Bambey (Diourbel) Map Cropping Samples

Bambey (Diourbel) Map Cropping Samples-1

Bambey (Diourbel) Map Cropping Samples-2

Bambey neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Bambey with 3D shadow effect

Bambey map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Bambey (geojson format) :
Bambey.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Bambey map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Bambey Map : ( 14.5929794197 , -16.687115059 , 15.0270862567 , -16.2831100863 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Bambey map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](14.5929794197, -16.687115059, 15.0270862567, -16.2831100863);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Bambey)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Bambey
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Baba-Garage | 14.950000 , -16.483330 |
Babate | 14.666670 , -16.533330 |
Badar | 15.016670 , -16.466670 |
Badie Kad | 14.750000 , -16.400000 |
Bafaye | 14.700000 , -16.583330 |
Bakbous | 14.666670 , -16.400000 |
Bakopone | 14.633330 , -16.550000 |
Bambe | 14.800000 , -16.583330 |
Bambey | 14.700740 , -16.459110 |
Bambli | 14.783330 , -16.533330 |
Batal | 14.633330 , -16.483330 |
Beri Diagne | 15.000000 , -16.433330 |
Bokondine | 14.900000 , -16.416670 |
Bonboye | 14.666670 , -16.616670 |
Borodene | 14.600000 , -16.466670 |
Boungoye | 14.783330 , -16.400000 |
Daga | 14.750000 , -16.333330 |
Dangalma | 14.733330 , -16.566670 |
Dara | 14.683330 , -16.416670 |
Dare Diagal | 14.883330 , -16.483330 |
Darou | 14.616670 , -16.466670 |
Darou | 14.916670 , -16.400000 |
Darou Mbao | 14.833330 , -16.466670 |
Darou Ndiaye | 15.000000 , -16.416670 |
Darou Nguer | 14.900000 , -16.466670 |
Demba Dia | 14.883330 , -16.433330 |
Derep | 14.766670 , -16.583330 |
Diadiagne | 14.666670 , -16.516670 |
Dialo | 14.733330 , -16.550000 |
Diam Sine | 14.866670 , -16.550000 |
Diamane | 14.633330 , -16.566670 |
Diamene | 14.866670 , -16.366670 |
Diarno | 14.866670 , -16.616670 |
Diarno | 14.916670 , -16.533330 |
Diedegne | 14.633330 , -16.583330 |
Diembo | 14.800000 , -16.433330 |
Diere | 14.900000 , -16.450000 |
Dinguiraye | 14.966670 , -16.400000 |
Diokoul | 14.716670 , -16.333330 |
Diorel | 14.750000 , -16.350000 |
Dioudiouf | 14.766670 , -16.533330 |
Dondol | 14.650000 , -16.583330 |
Donkade | 14.633330 , -16.366670 |
Faneye | 14.966670 , -16.533330 |
Fassel | 14.950000 , -16.633330 |
Gad Tiende | 14.933330 , -16.483330 |
Galbe | 14.950000 , -16.583330 |
Gandal | 14.900000 , -16.533330 |
Gangounaye | 14.833330 , -16.600000 |
Gap | 14.883330 , -16.400000 |
Garam Fal | 14.966670 , -16.416670 |
Gat | 14.683330 , -16.533330 |
Gati | 14.733330 , -16.400000 |
Gawane | 14.850000 , -16.383330 |
Gokare Sao | 14.800000 , -16.450000 |
Gol | 14.950000 , -16.450000 |
Goundiogou | 14.766670 , -16.433330 |
Guenes | 14.650000 , -16.616670 |
Guete | 14.700000 , -16.383330 |
Guitire | 14.716670 , -16.516670 |
Kandiar | 14.650000 , -16.433330 |
Kas | 14.883330 , -16.466670 |
Keur Ale | 14.783330 , -16.416670 |
Keur Daour Diong | 14.783330 , -16.466670 |
Keur Demmba | 15.000000 , -16.450000 |
Keur Gaye | 14.966670 , -16.583330 |
Keur Gora Ndiaye | 14.966670 , -16.500000 |
Keur Madia | 14.733330 , -16.466670 |
Keur Madiop | 15.016000 , -16.422000 |
