Koungheul (Kaffrine) Map Cropping Samples

Koungheul (Kaffrine) Map Cropping Samples-1

Koungheul (Kaffrine) Map Cropping Samples-2

Koungheul neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Koungheul with 3D shadow effect

Koungheul map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Koungheul (geojson format) :
Koungheul.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Koungheul map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Koungheul Map : ( 13.7694944943 , -15.145385828 , 14.7036743164 , -14.5825974837 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Koungheul map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](13.7694944943, -15.145385828, 14.7036743164, -14.5825974837);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Koungheul)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Koungheul
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Ainoumal | 13.966670 , -15.133330 |
Arafa | 14.066670 , -15.100000 |
Bandioul Bante | 14.033330 , -15.083330 |
Barkedji | 14.583330 , -14.816670 |
Batoulane | 14.116670 , -14.600000 |
Belel Babo | 14.133330 , -14.700000 |
Belogne | 14.133330 , -15.050000 |
Boki Dior | 14.350000 , -14.700000 |
Boudieguel | 14.250000 , -15.016670 |
Boussoura | 14.000000 , -14.583330 |
Boussoura | 14.166670 , -14.983330 |
Damadji | 14.433330 , -14.800000 |
Dan Tiadi | 14.583330 , -14.983330 |
Darou | 14.000000 , -14.766670 |
Darou Dem Lene | 14.166670 , -14.750000 |
Darou Moussa | 14.166670 , -14.883330 |
Darou Ndassine | 14.416670 , -14.883330 |
Darou Salam | 14.150000 , -14.966670 |
Darou Salam | 14.133330 , -15.016670 |
Darou Tieguene | 14.000000 , -14.783330 |
Diakoundare | 13.866670 , -14.783330 |
Diaorel | 14.600000 , -14.866670 |
Diapto | 13.866670 , -14.883330 |
Diayene | 14.116670 , -15.066670 |
Dioulmake Diabel | 14.383330 , -14.850000 |
Diountou Gueyene | 14.050000 , -14.833330 |
Doubel | 14.416670 , -14.750000 |
Fana Keur Abdou | 13.900000 , -14.683330 |
Foutayel | 14.200000 , -14.650000 |
Gainthe pathe | 14.222450 , -14.808200 |
Gayene | 14.150000 , -15.016670 |
Goui Bang | 13.833330 , -14.966670 |
Guente Pate | 14.283330 , -14.933330 |
Guerane | 14.083330 , -15.033330 |
Hanem | 14.083330 , -14.983330 |
Ida | 13.983330 , -14.683330 |
Ida Mouride | 13.983330 , -14.666670 |
Kassassa | 14.033330 , -14.850000 |
Kati | 13.900000 , -14.950000 |
Kaye Boubou | 14.250000 , -14.850000 |
Kerma Fass | 13.933330 , -14.866670 |
Keur Abdou Mbaye | 13.983330 , -14.650000 |
Keur Abdoulaye Sisse | 13.966670 , -14.866670 |
Keur Albe | 13.916670 , -14.850000 |
Keur Bodie | 13.950000 , -14.950000 |
Keur Brahim | 13.883330 , -14.800000 |
Keur Dadi Mboul | 13.866670 , -14.916670 |
Keur Diankole | 13.883330 , -14.883330 |
Keur Goli | 13.883330 , -14.916670 |
Keur Mali Makham | 13.833330 , -15.066670 |
Keur Manoumbe | 13.783330 , -14.850000 |
Keur Massar | 13.883330 , -14.800000 |
Keur Ndame | 14.583330 , -14.933330 |
Keur Ngaye | 14.033330 , -14.750000 |
Keur Sako Ndiaye | 13.883330 , -14.883330 |
Keur Samba Dioubane | 13.900000 , -14.900000 |
Keur Sine Mangane | 13.916670 , -14.850000 |
Keur Yeri | 13.816670 , -14.966670 |
Kinndiane | 14.250000 , -15.016670 |
Kirim Brahim Mbaye | 13.950000 , -14.950000 |
Koho Peul | 13.850000 , -14.816670 |
Koho Sosse | 13.850000 , -14.850000 |
Konga | 13.933330 , -14.950000 |
Koukoto | 13.916670 , -15.000000 |
Koukoto | 13.916670 , -14.983330 |
Koulegna | 14.016670 , -14.833330 |
Koumbidia | 13.916670 , -14.866670 |
Koundo | 14.050000 , -14.733330 |
Koung Koung | 14.416670 , -14.800000 |
Koungheul | 13.983330 , -14.800000 |
Koungneul Sosse | 13.966670 , -14.816670 |
Koura Mouride | 14.183330 , -14.683330 |
Koura Rhaye | 14.183330 , -14.616670 |
Koura Tioberi | 14.200000 , -14.716670 |
Lanpour | 14.000000 , -14.633330 |
