Budi (Eastern Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples

Budi (Eastern Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples-1

Budi (Eastern Equatoria) Map Cropping Samples-2

Budi neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Budi with 3D shadow effect

Budi map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Budi (geojson format) :
Budi.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Budi map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Budi Map : ( 3.831618 , 33.006588 , 4.908489 , 33.95102 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Budi map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](3.831618, 33.006588, 4.908489, 33.95102);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Budi)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Budi
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Adimakuj | 4.217660 , 33.572720 |
Arungateli | 4.614920 , 33.226540 |
Betiguli | 4.237160 , 33.508840 |
Charet | 4.284270 , 33.685600 |
Chukudum | 4.254580 , 33.454980 |
Digidok | 4.250860 , 33.456030 |
Iloli | 4.134320 , 33.600900 |
Itigin | 4.331110 , 33.450280 |
Itigip | 4.330020 , 33.448830 |
Iwochi | 4.563650 , 33.287990 |
Iwowa | 4.294880 , 33.707140 |
Kachaching | 4.403020 , 33.567590 |
Karena | 4.171020 , 33.673320 |
Kathiara | 4.154790 , 33.607510 |
Kiduri | 4.287190 , 33.431800 |
Kikelai | 4.123080 , 33.596140 |
Kilingir | 4.337160 , 33.325980 |
Kirongen | 4.409310 , 33.454950 |
Kowda | 4.309370 , 33.641890 |
Laordi | 4.181870 , 33.558950 |
Larema | 4.172390 , 33.620680 |
Latome | 4.126520 , 33.626280 |
Lauru | 4.455010 , 33.684780 |
Lobarabu | 4.298950 , 33.487530 |
Lobetang | 4.299180 , 33.692820 |
Lobirikib | 4.342440 , 33.350240 |
Lochar | 4.292930 , 33.284310 |
Lochigarar | 4.351620 , 33.635900 |
Logigi | 4.302260 , 33.454520 |
Logirim | 4.722760 , 33.241210 |
Lojirim | 4.727780 , 33.251110 |
Lokwanur | 4.364870 , 33.702460 |
Lolimo | 4.233380 , 33.481470 |
Loming | 4.326150 , 33.530420 |
Loming | 4.374180 , 33.672850 |
Longolemur | 4.130440 , 33.701310 |
Lorogela | 4.204550 , 33.524810 |
Loryok | 4.560690 , 33.343680 |
Loturut | 4.371210 , 33.405210 |
Maniangado | 4.135770 , 33.582090 |
Mario | 4.130680 , 33.245310 |
Meridedi | 4.133100 , 33.722060 |
Merileli | 4.344840 , 33.623630 |
Mogina | 4.145890 , 33.605690 |
Monita | 4.201480 , 33.458760 |
Naberigolong | 4.422560 , 33.696180 |
Nadongolomo | 4.193160 , 33.533670 |
Nagatale | 4.291100 , 33.441860 |
Nagichot | 4.270850 , 33.567240 |
Naligedi | 4.240900 , 33.704320 |
Naterogolo | 4.315040 , 33.550090 |
Nathilani | 4.340070 , 33.674650 |
Oreg | 4.196240 , 33.545000 |
Taguk | 4.727330 , 33.255370 |
Tartamon | 4.142430 , 33.582170 |
Thimtijejero | 4.316570 , 33.662680 |
Tolubi | 4.366220 , 33.674370 |
Tuguru | 4.622830 , 33.242020 |
Turukwana | 4.149330 , 33.634600 |
Welamoi | 4.526210 , 33.361820 |
- You can download geometry data for Budi in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.