Badhadhe (Jubbada Hoose) Map Cropping Samples

Badhadhe (Jubbada Hoose) Map Cropping Samples-1

Badhadhe (Jubbada Hoose) Map Cropping Samples-2

Badhadhe neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Badhadhe with 3D shadow effect

Badhadhe map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Badhadhe (geojson format) :
Badhadhe.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Badhadhe map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Badhadhe Map : ( -1.661965 , 40.994373 , -0.149231 , 41.974609 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Badhadhe map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-1.661965, 40.994373, -0.149231, 41.974609);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Badhadhe)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Badhadhe
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agille | -0.783330 , 41.750000 |
Allanga Gurrow | -0.316670 , 41.050000 |
Baabo | -1.450000 , 41.600000 |
Billada | -1.516670 , 41.533330 |
Bio Mado | -1.250000 , 41.766670 |
Bora | -0.983330 , 41.200000 |
Buscbusc | -1.216670 , 41.700000 |
Buur Gaabo | -1.219330 , 41.837360 |
Cadaadoo | -1.100000 , 41.733330 |
Cala | -1.500000 , 41.500000 |
Camor Gila | -0.216670 , 41.183330 |
Cascia Debin | -0.700000 , 41.000000 |
Cauitti | -0.583330 , 41.033330 |
Corbes | -0.733330 , 41.366670 |
Corio | -0.583330 , 41.016670 |
Cormale | -0.300000 , 41.083330 |
Cororo | -1.416670 , 41.433330 |
Dad Gumbi | -0.183330 , 41.250000 |
Dhunfa | -1.083330 , 41.333330 |
Dib Ul Chena | -0.233330 , 41.116670 |
Didir Lafcad | -1.383330 , 41.433330 |
Dirdir Muso | -1.483330 , 41.583330 |
Doola | -1.016670 , 41.150000 |
Dubri | -0.316670 , 41.216670 |
El Habla | -1.383330 , 41.650000 |
Fiila | -1.166670 , 41.283330 |
Gansagur | -0.416670 , 41.283330 |
Garsay Kuusa | -0.700000 , 41.616670 |
Giara El | -0.616670 , 41.366670 |
Girma | -1.133330 , 41.250000 |
Giu | -1.133330 , 41.533330 |
Goba | -0.744050 , 41.714620 |
Golo Giacaro | -0.433330 , 41.116670 |
Guba Madaro | -0.883330 , 41.400000 |
Gurara | -0.633330 , 41.000000 |
Habo Culo | -1.466670 , 41.466670 |
Hida Haro Mare | -0.900000 , 41.083330 |
Hoja Wajeer | -1.242650 , 41.538250 |
Hoosingo | -0.175400 , 41.269900 |
Iach Ari | -1.166670 , 41.366670 |
Iscora | -0.433330 , 41.133330 |
Kidi Faani | -1.150000 , 41.750000 |
Kolbiyow | -1.136940 , 41.217400 |
Lalofto | -1.100000 , 41.266670 |
Madero | -1.366670 , 41.666670 |
Mado | -1.600000 , 41.566670 |
Manaaraani | -1.434630 , 41.714530 |
Meesa | -1.316670 , 41.716670 |
Meida | -0.600000 , 41.033330 |
Nebso | -1.350000 , 41.416670 |
Obbe | -0.854300 , 41.532600 |
Ooddo | -1.581910 , 41.620990 |
Ramate | -0.350000 , 41.116670 |
Sara | -0.816670 , 41.016670 |
Sariirle | -1.300000 , 41.416670 |
Sciam Cu | -1.367040 , 41.730680 |
Scidlei | -1.133330 , 41.883330 |
Tambo | -1.433330 , 41.466670 |
Tita | -0.866670 , 41.066670 |
Tulic Naghessariga | -1.050000 , 41.250000 |
Tuweer Dama | -1.316670 , 41.616670 |
Uadessa | -1.050000 , 41.433330 |
Uangheolle | -0.850000 , 41.450000 |
Ulaaul | -0.933330 , 41.133330 |
Waamo | -1.050000 , 41.366670 |
Wadajir | -0.733430 , 41.664340 |
- You can download geometry data for Badhadhe in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.