Keur Maissa | 14.666670 , -16.466670 |
Keur Ndiak | 14.866670 , -16.516670 |
Keur Saer Gom | 14.666670 , -16.383330 |
Keur Samba | 14.716670 , -16.350000 |
Keur Samba Gaye | 14.766670 , -16.466670 |
Keur Samba Kane | 14.883330 , -16.600000 |
Keur Sel | 14.733330 , -16.433330 |
Koki | 15.016670 , -16.466670 |
Koki Dakhar | 15.016670 , -16.433330 |
Kouli | 14.716670 , -16.433330 |
Koungoun | 14.733330 , -16.533330 |
Koure | 14.950000 , -16.416670 |
Lagnar | 14.650000 , -16.350000 |
Lam Sar | 14.883330 , -16.500000 |
Lambaye | 14.800000 , -16.533330 |
Langar | 14.850000 , -16.450000 |
Langar Deune | 14.816670 , -16.400000 |
Mbadie | 14.950000 , -16.466670 |
Mbakakak | 14.600000 , -16.483330 |
Mbayar | 14.666670 , -16.433330 |
Mbenguene | 14.900000 , -16.466670 |
Mbeye | 14.774820 , -16.360520 |
Mbit | 14.900000 , -16.383330 |
Mboubane | 14.833330 , -16.566670 |
Mboul | 14.633330 , -16.450000 |
Mbousso | 14.800000 , -16.483330 |
Mboyene | 14.683330 , -16.383330 |
Mdogone | 14.766670 , -16.566670 |
Meoudou Kane | 14.950000 , -16.550000 |
Nake | 14.783330 , -16.416670 |
Ndari | 14.933330 , -16.450000 |
Ndiakala | 14.766670 , -16.483330 |
Ndialigue | 14.950000 , -16.383330 |
Ndiayala | 14.983330 , -16.416670 |
Ndiaye | 14.966670 , -16.466670 |
Ndiayene | 14.816670 , -16.450000 |
Ndielber | 14.700000 , -16.300000 |
Ndieng | 14.816670 , -16.466670 |
Ndiengue | 14.916670 , -16.466670 |
Ndimb | 14.800000 , -16.400000 |
Ndiom Gaye | 14.800000 , -16.466670 |
Ndione Kad | 14.616670 , -16.400000 |
Ndione Kad | 14.650000 , -16.383330 |
Ndiouli | 14.650000 , -16.416670 |
Ngander | 14.683330 , -16.433330 |
Ngaraf | 14.750000 , -16.533330 |
Ngogom | 14.733330 , -16.416670 |
Ngokine | 14.983330 , -16.483330 |
Ngoye | 14.633330 , -16.450000 |
Pafene | 14.900000 , -16.566670 |
Palele | 14.716670 , -16.416670 |
Palene | 14.733330 , -16.350000 |
Pate Sek | 14.850000 , -16.400000 |
Pouniar | 14.833330 , -16.550000 |
Refane Kao | 14.766670 , -16.600000 |
Refane Souf | 14.783330 , -16.616670 |
Sagalem | 14.683330 , -16.483330 |
Sam Sam | 14.950000 , -16.483330 |
Sambene | 14.733330 , -16.316670 |
Sandiara | 14.700000 , -16.433330 |
Sangaye | 14.716670 , -16.583330 |
Sar | 14.766670 , -16.433330 |
Sari | 14.750000 , -16.483330 |
Sassar | 14.650000 , -16.500000 |
Sessene | 14.616670 , -16.483330 |
Silane | 14.733330 , -16.466670 |
Sine Makoumba | 15.005700 , -16.488300 |
Sobene | 14.650000 , -16.350000 |
Sokanou | 14.750000 , -16.383330 |
Taoua | 14.733330 , -16.450000 |
Taoua Fal | 14.983330 , -16.550000 |
Taoua Gou | 14.733330 , -16.450000 |
Tiagal | 14.933330 , -16.466670 |
Tiahitou | 14.933330 , -16.416670 |
Tial Gnik | 14.916670 , -16.500000 |
Tiale | 14.933330 , -16.666670 |
Tiarhar | 14.700000 , -16.366670 |
Tiatiao | 14.716670 , -16.516670 |
Tiatiao | 14.700000 , -16.350000 |
Tiatiao | 14.750000 , -16.600000 |
Tiekane | 14.966670 , -16.383330 |
Tiele | 14.950000 , -16.533330 |
Tieneba | 15.000000 , -16.483330 |
Tiep | 14.833330 , -16.500000 |
Tikouli | 14.650000 , -16.366670 |
Tilmarha | 14.766670 , -16.500000 |
Tiodio Goye | 14.616670 , -16.400000 |
Tiorhol | 14.983330 , -16.450000 |
Tiouko | 14.733330 , -16.383330 |
Tougneur | 14.966670 , -16.450000 |
Yaye | 14.666670 , -16.583330 |
- You can download geometry data for Bambey in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.