Yei (Central Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples

Yei (Central Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples-1

Yei (Central Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples-2

Yei neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Yei with 3D shadow effect

Yei map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Yei (geojson format) :
Yei.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Yei map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Yei Map : ( 3.77775 , 29.79678 , 4.709768 , 30.931469 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Yei map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](3.77775, 29.79678, 4.709768, 30.931469);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Yei)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Yei
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
`Abdullah | 4.262770 , 30.445970 |
`Ali Faragullah | 4.551180 , 30.067750 |
Abegi | 4.128560 , 30.596830 |
Abegi | 4.013480 , 30.567490 |
Akasu | 3.925550 , 30.742040 |
Ami | 3.823440 , 30.778340 |
Amujupi | 3.954180 , 30.739650 |
Araka | 4.266670 , 30.350000 |
Arbam | 4.433330 , 30.466670 |
Avokaia | 4.474580 , 30.170610 |
Baka | 4.552320 , 30.092040 |
Bakhit | 4.516670 , 30.066670 |
Baraba | 4.149970 , 30.379070 |
Baranga | 4.188890 , 30.571390 |
Bari | 4.157650 , 30.402980 |
Bari | 4.080560 , 30.696390 |
Bora | 3.898980 , 30.739720 |
Buri | 4.200560 , 30.559440 |
Dimo | 3.934380 , 30.391010 |
Elimiri | 4.216670 , 30.016670 |
Fafara | 4.003420 , 30.557590 |
Gado | 4.133330 , 30.366670 |
Garniabe | 4.609490 , 29.982680 |
Gimoru | 3.942410 , 30.444700 |
Gober | 3.999800 , 30.549320 |
Goja | 3.851640 , 30.599600 |
Goronya | 4.104720 , 30.727780 |
Gule | 3.928720 , 30.616430 |
Gumu | 4.416670 , 30.100000 |
Gwaja | 3.940920 , 30.612130 |
Iamba | 3.985570 , 30.729750 |
Iambari | 3.886320 , 30.740520 |
Iambari | 4.026940 , 30.731110 |
Itukwara | 4.108060 , 30.658330 |
Jianchu | 4.121670 , 30.628330 |
Jumbo | 3.800700 , 30.784600 |
Kabengere | 3.872380 , 30.636600 |
Kadili | 4.266670 , 30.266670 |
Kagelu | 4.053060 , 30.609170 |
Kajelu | 4.044720 , 30.602780 |
Kanza | 4.535430 , 30.099940 |
Kapeh | 4.466670 , 30.433330 |
Kapeh | 4.466670 , 30.483330 |
Kelego | 4.183330 , 30.450000 |
Kemiru | 4.171940 , 30.498610 |
Kemiru | 4.039440 , 30.719440 |
Keribala | 4.130280 , 30.788330 |
Keribala | 4.118890 , 30.688060 |
Khayr Allah | 4.500000 , 30.016670 |
Kheirullah | 4.542520 , 30.209170 |
Kobwa | 3.954790 , 30.483710 |
Koje | 4.165770 , 30.416070 |
Korjole | 3.908120 , 30.612820 |
Korobi | 4.135280 , 30.590000 |
Laiba | 3.835440 , 30.771170 |
Lakima | 4.033330 , 30.200000 |
Lakobo | 4.216940 , 30.550000 |
Lantoto | 4.588690 , 30.007230 |
Laoza | 3.942240 , 30.452730 |
Lasuba | 4.124170 , 30.769440 |
Layba | 3.831670 , 30.774720 |
Libago | 3.926880 , 30.359840 |
Liga | 4.300000 , 30.066670 |
Limbi | 3.891840 , 30.739070 |
Logo | 4.143610 , 30.556670 |
Loinga | 3.781410 , 30.785860 |
Lomudung | 4.169440 , 30.512500 |
Longamere | 3.918120 , 30.742760 |
Lu | 3.976200 , 30.539770 |
Luduro | 4.016670 , 30.216670 |
Lukudu | 4.050000 , 30.250000 |
Madi | 4.047140 , 30.610210 |
Makuru | 4.516670 , 30.466670 |
Malera | 3.944610 , 30.458110 |
Megiri | 4.014170 , 30.734720 |
Megiri | 4.038060 , 30.597220 |
Mejiri | 4.003060 , 30.733330 |
Midala | 4.137780 , 30.572780 |
Midoru | 3.808670 , 30.781990 |
Mile | 3.844190 , 30.762960 |
Minyori | 4.145830 , 30.614170 |
Minyori | 3.944010 , 30.739390 |
Mitika | 4.030830 , 30.622500 |
Mitika | 4.175830 , 30.584720 |
Mizeira | 4.400680 , 30.095430 |
Morbigo | 4.363360 , 30.222010 |
Morusa | 3.944260 , 30.611800 |
Murusu | 4.064440 , 30.711670 |
Nagobere | 3.932560 , 30.740430 |
Nyakangasu | 4.131390 , 30.619440 |
Nyori | 3.940130 , 30.421330 |
Odio | 4.336400 , 30.471040 |
Ombusi | 3.886750 , 30.607530 |
Paier | 4.008330 , 30.636940 |
Pakuja | 3.795640 , 30.784850 |
Payawa | 3.958480 , 30.748680 |
Penda | 4.129170 , 30.738060 |
Perusha | 4.038610 , 30.723060 |
Piowa | 3.992400 , 30.736060 |
Piowa | 3.996680 , 30.632200 |
Pisa | 4.151670 , 30.531390 |
Qarambi | 4.600000 , 30.216670 |
Queribe | 3.948920 , 30.466640 |
Raine | 4.444240 , 30.040630 |
Rasul | 4.589940 , 29.865300 |
Rebur | 4.171300 , 30.453670 |
Remagi | 4.165000 , 30.596940 |
Renyakr | 3.932770 , 30.395470 |
Reriung | 3.949040 , 30.483140 |
Roue | 4.333330 , 30.483330 |
Rubeki | 3.973710 , 30.533310 |
Sajo | 4.171110 , 30.587500 |
Shitata | 4.493800 , 30.161920 |
Somba | 4.058620 , 30.623720 |
Sunba | 4.309750 , 30.300370 |
Tangore | 4.086150 , 30.657830 |
Telgai | 4.113720 , 30.643890 |
Terubi | 4.126390 , 30.617500 |
Tikasu | 4.129580 , 30.750350 |
Umbasi | 3.905040 , 30.742590 |
Yagisu | 4.170960 , 30.434570 |
Yangibe | 4.122780 , 30.735000 |
Yari | 3.863030 , 30.755690 |
Yey | 4.095040 , 30.677920 |
Yumusu | 4.105210 , 30.717620 |
Zora | 4.155050 , 30.395300 |
- You can download geometry data for Yei in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.