Aini (Leninobod) Map Cropping Samples

Aini (Leninobod) Map Cropping Samples-1

Aini (Leninobod) Map Cropping Samples-2

Aini neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Aini with 3D shadow effect

Aini map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Aini (geojson format) :
Aini.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Aini map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Aini Map : ( 38.878695 , 67.997965 , 39.560859 , 69.659946 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Aini map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](38.878695, 67.997965, 39.560859, 69.659946);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Aini)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Aini
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Anzob | 39.160740 , 68.816760 |
Ayní | 39.394060 , 68.537660 |
Chashma | 39.450000 , 68.433330 |
Chore | 39.304450 , 68.508880 |
Dahana | 39.150870 , 69.114770 |
Dardar | 39.439570 , 68.445550 |
Dargh | 39.347360 , 68.981670 |
Dashty-Bet | 39.450000 , 68.250000 |
Fatmev | 39.390770 , 68.687420 |
Fatmovut | 39.370010 , 68.834280 |
Guzaribad | 39.389500 , 68.701840 |
Hayronbed | 39.143090 , 68.464870 |
Hazara | 39.045510 , 68.872740 |
Iskodar | 39.451630 , 68.482880 |
Iskodar | 39.466670 , 68.483330 |
Ispan | 39.400460 , 68.698220 |
Kalon | 39.042650 , 68.830030 |
Kamadon | 39.042100 , 68.819240 |
Kanchoch | 39.045650 , 68.337190 |
Kante | 39.232250 , 68.500590 |
Khairavat | 39.446320 , 68.393710 |
Khishortow | 39.223960 , 68.900740 |
Khushikat | 39.418310 , 68.511830 |
Krut | 39.423020 , 68.558660 |
Kukteppa | 39.050000 , 68.900000 |
Kum | 39.412580 , 68.392840 |
Kumarg | 39.366640 , 68.585190 |
Madm | 39.417460 , 68.335330 |
Makhshevad | 39.125270 , 68.481220 |
Margzor | 39.234950 , 68.430240 |
Marzich | 39.171050 , 68.735470 |
Maykhura | 39.021550 , 68.592420 |
Namozgokh | 39.049400 , 68.844960 |
Narge-Say | 39.466670 , 68.366670 |
Narvad | 39.117720 , 68.412780 |
Nasrut | 39.049270 , 68.851860 |
Panjhok | 39.052890 , 68.770460 |
Pasrud | 39.223940 , 68.449980 |
Pete | 39.249530 , 68.546510 |
Pinen | 39.216670 , 68.516670 |
Pinyon | 39.219370 , 68.500320 |
Pishanza | 39.237540 , 68.637360 |
Poimazor | 39.318140 , 68.457900 |
Pormin | 39.155750 , 68.578690 |
Pskan | 39.166670 , 69.183330 |
Qůl | 39.154870 , 69.099470 |
Rabot | 39.186070 , 68.582500 |
Rarz | 39.381910 , 68.747270 |
Remon | 39.223780 , 68.665900 |
Revad | 39.386480 , 68.191000 |
Sangiston | 39.394250 , 68.601000 |
Sar | 39.267430 , 68.297020 |
Saritag | 39.050800 , 68.316890 |
Shamtuch | 39.408460 , 69.030310 |
Shavadki Bolo | 39.401270 , 68.890770 |
Shavadki Poyon | 39.399270 , 68.863730 |
Shurmashk | 39.224520 , 68.466480 |
Shurpast | 39.143010 , 68.575590 |
Takfon | 39.206860 , 68.624310 |
Takh | 39.233330 , 68.483330 |
Takob | 39.151120 , 69.192040 |
Uata | 39.416670 , 68.133330 |
Urmetan | 39.441740 , 68.258930 |
Ustanak | 39.402660 , 68.996610 |
Utogar | 39.405280 , 68.922870 |
Vashan | 39.406240 , 68.273080 |
Veshab | 39.413490 , 68.937290 |
Veshkand | 39.446550 , 68.337370 |
Yovon | 39.447680 , 68.144380 |
Zarafshon | 39.172530 , 68.628270 |
Zerobod | 39.430080 , 68.451570 |
Zindikan | 39.433690 , 68.586040 |
Zosun | 39.390150 , 68.618930 |
- You can download geometry data for Aini in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.