Khorflus (Jonglei) Map Cropping Samples

Khorflus (Jonglei) Map Cropping Samples-1

Khorflus (Jonglei) Map Cropping Samples-2

Khorflus neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Khorflus with 3D shadow effect

Khorflus map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Khorflus (geojson format) :
Khorflus.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Khorflus map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Khorflus Map : ( 8.769983 , 31.077636 , 9.42309 , 31.831497 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Khorflus map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](8.769983, 31.077636, 9.42309, 31.831497);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Khorflus)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Khorflus
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abujop | 9.354480 , 31.514800 |
Againg | 9.327560 , 31.499920 |
Agungok | 9.334540 , 31.420930 |
Aiyot | 9.116780 , 31.644960 |
Angnor | 9.176780 , 31.594950 |
Anialbong | 9.322820 , 31.477000 |
Atar | 9.336170 , 31.404380 |
Badodi | 9.301670 , 31.381390 |
Buingfiort | 9.162920 , 31.702270 |
Chatokbai | 9.081770 , 31.594840 |
Diel | 9.375180 , 31.308470 |
Dier | 8.990790 , 31.315240 |
Dier Abwogh | 8.994610 , 31.291750 |
Diera Buk | 8.950690 , 31.297200 |
Dor | 9.396280 , 31.233560 |
Dulareng | 9.186390 , 31.691940 |
Fajur | 9.320080 , 31.578370 |
Fajur | 9.063470 , 31.736320 |
Fakanno | 9.377550 , 31.265210 |
Fakwar | 9.302220 , 31.391390 |
Fakwar | 9.351360 , 31.360030 |
Fatugu | 9.387510 , 31.247540 |
Fekang | 9.324430 , 31.452360 |
Gandor | 9.372690 , 31.187260 |
Gobjak | 9.277610 , 31.724360 |
Gwung Tur | 8.944630 , 31.506910 |
Jungyang | 9.161190 , 31.545300 |
Kan | 9.013700 , 31.763040 |
Kolarel | 8.984580 , 31.772170 |
Kolatong | 8.849000 , 31.277260 |
Konna | 9.299170 , 31.404170 |
Kulerau | 8.882290 , 31.302140 |
Kwan | 9.309750 , 31.590830 |
Kwenek | 9.318020 , 31.265810 |
Lam | 9.076970 , 31.245160 |
Lang Nyok | 9.121670 , 31.700270 |
Machar | 9.228480 , 31.376430 |
Maling | 9.155560 , 31.717500 |
Malwal | 9.314500 , 31.582030 |
Manadwai | 8.981770 , 31.421740 |
Neinjang | 9.143580 , 31.523480 |
Neyalwal | 9.362850 , 31.345570 |
Neyar | 9.291390 , 31.413610 |
Nyinabot | 8.886260 , 31.819030 |
Odwoigo | 9.357400 , 31.351370 |
Shol Ajok | 9.216630 , 31.680350 |
Sholayik | 9.130980 , 31.747190 |
Shwai | 9.067350 , 31.752670 |
Taryom | 9.166420 , 31.675530 |
Thanilak | 9.181760 , 31.682280 |
Thaworo | 9.381940 , 31.278950 |
Toi | 9.283200 , 31.592500 |
Wilnyang | 9.369490 , 31.334310 |
Wunadong | 9.003350 , 31.287170 |
Wunajok | 9.157620 , 31.698660 |
Wunakei | 8.967840 , 31.774910 |
Wunakir | 9.244740 , 31.680190 |
Wunalam | 9.094210 , 31.736790 |
Wunalong | 9.259050 , 31.670070 |
Wunanyak | 9.137220 , 31.724440 |
Wundong | 8.980730 , 31.277310 |
Wuobo | 9.377670 , 31.298630 |
Wuriyang | 9.000660 , 31.524940 |
Wuthol | 9.268190 , 31.638130 |
Yenanoi | 9.153160 , 31.533410 |
- You can download geometry data for Khorflus in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.