Dodjé (Logone Occidental) Map Cropping Samples

Dodjé (Logone Occidental) Map Cropping Samples-1

Dodjé (Logone Occidental) Map Cropping Samples-2

Dodjé neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Dodjé with 3D shadow effect

Dodjé map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Dodjé (geojson format) :
Dodjé.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Dodjé map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Dodjé Map : ( 8.277471 , 15.287466 , 9.044671 , 15.781766 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Dodjé map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](8.277471, 15.287466, 9.044671, 15.781766);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Dodjé)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Dodjé
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abbi | 8.360500 , 15.551380 |
Aole | 8.381830 , 15.521030 |
Bagoum | 8.812200 , 15.510500 |
Bagoun | 8.816670 , 15.466670 |
Baila Laote | 9.012890 , 15.471900 |
Baila Nkankel | 9.002870 , 15.487920 |
Baila-Kali | 8.950000 , 15.533330 |
Baila-Loutoi | 8.983330 , 15.516670 |
Baokoudou | 8.723800 , 15.667500 |
Baoun | 8.833330 , 15.483330 |
Barbina | 8.822340 , 15.731920 |
Bardobade | 8.911960 , 15.560630 |
Bardobade | 8.911400 , 15.566000 |
Bebane | 8.717260 , 15.684150 |
Bebekass | 8.883330 , 15.633330 |
Beinamar | 8.669800 , 15.381300 |
Beissa | 8.744360 , 15.618600 |
Beissa II | 8.732800 , 15.603420 |
Bemati | 8.640660 , 15.687700 |
Bengo | 8.805900 , 15.753900 |
Bepikas | 8.888000 , 15.622600 |
Bepikas | 8.901350 , 15.602180 |
Ber Beissa | 8.784200 , 15.641300 |
Ber Laoukas | 8.795100 , 15.655640 |
Bidamay | 8.508300 , 15.667700 |
Bidougou | 8.333330 , 15.550000 |
Bisouadog | 8.600000 , 15.550000 |
Bissouadok | 8.612700 , 15.551400 |
Bonguigni | 8.583330 , 15.350000 |
Bouamar | 8.414200 , 15.450300 |
Bouanhii | 8.563390 , 15.315300 |
Bouariguem | 8.595700 , 15.457200 |
Bourou II | 9.000000 , 15.466670 |
Bourrou | 8.945300 , 15.429600 |
Danzekere | 8.616670 , 15.366670 |
Digdobo | 8.681840 , 15.376730 |
Djam II | 8.873420 , 15.641690 |
Djay | 8.805160 , 15.405520 |
Djoy | 8.566670 , 15.433330 |
Djoy II | 8.599040 , 15.555650 |
Djoy III | 8.441200 , 15.393200 |
Doba | 8.442300 , 15.337300 |
Dobagala | 8.658310 , 15.686470 |
Doglgi | 8.900000 , 15.550000 |
Doguigui | 8.913700 , 15.546500 |
Dokou | 8.508000 , 15.658800 |
Dolena | 8.457800 , 15.314980 |
Dolienn | 8.549810 , 15.587750 |
Doligna | 8.580800 , 15.567600 |
Domann | 8.546710 , 15.481650 |
Donda | 8.536100 , 15.593600 |
Dondiegre | 8.806400 , 15.660980 |
Dondounga | 8.448800 , 15.520530 |
Dooulo | 8.533330 , 15.316670 |
Doueur | 8.903400 , 15.593000 |
Doy | 8.663990 , 15.421730 |
Doyer | 8.900000 , 15.600000 |
Gamamia | 8.529300 , 15.329500 |
Ganday | 8.669010 , 15.340830 |
Gandaye II | 8.650000 , 15.350000 |
Gazigomar | 8.643790 , 15.396520 |
Gouamar | 8.466670 , 15.383330 |
Gour | 8.766670 , 15.400000 |
Goura | 8.458700 , 15.324500 |
Kaga | 8.477300 , 15.568100 |
Kagroy | 8.699660 , 15.420120 |
Kaikounda | 8.469710 , 15.610450 |
Kamkiel | 8.961900 , 15.522100 |
Kania | 8.705020 , 15.575080 |
Keroum | 8.800000 , 15.766670 |
Kol | 8.973580 , 15.596510 |
Konasse | 8.669500 , 15.358600 |
Konkoundja | 8.461320 , 15.358210 |
Koundalol | 8.816670 , 15.716670 |
Kouroum | 8.670500 , 15.502560 |
Koutou | 8.505060 , 15.637780 |
Laban | 8.533330 , 15.483330 |
Lamoundou | 8.838250 , 15.405690 |
Lao | 8.429750 , 15.334290 |
Lao | 8.750000 , 15.600000 |
Laobel | 8.979000 , 15.429600 |
Laokassi | 8.850360 , 15.693690 |
Larbang | 8.578240 , 15.441640 |
Logui | 8.466670 , 15.383330 |
Lougoui | 8.421800 , 15.470700 |
Madibe | 8.618900 , 15.401200 |
Makadjidji | 8.448900 , 15.338000 |
Makas | 8.465400 , 15.411300 |
Manamia | 8.516670 , 15.366670 |
Mankaybeti | 8.515610 , 15.329200 |
Mannda | 8.822210 , 15.409000 |
Manndakao | 8.783780 , 15.396070 |
Mannkel | 8.518200 , 15.564900 |
Mar | 8.538500 , 15.322700 |
Massi | 8.775400 , 15.546800 |
Massoumbo | 8.478900 , 15.456300 |
Mbo | 8.639990 , 15.536810 |
Mekab | 8.893570 , 15.609420 |
Mekon | 8.794910 , 15.775710 |
Mindobadi | 8.650000 , 15.683330 |
Moulaydi | 8.701430 , 15.670060 |
Ndao | 8.604900 , 15.337900 |
Ndoukoura | 8.860690 , 15.665900 |
Ndoye | 8.583330 , 15.600000 |
Ndoye III | 8.483330 , 15.366670 |
Njoye II | 8.550000 , 15.583330 |
Nya I | 8.722200 , 15.710700 |
Nya II | 8.727830 , 15.725140 |
Ouolo | 8.545800 , 15.318100 |
Palagourou | 8.594800 , 15.332600 |
Palakoundja | 8.671800 , 15.477300 |
Souley I | 8.909050 , 15.579810 |
Souley II | 8.931010 , 15.531880 |
Tapol | 8.506140 , 15.602430 |
Tapol II | 8.483330 , 15.383330 |
- You can download geometry data for Dodjé in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.