Terekeka (Central Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples

Terekeka (Central Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples-1

Terekeka (Central Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples-2

Terekeka neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Terekeka with 3D shadow effect

Terekeka map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Terekeka (geojson format) :
Terekeka.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Terekeka map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Terekeka Map : ( 5.126752 , 30.309592 , 6.248087 , 32.114383 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Terekeka map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](5.126752, 30.309592, 6.248087, 32.114383);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Terekeka)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Terekeka
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aiyon | 6.083230 , 30.360900 |
Akojan | 6.091690 , 30.716990 |
Attir | 6.063250 , 30.831870 |
Badai | 5.716410 , 31.422720 |
Bari | 5.849250 , 30.880740 |
Baro | 5.751410 , 31.699240 |
Baronga | 5.730730 , 31.094440 |
Bogora | 5.720050 , 31.451460 |
Bojo-Ajut | 5.696800 , 31.798670 |
Boko | 5.645440 , 31.825450 |
Bologna | 5.596440 , 31.451290 |
Borah | 5.545740 , 31.447340 |
Borgan | 5.523330 , 31.327220 |
Buka | 5.777460 , 31.785150 |
Bura | 5.679370 , 30.960640 |
Bura | 5.675770 , 30.908590 |
Buring | 5.789920 , 31.070890 |
Buron | 5.915340 , 30.596880 |
Bush | 5.669040 , 31.827010 |
Dari | 6.000860 , 30.761550 |
Falek | 5.538270 , 31.828850 |
Gabir | 5.406480 , 31.249770 |
Gboerr | 5.760170 , 31.571460 |
Gemmeiza | 5.686110 , 31.796970 |
Gillut | 5.799920 , 31.214290 |
Golo | 5.497520 , 31.537270 |
Gorrodiu | 6.110660 , 30.610300 |
Guar | 6.027100 , 30.522730 |
Gutetian | 5.721210 , 31.449890 |
Gwojo-Adung | 5.760700 , 31.788860 |
Jabor | 5.901260 , 30.848510 |
Jakari | 5.801350 , 30.726400 |
Jarra | 5.763390 , 30.682830 |
Jarra | 5.699160 , 30.766520 |
Jerbar | 5.652940 , 31.088600 |
Jimmeza | 5.680280 , 31.799720 |
Kalambo | 5.354240 , 31.056880 |
Keiro | 5.334970 , 31.754260 |
Kuku | 5.860190 , 31.685820 |
Kumaring | 5.493470 , 31.280180 |
Kursomba | 5.521920 , 31.826590 |
Lado Koda | 5.130710 , 31.718090 |
Langkokai | 5.485310 , 31.484610 |
Langni | 5.515770 , 31.238830 |
Lekki | 6.081470 , 30.333790 |
Lingi | 5.478720 , 31.434130 |
Loduk | 5.507820 , 31.394920 |
Logono | 5.429580 , 31.583520 |
Lopore Wala | 5.514060 , 31.328060 |
Makor | 5.915750 , 30.800360 |
Makur | 5.699050 , 31.549860 |
Malari | 5.709630 , 31.091320 |
Maleit | 5.684290 , 31.550140 |
Manny | 5.896930 , 30.791300 |
Maralin | 5.732690 , 31.382790 |
Marlango | 5.867750 , 30.559920 |
Mejikki | 5.734320 , 30.844620 |
Melekwich | 5.923100 , 30.761310 |
Merakwin | 5.525330 , 31.467890 |
Mimi | 6.104560 , 30.576000 |
Mirda | 5.784110 , 30.845910 |
Moggi | 5.772490 , 31.145760 |
Mogutt | 5.746550 , 31.599030 |
Mori Jua | 5.642470 , 31.370770 |
Mukadin | 6.044260 , 30.450390 |
Nyabongi | 5.490460 , 31.829600 |
Nyale | 5.703100 , 31.192080 |
Nye | 5.631670 , 31.233890 |
Parilli | 5.675280 , 31.018610 |
Pereprawa | 5.749720 , 31.543330 |
Potwan | 5.517840 , 31.402530 |
Rara | 6.135520 , 30.646380 |
Rego | 5.446840 , 31.377470 |
Reien | 6.059500 , 30.520410 |
Rejar | 5.537500 , 31.310280 |
Rumih | 5.713050 , 31.063320 |
Shasha | 5.414240 , 31.328660 |
Shogle | 5.790970 , 31.685090 |
Tali Post | 5.889220 , 30.778650 |
Tanashuk | 5.607460 , 31.489830 |
Tankariat | 5.587550 , 31.274340 |
Tellang | 5.812480 , 30.794410 |
Terekeka | 5.443890 , 31.750830 |
Tindalo | 5.655570 , 31.056960 |
Toe | 5.555850 , 31.491330 |
Tokot | 5.857600 , 31.551780 |
Tombe | 5.813600 , 31.685220 |
Tuga | 5.637720 , 31.526170 |
Tur | 5.746620 , 31.277880 |
Umbolo | 5.870030 , 31.016120 |
Verlingai | 5.842670 , 30.831950 |
Wani | 5.627900 , 31.711610 |
Werkim | 5.381890 , 31.116870 |
Wunaleng | 5.649550 , 31.198340 |
Yebisak | 5.822870 , 31.773730 |
- You can download geometry data for Terekeka in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.