Gossas (Fatick) Map Cropping Samples

Gossas (Fatick) Map Cropping Samples-1

Gossas (Fatick) Map Cropping Samples-2

Gossas neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Gossas with 3D shadow effect

Gossas map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Gossas (geojson format) :
Gossas.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Gossas map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Gossas Map : ( 14.3642827901 , -16.2239668945 , 14.7525024414 , -15.4622192383 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Gossas map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](14.3642827901, -16.2239668945, 14.7525024414, -15.4622192383);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Gossas)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Gossas
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aralde | 14.600000 , -15.583330 |
Babou Naim | 14.533330 , -15.833330 |
Badiane Nem | 14.616670 , -15.750000 |
Balol | 14.716670 , -15.766670 |
Bam Djigane | 14.383330 , -15.833330 |
Bane | 14.666670 , -15.666670 |
Bangaye Sambo | 14.716670 , -15.766670 |
Banou | 14.433330 , -15.783330 |
Belkhor | 14.483330 , -15.850000 |
Beteou | 14.483330 , -15.883330 |
Bil | 14.433330 , -16.016670 |
Bine Abdou Gueye | 14.433330 , -15.933330 |
Binnguer | 14.533330 , -15.833330 |
Boki Lotchi | 14.616670 , -15.666670 |
Boubene | 14.566670 , -15.800000 |
Bouli Birane | 14.433330 , -15.800000 |
Bountou Mbar | 14.566670 , -15.733330 |
Dagagne | 14.433330 , -15.966670 |
Dam | 14.433330 , -15.850000 |
Dara | 14.500000 , -15.716670 |
Dara Idi | 14.566670 , -15.666670 |
Dara Sidi | 14.533330 , -15.866670 |
Dara Tiele | 14.516670 , -15.866670 |
Daraye Imbar | 14.533330 , -15.800000 |
Dargouye | 14.666670 , -15.616670 |
Darou Bil | 14.400000 , -16.016670 |
Darou Marnane | 14.466670 , -15.883330 |
Darou Mayaye | 14.450000 , -15.883330 |
Darou Pal | 14.516670 , -15.683330 |
Darou Sager | 14.600000 , -15.766670 |
Darou Salam | 14.533330 , -15.850000 |
Darou Sambo | 14.700000 , -15.666670 |
Darou Sourane | 14.516670 , -15.800000 |
Darou Tiam | 14.600000 , -15.633330 |
Deguere | 14.550000 , -15.733330 |
Demba Ngom Faye | 14.400000 , -15.900000 |
Derhaye | 14.466670 , -15.850000 |
Diabel | 14.583330 , -15.583330 |
Diabel | 14.533330 , -16.133330 |
Dialene Mbaye | 14.566670 , -15.833330 |
Diamaguene | 14.483330 , -16.100000 |
Diavene | 14.650000 , -15.750000 |
Diayene | 14.583330 , -15.616670 |
Diender | 14.450000 , -16.116670 |
Diene Lagane | 14.516670 , -15.933330 |
Dili Loum | 14.416670 , -15.900000 |
Diondiguel | 14.416670 , -16.033330 |
Djene | 14.500000 , -15.716670 |
Djene | 14.550000 , -15.750000 |
Dok Sare | 14.433330 , -16.150000 |
Doyoli | 14.450000 , -16.033330 |
Gadada | 14.416670 , -15.933330 |
Gaina | 14.700000 , -15.650000 |
Gapassel | 14.516670 , -16.100000 |
Gassel | 14.433330 , -15.816670 |
Gatie | 14.383330 , -16.016670 |
Gazel | 14.416670 , -16.150000 |
Gorgui Diouf | 14.433330 , -15.950000 |
