
Chapary | 37.466670 , 68.166670 |
Charshma | 37.333330 , 68.183330 |
Chimgilich | 37.609070 , 68.142760 |
Chinar | 37.290520 , 68.132450 |
Chinortugay | 37.551130 , 68.135990 |
Chiriq | 37.220240 , 68.199400 |
Chorbog | 37.520270 , 68.128240 |
Chorshanbe | 37.313610 , 68.127010 |
Chuyanchi | 37.175850 , 68.135170 |
Dokki | 37.326050 , 68.188400 |
Hasht Marta Kolkhoz | 37.491640 , 68.167210 |
Havaskor | 37.276070 , 68.163210 |
Jailma | 37.790050 , 68.189660 |
Jam'iyati Dehqon | 37.119240 , 68.102970 |
Jarqurghon | 37.203430 , 68.212230 |
Kabla | 37.500000 , 68.150000 |
Kaloi | 37.355040 , 68.173070 |
Karl Marks | 37.346880 , 68.124530 |
Khokak | 37.416670 , 68.166670 |
Kommunai Parizh | 37.260330 , 68.116430 |
Kurjalol | 37.186360 , 68.184470 |
Kurot | 37.249870 , 68.165570 |
Kyzyl-Askar | 37.192780 , 68.146440 |
Laklakuya | 37.293260 , 68.185330 |
Lenin Kolkhoz | 37.291450 , 68.115820 |
Lublikor | 37.043730 , 68.078350 |
Malikobod | 37.705560 , 68.158000 |
Misyr-Abad | 37.283330 , 68.116670 |
Nizhniy Khokak | 37.383330 , 68.133330 |
Novabad | 37.082090 , 68.117070 |
Pakhtakor | 37.424500 , 68.174980 |
Qizilkuch | 37.280510 , 68.198790 |
Qizilobod Qit'a | 37.382290 , 68.126590 |
Qushachinor | 37.347810 , 68.187550 |
Rudaqul | 37.691610 , 68.162360 |
Sayyod | 37.210940 , 68.149400 |
Shaartuz | 37.262060 , 68.138490 |
Shahob | 37.361050 , 68.184990 |
Shoh | 37.052660 , 68.112680 |
Soltik | 37.557200 , 68.124920 |
Sovetobod | 37.472410 , 68.240050 |
Tartiki | 37.582210 , 68.133470 |
Tojikobod | 37.086580 , 68.086220 |
Toshtepa | 37.162910 , 68.120400 |
Traktor | 37.232880 , 68.135790 |
Uchastok Beshkappa | 37.394120 , 68.130310 |
Uchastok Imeni Akhunbabayeva | 37.297020 , 68.151990 |
Uchastok Imeni Kalinina | 37.187080 , 68.220550 |
Urtanobod | 37.004330 , 68.059570 |
Vtoroy Zorbador | 37.166670 , 68.200000 |
Yak May Qit'a | 37.498650 , 68.144070 |
Yangiyul | 37.241140 , 68.203710 |
Zarkamar | 37.518860 , 68.147800 |
- You can download geometry data for Qubodiyon in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.