Renk (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples

Renk (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples-1

Renk (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples-2

Renk neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Renk with 3D shadow effect

Renk map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Renk (geojson format) :
Renk.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Renk map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Renk Map : ( 10.347851 , 32.472808 , 12.236389 , 33.354392 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Renk map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](10.347851, 32.472808, 12.236389, 33.354392);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Renk)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Renk
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
`Abd Alla `Uthman | 12.020900 , 32.800900 |
Abbeit | 11.750000 , 32.816670 |
Abu Shalaya | 11.919800 , 32.872600 |
Adam Babikir | 12.015300 , 32.825900 |
Agalhak | 11.021200 , 32.701200 |
Agum | 11.692400 , 32.892400 |
Al Lagheir | 11.091900 , 32.687800 |
Alek | 11.400000 , 32.733330 |
Alley-Boring | 11.323200 , 32.914600 |
Alwel | 11.159600 , 32.857300 |
Anak | 11.252100 , 32.686500 |
Angok | 10.925470 , 32.695340 |
Ar Rimela Shimal | 12.109200 , 32.783300 |
Aradeina | 11.021600 , 32.926600 |
Arbeit | 11.850000 , 32.800000 |
Ard ash Shifa | 12.088200 , 32.819400 |
At Ta`aysha | 12.202900 , 32.770100 |
Banyong | 10.975930 , 32.720930 |
Benga | 11.361500 , 32.677000 |
Bol | 11.182600 , 32.875200 |
Debba | 11.069200 , 32.693100 |
Debbat Alali | 11.150500 , 32.680800 |
Debbat Asdak | 11.779200 , 32.814400 |
Debbat el Aradeib | 11.110900 , 32.682400 |
Debbat Ezzawya | 11.301900 , 32.661600 |
Debbat Fami | 11.890500 , 32.898300 |
Debbat Kudit | 11.766300 , 32.817400 |
Debbat Lalob | 11.445100 , 32.720500 |
Debbat Megawer | 11.433200 , 32.700100 |
Debbat Wad Dakona | 11.496500 , 32.727200 |
Detau | 11.723100 , 32.851900 |
Dok | 11.916670 , 32.783330 |
Domaya | 11.377600 , 32.715300 |
Dongolai | 11.361100 , 32.951500 |
Dongolai | 11.306800 , 32.935300 |
Dukduk | 12.037500 , 33.031100 |
Dukduk 'Abu Shanab | 12.099200 , 33.037500 |
El Galhak | 11.038800 , 32.693500 |
El Habila | 11.970400 , 32.944100 |
El Mashash | 11.902200 , 32.890500 |
Fallata | 12.036300 , 32.826300 |
Fanna Maboich | 11.866670 , 32.800000 |
Fingagul | 11.022500 , 32.700700 |
Fur | 11.966670 , 32.766670 |
Gaikwach | 11.663800 , 32.804700 |
Geibek | 10.921220 , 32.783400 |
Giel | 11.350000 , 32.716670 |
Gighar | 11.957800 , 32.781400 |
Gogotok | 10.843150 , 32.766930 |
Halaka | 12.164600 , 32.784400 |
Heglig | 10.939820 , 32.574520 |
Imtidad Jada | 12.204800 , 32.803200 |
Jarbanat | 12.070200 , 33.028500 |
Jirbanat | 12.000000 , 33.100000 |
Khanfariyya | 12.060900 , 32.859700 |
Kilu Arba`a | 12.045900 , 32.796000 |
Kilu Itnashar | 12.112500 , 32.821900 |
Kilu Khamsa | 12.049100 , 32.821900 |
Kurshwat | 11.904200 , 32.779500 |
Mabek | 11.728300 , 32.823100 |
Maghara | 11.961600 , 32.763200 |
Majmu`at Sab`a | 12.072400 , 32.823000 |
Maningok | 11.783330 , 32.833330 |
Mimnum | 10.947120 , 32.726480 |
Ngekway | 11.112200 , 32.869200 |
Ngong | 11.090100 , 32.857200 |
Nyangenlwal | 10.915430 , 32.804720 |
Nyetong | 11.833330 , 32.816670 |
Nyetong | 11.800000 , 32.816670 |
Ogra | 11.413600 , 32.938200 |
Omamet | 11.462800 , 32.957400 |
Pachucha | 11.375600 , 32.950200 |
Qoz al Alali | 11.947700 , 32.905400 |
Qoz Der Awunmaich | 11.011900 , 32.702100 |
Renk | 11.743100 , 32.804900 |
Rom | 11.764700 , 32.887300 |
Sahlat | 11.950000 , 33.050000 |
Saqi`a Akon | 11.416500 , 33.122300 |
Sheikh Jok | 10.963890 , 32.638310 |
Tayba | 12.018300 , 32.767800 |
Tereiba | 11.167490 , 32.679560 |
Tibna | 10.785870 , 33.118270 |
Ugara | 11.538900 , 32.982000 |
Um Dilwiz | 12.140100 , 33.109200 |
Wad Batta | 11.963900 , 33.019400 |
Warewa | 11.244900 , 32.892500 |
Warrit | 11.543000 , 32.753100 |
Wun Ghir | 11.900000 , 32.783330 |
Wunbut | 11.883330 , 32.800000 |
Wunlwak | 10.832130 , 32.599210 |
- You can download geometry data for Renk in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.