Baliet (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples

Baliet (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples-1

Baliet (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples-2

Baliet neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Baliet with 3D shadow effect

Baliet map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Baliet (geojson format) :
Baliet.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Baliet map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Baliet Map : ( 8.716187 , 31.707267 , 10.099195 , 32.996497 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Baliet map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](8.716187, 31.707267, 10.099195, 32.996497);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Baliet)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Baliet
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abi | 9.183030 , 32.190870 |
Abwong | 9.115740 , 32.203080 |
Achwil | 9.870810 , 32.159480 |
Adong | 9.226860 , 32.110460 |
Agat | 9.567580 , 32.127970 |
Aiyung | 9.364150 , 32.470250 |
Akoke | 9.771300 , 32.185970 |
Akoraweng | 9.711210 , 32.335840 |
Akot | 9.686920 , 32.220740 |
Akwat | 9.051000 , 32.416610 |
Angop | 9.689440 , 32.158910 |
Anok | 9.856090 , 32.175310 |
Arielweng | 9.810670 , 32.186940 |
Ashel | 9.088740 , 32.363340 |
Atietit | 9.640260 , 32.303100 |
Atoing | 8.947860 , 32.170830 |
Atyoptyop | 9.839550 , 32.137330 |
Auyeir | 9.216100 , 32.161640 |
Awan | 9.763590 , 32.262790 |
Baliet | 9.296930 , 32.064410 |
Banglai | 9.338540 , 31.884740 |
Biar | 8.811380 , 31.876430 |
Bilaiwal | 9.107690 , 32.316720 |
Biu | 9.716170 , 31.893860 |
Bol | 9.708430 , 31.880450 |
Bwell | 9.192040 , 32.183330 |
Dawir | 9.838990 , 32.720280 |
Denchuk | 9.812710 , 32.205960 |
Diak | 9.158910 , 32.196990 |
Ditchin | 9.242550 , 32.784060 |
Diwo | 9.748050 , 31.966990 |
Dud | 9.249640 , 32.080350 |
Dud | 9.241860 , 32.094550 |
Fadit | 9.962940 , 32.231110 |
Fadok | 9.763170 , 31.980510 |
Fankur | 9.007580 , 32.179230 |
Fantam | 9.260410 , 32.118250 |
Gel Achel | 9.090750 , 32.399840 |
Gob Kwero | 9.601900 , 32.153670 |
Gobtoing | 9.154080 , 32.183480 |
Gogvir | 9.827020 , 32.708440 |
Goi | 9.710050 , 32.260960 |
Gwatan | 9.965270 , 32.596940 |
Jogiel | 9.304330 , 32.710900 |
Joteng | 9.872060 , 32.232150 |
Jotoich | 9.896800 , 32.229500 |
Kaiedin | 9.761770 , 32.187380 |
Kir | 9.053520 , 32.200270 |
Kolonager | 9.700150 , 32.210450 |
Kolweng | 9.830920 , 32.210100 |
Kwe | 9.088070 , 32.201640 |
Lajak | 9.102010 , 32.203180 |
Likchuk | 9.616490 , 32.173420 |
Loye | 9.659390 , 32.277170 |
Luil | 9.903260 , 32.675540 |
Lwakchuk | 9.878000 , 32.275990 |
Majok | 9.078600 , 32.206580 |
Malwal | 9.682010 , 32.142940 |
Malwel | 9.674580 , 32.279750 |
Manyang | 8.839640 , 32.084200 |
Marakok | 9.875220 , 32.182520 |
Munbar | 9.696870 , 32.227180 |
Nahr | 9.094520 , 32.198260 |
Nyaitok | 9.711870 , 32.315910 |
Nyirial | 9.791680 , 32.014020 |
Nyongjak | 9.846580 , 32.188040 |
Pabodyet | 9.665470 , 32.147710 |
Padok | 9.709060 , 32.150510 |
Paiuel | 9.791980 , 32.185970 |
Paiuer | 9.843230 , 32.164910 |
Pakwor | 9.683310 , 32.250550 |
Pamir | 9.849720 , 32.218690 |
Pan Iyik | 9.880070 , 32.189820 |
Panegwibek | 9.709920 , 32.163330 |
Panejangnyong | 9.716350 , 32.300350 |
Panenul | 9.654260 , 32.301050 |
Panyireth | 9.827190 , 32.037420 |
Rom | 9.887030 , 32.153840 |
Rub Duwang | 9.030770 , 32.213740 |
Rukchuk | 9.738360 , 32.230690 |
Rultom | 9.065820 , 32.198870 |
Ryagdo | 9.616990 , 32.148760 |
Tebu | 9.698550 , 32.190320 |
Temchuk | 9.650330 , 32.157520 |
Temchung-de-gi | 9.650200 , 32.151980 |
Teptiap | 9.863380 , 32.120470 |
Tubug | 9.190190 , 32.142810 |
Wabuit | 9.488530 , 32.157350 |
Weth | 9.287050 , 32.723390 |
Wijur | 9.265790 , 32.090540 |
Wunagak | 9.286740 , 32.088140 |
Wunagwan | 9.734850 , 32.290120 |
Wunakoich | 9.798200 , 32.145250 |
Wunarual | 8.827290 , 31.863930 |
Wunkir | 9.036870 , 32.151780 |
Wuntao | 9.721540 , 32.239800 |
Wunthau | 9.818540 , 32.032740 |
Wutau | 9.631830 , 32.228260 |
- You can download geometry data for Baliet in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.