Pibor (Jonglei) Map Cropping Samples

Pibor (Jonglei) Map Cropping Samples-1

Pibor (Jonglei) Map Cropping Samples-2

Pibor neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Pibor with 3D shadow effect

Pibor map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Pibor (geojson format) :
Pibor.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Pibor map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Pibor Map : ( 5.720021 , 32.389713 , 7.399072 , 35.022058 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Pibor map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](5.720021, 32.389713, 7.399072, 35.022058);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Pibor)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Pibor
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agoi | 6.549480 , 32.925950 |
Amboch | 6.681320 , 33.676830 |
Ancholo | 6.604130 , 33.579140 |
Apati | 6.747150 , 33.068340 |
Atcherah | 6.762010 , 33.064510 |
Batimoru | 6.381980 , 33.386920 |
Beh | 6.733150 , 33.036770 |
Belichifor | 6.558540 , 33.274120 |
Belichinanu | 6.744610 , 33.164970 |
Bilait | 6.684160 , 33.245850 |
Bobolein | 6.676830 , 32.926530 |
Burbur | 6.614950 , 32.967230 |
Cantiere | 6.445290 , 34.941720 |
Chargoz | 6.971910 , 33.023580 |
Chindura | 6.910000 , 33.029870 |
Didi | 6.233200 , 34.428380 |
Dorein | 6.620630 , 33.288710 |
Fertait | 6.690630 , 33.182550 |
Garnid | 7.078540 , 33.006320 |
Gichalier | 6.701880 , 33.052280 |
Giggigamba | 6.567470 , 32.926350 |
Gigiman | 6.246980 , 34.546030 |
Goltin | 6.785190 , 33.146880 |
Gumuri | 6.657090 , 32.910040 |
Gumuruk | 6.643640 , 32.823640 |
Gwarguinyai | 6.654350 , 33.665280 |
Kalana | 6.639520 , 32.883230 |
Katuruchi | 6.776200 , 33.068590 |
Kavolla | 6.701460 , 33.659220 |
Kuyi | 6.796890 , 33.158460 |
Lakatang | 6.993270 , 33.020090 |
Lichinairo | 6.732470 , 33.112560 |
Likuangole | 7.049000 , 33.004330 |
Lochifor | 6.792560 , 33.107410 |
Lokli | 6.911420 , 33.071860 |
Lopaye | 6.619310 , 33.722230 |
Lopoloden | 6.753480 , 33.136490 |
Lotomen | 6.536750 , 33.593370 |
Lwol | 6.699460 , 32.963120 |
Manbitshei | 6.710190 , 33.091450 |
Mantakaro | 6.929870 , 33.042270 |
Mantoloch | 6.837170 , 33.117350 |
Manyal | 6.648860 , 32.944570 |
Manyeran | 6.833810 , 33.084540 |
Manyu | 6.650000 , 33.250000 |
Manyumen | 6.870900 , 33.076730 |
Mawel | 6.597050 , 32.920280 |
Meiyino | 6.227050 , 34.677030 |
Moarkeyor | 6.594690 , 32.771450 |
Nabaka | 6.764870 , 33.163850 |
Narful | 6.693210 , 33.178830 |
Nialeir | 6.588280 , 32.943700 |
Nyangobal | 6.578570 , 32.746620 |
Nyate | 6.640960 , 33.608060 |
Peper | 7.063880 , 33.000990 |
Pibor | 6.798530 , 33.130450 |
Tete | 6.250200 , 34.360780 |
Tong Tong | 7.090630 , 33.029690 |
Towot | 6.296580 , 34.397030 |
Tungyun | 6.665250 , 32.920060 |
Walichmar | 6.780050 , 33.096460 |
Wunkok | 6.878890 , 33.073890 |
- You can download geometry data for Pibor in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.