Maban (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples

Maban (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples-1

Maban (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples-2

Maban neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Maban with 3D shadow effect

Maban map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Maban (geojson format) :
Maban.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Maban map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Maban Map : ( 9.339717 , 32.955949 , 10.723733 , 33.999659 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Maban map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](9.339717, 32.955949, 10.723733, 33.999659);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Maban)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Maban
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
`Abd er Rasul | 10.155770 , 33.896510 |
`Abd er Rigal | 10.224240 , 33.248910 |
Abu Diqn | 10.327490 , 33.383550 |
Abu Khamira | 10.521030 , 33.175010 |
Agor Dit | 10.250000 , 33.166670 |
Agyagya | 9.984910 , 33.879230 |
Allah Gabu | 9.965610 , 33.806820 |
Aweida | 9.751270 , 33.534910 |
Ban Donige | 10.131620 , 33.206480 |
Ban Kaala | 10.538820 , 33.190340 |
Ban Toltukke | 10.309660 , 33.206820 |
Bang | 9.975070 , 33.753950 |
Bella | 9.765610 , 33.582610 |
Bella | 9.960960 , 33.669540 |
Bella | 10.330290 , 33.796320 |
Bellila | 10.347040 , 33.245820 |
Boing | 9.958610 , 33.714750 |
Bonje | 9.877050 , 33.452400 |
Bunj | 9.962980 , 33.726910 |
Chidu | 9.686270 , 33.534260 |
Cholei | 10.241410 , 33.420010 |
Dama | 10.567240 , 33.247590 |
Danga | 9.893040 , 33.653630 |
Danga | 10.273320 , 33.567770 |
Derib Jungara | 10.329840 , 33.343990 |
Dido | 10.094700 , 33.811530 |
Dima | 9.931150 , 33.942240 |
Dinga | 9.964960 , 33.819600 |
Dinka Degeis | 10.273550 , 33.202150 |
Dirdimma | 10.275800 , 33.594940 |
Dudu | 10.389240 , 33.101700 |
El Amin | 10.494800 , 33.130000 |
El Amin | 10.462900 , 33.132990 |
El Watish | 10.287160 , 33.708260 |
Es Si`da | 10.537110 , 33.345180 |
Faro | 9.953790 , 33.737900 |
Feika | 10.055890 , 33.710060 |
Gumma Khadiga | 9.947200 , 33.913120 |
Harbi | 10.243810 , 33.342340 |
Hawaga | 10.551840 , 33.213270 |
Jantoka | 10.076920 , 33.838690 |
Jantoka | 10.388070 , 33.331320 |
Junguls | 10.138200 , 33.364770 |
Kaluang | 10.050980 , 33.230000 |
Kanna | 9.956040 , 33.840330 |
Kanshur | 10.034970 , 33.281600 |
Keiwa | 9.805340 , 33.608420 |
Khaktiok | 10.594280 , 33.191230 |
Khor Tombak | 10.170470 , 33.873080 |
Kudda | 10.563730 , 33.225290 |
Kunjila | 10.089780 , 33.258880 |
Liang | 9.869070 , 33.639950 |
Liti | 9.930100 , 33.693730 |
Mardi | 10.330130 , 33.464550 |
Maundi | 9.775410 , 33.587510 |
Nila | 10.107940 , 33.824860 |
Nura | 10.146610 , 33.846650 |
Nushur | 10.293490 , 33.570530 |
Nyanya | 10.150260 , 33.441180 |
Quffa | 10.321870 , 33.787320 |
Saadan | 10.446290 , 33.198130 |
Sheikh Bade | 10.244030 , 33.543360 |
Tagga | 10.023860 , 33.644330 |
Tumma | 9.951940 , 33.813070 |
Tungya | 9.837270 , 33.611850 |
Tuyo Quffa | 10.066310 , 33.757540 |
Ukka | 10.041940 , 33.334550 |
Vakfeg | 10.564840 , 33.177560 |
Vakhleg | 10.561700 , 33.084230 |
Wad Tabir | 10.419630 , 33.232900 |
Yelgu | 10.010620 , 33.509470 |
Yusuf Batil | 10.017730 , 33.545760 |
Yusuf Natcha | 10.068880 , 33.397650 |
Zarzur | 10.551620 , 33.266040 |
- You can download geometry data for Maban in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.