Ikotos (Eastern Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples

Ikotos (Eastern Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples-1

Ikotos (Eastern Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples-2

Ikotos neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Ikotos with 3D shadow effect

Ikotos map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Ikotos (geojson format) :
Ikotos.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Ikotos map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Ikotos Map : ( 3.749066 , 32.7822085827 , 4.41616651393 , 33.5967814652 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Ikotos map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](3.749066, 32.7822085827, 4.41616651393, 33.5967814652);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Ikotos)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Ikotos
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Arijab | 4.074460 , 33.130660 |
Furuta | 3.991350 , 33.208200 |
Giani | 4.235950 , 33.058300 |
Gilo | 4.038060 , 32.843760 |
Gongming | 4.090580 , 33.254020 |
Gulu | 3.847150 , 33.436550 |
Ibegilik | 4.173650 , 33.020160 |
Ibunyak | 4.200670 , 33.043990 |
Ichena | 4.260470 , 33.075200 |
Igetarg | 4.214930 , 33.180150 |
Ikatik | 4.037610 , 33.212090 |
Iluko | 3.863000 , 33.495760 |
Imadala | 4.086710 , 33.259590 |
Isaru | 4.071020 , 33.152510 |
Isuluk | 4.144170 , 33.062220 |
Itibol | 4.030310 , 32.849840 |
Ituko | 3.873070 , 33.448970 |
Karimoja | 4.113860 , 33.181270 |
Kidepo | 4.095910 , 33.258380 |
Kobuleri | 4.271050 , 33.069580 |
Korogori | 4.147120 , 33.165380 |
Langera | 3.851240 , 33.490090 |
Laposs | 3.801680 , 33.436630 |
Larua | 4.062440 , 33.210310 |
Leilir | 4.137320 , 32.828800 |
Lengyileng | 4.135200 , 32.885310 |
Leriok | 4.077720 , 33.240890 |
Lipo | 4.174020 , 32.834960 |
Lobalong | 4.239780 , 33.199640 |
Lobaruke | 4.167910 , 32.847040 |
Lobira | 4.399890 , 33.059220 |
Lodakr | 3.850790 , 33.411880 |
Lofusa | 3.859860 , 33.202730 |
Loghovonyok | 4.227540 , 32.984140 |
Logiliok | 4.296780 , 33.125920 |
Logoforok | 3.968720 , 33.063380 |
Loiri | 4.077680 , 33.278680 |
Lokika | 4.104780 , 33.179920 |
Lokila | 3.888810 , 33.171570 |
Lokuti | 4.288610 , 33.140910 |
Lokwoya | 4.087710 , 33.100060 |
Lolua | 4.238360 , 33.172330 |
Longairo | 4.042610 , 32.995170 |
Lonyori | 3.824400 , 33.401500 |
Lopodi | 3.837030 , 33.216180 |
Loriaju | 4.237840 , 33.198460 |
Losua | 4.109940 , 32.911990 |
Loturutur | 3.999850 , 33.076210 |
Ludwara | 4.188280 , 33.212810 |
Madial | 3.839690 , 33.448550 |
Madok | 4.210950 , 32.992680 |
Melia | 4.105920 , 33.085780 |
Meyang | 4.191020 , 33.196670 |
Miling | 3.861780 , 33.463840 |
Moimoi | 3.807730 , 33.433260 |
Mokina | 4.155320 , 33.228810 |
Molongori | 4.170680 , 32.841450 |
Momoriya | 4.122970 , 33.083890 |
Mosingo | 3.824560 , 33.222350 |
Mungalla | 4.260420 , 33.187730 |
Nabakin | 4.071390 , 32.884980 |
Nagichot | 4.170160 , 33.216280 |
Nagichot | 4.116340 , 33.075190 |
Najarok | 3.856150 , 33.506760 |
Nakarichol | 3.838810 , 33.493230 |
Ogwum | 3.864950 , 33.490310 |
Ophirika | 4.171050 , 33.048490 |
Ramirok | 4.055980 , 33.176100 |
Sadit | 4.167480 , 33.167280 |
Tadagha | 4.119050 , 32.896190 |
Tereteinia | 3.845640 , 33.210500 |
Ukuk | 4.092890 , 33.134160 |
Whure | 3.819350 , 33.412730 |
Woroworo | 4.238940 , 33.074110 |
- You can download geometry data for Ikotos in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.