Lougayama | 14.533330 , -14.666670 |
Loumbol | 14.433330 , -14.983330 |
Lour-Escale | 14.216670 , -14.733330 |
Madina | 13.983330 , -14.950000 |
Maka Katal | 13.933330 , -14.700000 |
Maka Yop | 14.033330 , -15.033330 |
Maodo | 14.566670 , -14.783330 |
Mbadiane | 13.983330 , -14.833330 |
Mbaye Mbaye | 13.966670 , -15.050000 |
Mbetet | 14.350000 , -14.983330 |
Mboure | 13.850000 , -14.900000 |
Medina | 13.933330 , -14.816670 |
Medina Keur Lahine Mara | 14.000000 , -15.116670 |
Medina Koli | 13.900000 , -15.116670 |
Medina Mbayene | 14.033330 , -14.833330 |
Medina Ndiayene | 14.366670 , -14.866670 |
Medina Ndovene | 14.116670 , -15.100000 |
Medina Sali | 13.883330 , -14.900000 |
Medina Sambene | 14.333330 , -14.916670 |
Medina Tiarene | 14.100000 , -15.100000 |
Medina Tobene | 14.233330 , -14.666670 |
Medinatoul Salam 2 | 14.076640 , -15.076680 |
Messere Guibel | 13.966670 , -14.833330 |
Messere Tiakel | 13.866670 , -14.866670 |
Minal | 13.866670 , -15.066670 |
Minal | 13.816670 , -14.766670 |
Missira | 13.983330 , -15.116670 |
Missira | 14.016670 , -15.116670 |
Missira Tioyene | 14.416670 , -14.883330 |
Missirah Wadene | 14.229280 , -14.852260 |
Mousdalifa | 13.900000 , -15.000000 |
Ndakar | 14.083330 , -15.050000 |
Ndanga | 13.816670 , -14.833330 |
Ndiankot | 13.933330 , -15.016670 |
Ndiayene | 14.050000 , -14.883330 |
Ndiayene | 13.933330 , -15.033330 |
Ndiayene Lour | 14.283330 , -14.783330 |
Ndiodori | 14.633330 , -14.983330 |
Ndiolrhos | 14.233330 , -14.916670 |
Ndioum | 14.000000 , -14.666670 |
Ndioum | 14.016670 , -14.683330 |
Ndoun | 13.983330 , -14.716670 |
Ngouye Diaraf | 14.133330 , -14.816670 |
Ngouye Dieri | 14.200000 , -14.900000 |
Ngouye Siouarh | 14.083330 , -14.900000 |
Niabardo | 14.266670 , -14.700000 |
Niou Nayerou | 14.616670 , -14.866670 |
Ore | 14.266670 , -14.883330 |
Ouer Kerra | 14.400000 , -14.866670 |
Pakala | 13.833330 , -14.933330 |
Petel | 14.466670 , -14.716670 |
Pir Nango | 14.083330 , -14.650000 |
Pir Ndavene | 14.100000 , -14.616670 |
Pirom | 13.916670 , -14.733330 |
Por Tialene | 14.016670 , -15.116670 |
Port Darame | 14.050000 , -15.116670 |
Ribo Escale | 14.366670 , -14.683330 |
Ribo Kodiole | 14.416670 , -14.750000 |
Ribo Moussa | 14.383330 , -14.716670 |
Sab Sabre | 14.483330 , -14.983330 |
Saham Diebel | 13.916670 , -14.800000 |
Sali | 13.866670 , -14.916670 |
Sam Niang | 14.116670 , -14.633330 |
Sare Niama | 13.933330 , -14.833330 |
Sare Sadio | 14.000000 , -14.600000 |
Sidak | 14.616670 , -14.883330 |
Sine Moktar | 13.850000 , -14.983330 |
Sinntiou Nguerane | 14.100000 , -14.933330 |
Sintiou Kafate | 14.116670 , -14.900000 |
Sintiou Sali | 13.883330 , -14.900000 |
Sobel | 14.250000 , -14.633330 |
Taba | 14.283330 , -14.983330 |
Taba | 14.016670 , -14.733330 |
Tag Gueye | 14.266670 , -15.000000 |
Taga Kati | 13.900000 , -14.933330 |
Taiba | 13.950000 , -15.033330 |
Taiba Ndioufene | 14.116670 , -14.983330 |
Taif Tiekene | 14.466670 , -14.700000 |
Tako | 14.000000 , -14.700000 |
Tanem | 14.133330 , -14.883330 |
Taoua | 13.950000 , -15.083330 |
Thiariakh Mouride | 14.366670 , -14.650000 |
Thiep | 14.300000 , -14.950000 |
Thioyene | 14.300000 , -14.900000 |
Tiarene | 14.050000 , -14.866670 |
Tiekene | 13.900000 , -14.750000 |
Tietene Bara | 13.866670 , -14.716670 |
Tiobe | 14.216670 , -14.983330 |
Tioye | 14.550000 , -14.766670 |
Tisse | 14.100000 , -15.083330 |
Touba | 14.116670 , -14.750000 |
Touba Loumbi | 14.516670 , -14.716670 |
Touba Mbayene | 13.900000 , -14.866670 |
Touba Ngouye | 14.016670 , -14.750000 |
Touba Tiarene | 14.283330 , -14.816670 |
Vilanene | 13.850000 , -14.950000 |
Yamane | 14.183330 , -15.083330 |
Yassi | 14.216670 , -15.050000 |
Yoman | 13.966670 , -14.933330 |
- You can download geometry data for Koungheul in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.