Melut (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples

Melut (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples-1

Melut (Upper Nile) Map Cropping Samples-2

Melut neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Melut with 3D shadow effect

Melut map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Melut (geojson format) :
Melut.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Melut map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Melut Map : ( 9.891056 , 32.104958 , 10.850472 , 33.002225 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Melut map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](9.891056, 32.104958, 10.850472, 33.002225);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Melut)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Melut
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abaiat | 10.306510 , 32.545370 |
Abaj | 10.051680 , 32.566240 |
Adair | 10.367350 , 32.482920 |
Aiyota | 10.770760 , 32.660120 |
Ajingel | 10.417860 , 32.569740 |
Aker Weng | 10.357490 , 32.550370 |
Akorwen | 10.720050 , 32.776310 |
Akot | 10.493400 , 32.495990 |
Akwaj | 10.386800 , 32.614370 |
Anyoka | 10.377370 , 32.557950 |
Arei | 10.737580 , 32.718070 |
Arer | 10.097310 , 32.569500 |
Atonj | 10.381940 , 32.517020 |
Aturok | 10.688530 , 32.668060 |
Atwel | 10.481370 , 32.526650 |
Ayau | 10.450070 , 32.626030 |
Balagat | 10.235610 , 32.682420 |
Begjuka | 10.336670 , 32.528110 |
Beilwak | 10.476460 , 32.504870 |
Beimachok | 10.750520 , 32.591550 |
Belgo | 10.116690 , 32.296530 |
Benj | 10.399980 , 32.583200 |
Demtemma | 10.425570 , 32.254000 |
Dentoang | 10.298250 , 32.417620 |
Dok | 10.551610 , 32.196320 |
Dolbek | 10.578880 , 32.394490 |
Dong | 10.372580 , 32.627450 |
Duki | 10.377690 , 32.270440 |
Fadiat | 10.458880 , 32.437030 |
Fan Num Dit | 10.049750 , 32.273740 |
Fariak | 10.526010 , 32.555810 |
Fojbe | 10.483330 , 32.350000 |
Gikakur | 10.628650 , 32.566300 |
Golmoj | 10.667670 , 32.289500 |
Jibkir | 10.469730 , 32.485200 |
Jobar | 10.364080 , 32.631740 |
Jugdwet | 10.284910 , 32.545180 |
Kopyot | 10.794640 , 32.579190 |
Kumwon | 10.250040 , 32.269200 |
Kwili | 10.146160 , 32.598530 |
Lek | 10.481700 , 32.513320 |
Leweng | 10.325620 , 32.644190 |
Lok | 10.235290 , 32.289270 |
Lugg Din | 10.395640 , 32.571600 |
Lwang Le Dit | 10.437850 , 32.578650 |
Mabiel | 10.456280 , 32.310340 |
Malek | 10.382150 , 32.495840 |
Mbako | 10.303180 , 32.655670 |
Mejuk | 10.332110 , 32.550750 |
Melut | 10.705890 , 32.313400 |
Meriok | 10.453480 , 32.514680 |
Mialek | 10.067910 , 32.283500 |
Mongdor | 10.422980 , 32.383790 |
Mutt | 10.449650 , 32.148020 |
Niayok | 10.126360 , 32.300730 |
Nyu Fan Num Ti | 10.032670 , 32.264340 |
Onkjer | 10.352100 , 32.316750 |
Paloich | 10.462110 , 32.540550 |
Remajai | 10.473190 , 32.527140 |
Riakdau | 10.235600 , 32.464440 |
Rom | 10.827050 , 32.467560 |
Rowan | 10.562090 , 32.177210 |
Talambuka | 10.681960 , 32.582220 |
Tamation | 10.330380 , 32.315840 |
Teday | 10.343440 , 32.499260 |
Tiang Rial | 10.307230 , 32.269510 |
Tingya | 10.490850 , 32.552530 |
Tir | 10.517010 , 32.510320 |
Twabor | 10.154030 , 32.599240 |
Tyep | 10.383540 , 32.271190 |
Umm Qursein | 10.786800 , 32.371920 |
Warawut | 10.405720 , 32.522710 |
Wontoi | 10.465050 , 32.467930 |
Wun Nyeng | 10.607640 , 32.231550 |
Wunadup | 10.282630 , 32.570490 |
Wunawol | 10.816540 , 32.596810 |
Wunayan | 10.626640 , 32.555770 |
Wundok | 10.379110 , 32.597690 |
Wuniyer | 10.293130 , 32.485770 |
Wuntau | 10.264810 , 32.558810 |
Wunyat | 10.607880 , 32.556930 |
Wurang | 10.261390 , 32.583270 |
Yolwot | 10.400990 , 32.321720 |
- You can download geometry data for Melut in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.