Lainya (Central Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples

Lainya (Central Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples-1

Lainya (Central Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples-2

Lainya neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Lainya with 3D shadow effect

Lainya map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Lainya (geojson format) :
Lainya.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Lainya map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Lainya Map : ( 3.736418 , 30.464631 , 4.670305 , 31.210975 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Lainya map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](3.736418, 30.464631, 4.670305, 31.210975);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Lainya)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Lainya
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Baranga | 4.174170 , 30.698330 |
Bareia | 4.021390 , 30.974170 |
Barida | 4.161110 , 30.838610 |
Borobat | 4.238330 , 30.671670 |
Buri | 4.165280 , 30.696390 |
Dimo | 4.256110 , 30.665000 |
Dukunya | 4.036670 , 30.979440 |
Gado | 4.329240 , 31.062670 |
Gelurit | 4.350670 , 31.084590 |
Gerrim | 4.557540 , 30.527620 |
Gobur | 4.341710 , 31.071810 |
Gordo | 4.151110 , 30.827500 |
Inkulya | 4.149470 , 30.897200 |
Jarado | 4.357360 , 31.096130 |
Jome | 4.180280 , 30.883060 |
Jungu | 4.301750 , 31.043000 |
Kaluli | 4.161390 , 30.864170 |
Kanchu | 4.061670 , 30.983890 |
Kenyi | 4.215450 , 30.925470 |
Kobo | 4.142220 , 30.691110 |
Kodaka | 4.270900 , 31.029210 |
Komandani | 4.422500 , 31.040830 |
Komoja | 4.216390 , 30.936390 |
Kopera | 4.137780 , 30.953330 |
Kopera | 4.040420 , 31.016260 |
Kunamaki | 4.172780 , 30.992220 |
Lalyo | 4.291250 , 31.043790 |
Langber | 4.232500 , 30.965830 |
Libogo Moke | 4.163890 , 30.846390 |
Ligi | 4.235830 , 30.746110 |
Lim | 4.145390 , 31.008040 |
Limbe | 4.158610 , 30.840830 |
Lobora | 4.220070 , 31.041940 |
Logo | 4.196670 , 30.687500 |
Loka | 4.281270 , 31.025170 |
Loridian | 4.247300 , 30.990030 |
Lotulele | 4.244440 , 30.668330 |
Lukudu | 4.156630 , 30.993050 |
Lummuri | 4.080560 , 30.984720 |
Lumunju | 3.966170 , 30.988910 |
Luri | 4.207220 , 30.908060 |
Malari | 4.316040 , 31.051790 |
Malewa | 4.198030 , 30.681380 |
Manati | 4.316690 , 31.054090 |
Mania | 3.952390 , 30.990570 |
Manianga | 4.377350 , 31.120130 |
Marani | 4.108060 , 30.965280 |
Mari | 4.349440 , 31.080220 |
Metameru | 4.175830 , 30.874170 |
Mingasu | 4.367500 , 31.125830 |
Mngali | 4.230830 , 30.967220 |
Moga | 4.146670 , 30.920280 |
Mogu | 4.420830 , 30.585280 |
Moiji | 4.238610 , 30.972500 |
Moita | 4.153610 , 30.838610 |
Mongolobakr | 4.233430 , 30.692340 |
Moyang | 4.185830 , 30.696670 |
Mulisu | 4.236170 , 31.038120 |
Mura | 4.167780 , 30.867500 |
Nagitome | 4.289720 , 31.028560 |
Naiga | 4.222220 , 30.960280 |
Ngoromba | 4.128330 , 30.685560 |
Niambusu | 4.151870 , 30.694960 |
Niangya | 4.095440 , 30.977860 |
Nyanjya | 4.096670 , 30.981390 |
Nyarachu | 4.191940 , 30.694170 |
Nyigo | 4.233890 , 30.675560 |
Olibari | 4.258370 , 31.005370 |
Pasho | 4.091210 , 31.056290 |
Perser | 4.090830 , 30.981940 |
Pisasuk | 4.238890 , 30.727220 |
Reja | 3.951480 , 30.968030 |
Rube | 3.991880 , 31.000340 |
Rume | 4.210000 , 30.813890 |
Sadim | 4.203990 , 30.910980 |
Songoma | 4.372230 , 31.124430 |
Tambura | 4.059720 , 31.056940 |
Tenduru | 4.237220 , 30.766110 |
Uaga | 4.306940 , 31.050280 |
Uronyi | 4.240000 , 30.745000 |
Waga | 4.305210 , 31.045450 |
Walrakitter | 3.981270 , 30.968650 |
Wandi | 4.363840 , 31.107890 |
Waraga | 4.381990 , 31.141960 |
Wari | 4.479520 , 30.546610 |
Warikango | 4.282660 , 31.000980 |
- You can download geometry data for Lainya in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.