Gossas Village | 14.484090 , -16.113770 |
Goupe Koupe | 14.600000 , -15.750000 |
Gouye Meo | 14.483330 , -15.916670 |
Gouye Sambabane | 14.583330 , -15.683330 |
Kadiel | 14.416670 , -15.850000 |
Kael Bobo | 14.683330 , -15.783330 |
Kaiga | 14.583330 , -15.800000 |
Kaili | 14.400000 , -16.000000 |
Kele | 14.500000 , -15.866670 |
Kemet | 14.400000 , -16.050000 |
Keur Ali Ndiaye | 14.416670 , -16.116670 |
Keur Aliou Seye | 14.666670 , -15.633330 |
Keur Demba Diabaye | 14.416670 , -15.950000 |
Keur Diegane | 14.566670 , -15.683330 |
Keur Ibrata | 14.500000 , -15.683330 |
Keur Kali | 14.400000 , -16.116670 |
Keur Madiaka | 14.566670 , -15.833330 |
Keur Malindiaye | 14.550000 , -15.833330 |
Keur Malo | 14.666670 , -15.633330 |
Keur Mamadou Gaye | 14.633330 , -15.633330 |
Keur Mamadou Ouguel | 14.533330 , -15.683330 |
Keur Marsala | 14.466670 , -15.866670 |
Keur Massila | 14.600000 , -15.633330 |
Keur Meodiouf | 14.450000 , -15.950000 |
Keur Mode Seye | 14.566670 , -15.783330 |
Keur Modiagne | 14.400000 , -15.883330 |
Keur Morfal | 14.516670 , -15.700000 |
Keur Morgaye Take | 14.733330 , -15.783330 |
Keur Ndiarate Ngaye | 14.500000 , -15.816670 |
Keur Oumar | 14.466670 , -15.933330 |
Keur Oumar Mbaye | 14.700000 , -15.766670 |
Keur Sabatine | 14.550000 , -15.683330 |
Keur Sadiako Ndiaye | 14.383330 , -15.900000 |
Keur Sambowole | 14.516670 , -15.900000 |
Keur Sanou | 14.550000 , -15.700000 |
Keur Seni | 14.383330 , -15.866670 |
Keur Serigne Babondiaye | 14.700000 , -15.733330 |
Keur Serigne Mbatch Ndiaye | 14.716670 , -15.733330 |
Keur Serigne Mofar | 14.483330 , -15.866670 |
Keur Serigne Sidi | 14.450000 , -15.866670 |
Keur Sir Diop | 14.716670 , -15.766670 |
Keur Sir Mbaye | 14.483330 , -15.783330 |
Keur Yabi | 14.466670 , -16.133330 |
Keur Youssou Fal | 14.516670 , -15.783330 |
Kirang | 14.466670 , -15.933330 |
Koetiao | 14.433330 , -16.083330 |
Kolobane | 14.650000 , -15.716670 |
Kortiel | 14.516670 , -15.950000 |
Koutourfa | 14.533330 , -15.916670 |
Landang | 14.383330 , -15.900000 |
Layene Boumak | 14.466670 , -16.100000 |
Leve | 14.650000 , -15.650000 |
Loumbi Diaoube | 14.500000 , -15.666670 |
Malka | 14.516670 , -15.983330 |
Mayaye | 14.433330 , -15.883330 |
Mbar | 14.533330 , -15.766670 |
Mbar Peul | 14.550000 , -15.750000 |
Mbaye | 14.500000 , -15.716670 |
Mbayene | 14.666670 , -15.666670 |
Mbayene | 14.583330 , -15.766670 |
Mbelkmor | 14.516670 , -15.833330 |
Mbene | 14.616670 , -15.700000 |
Mbetchi | 14.666670 , -15.600000 |
Mbil | 14.416670 , -15.983330 |
Mbinndiouga | 14.533330 , -15.866670 |
Mbos Niomboul | 14.466670 , -16.066670 |
Medina Bobo | 14.666670 , -15.766670 |
Messere | 14.483330 , -15.883330 |
Modiane Ehaye | 14.383330 , -15.883330 |
Moure | 14.583330 , -15.633330 |
Narga | 14.500000 , -15.883330 |
Naye Boyal | 14.516670 , -15.716670 |
Ndayane | 14.416670 , -15.800000 |
Ndemgom | 14.416670 , -15.900000 |
Ndiagne | 14.716670 , -15.800000 |
Ndiainar | 14.433330 , -16.033330 |
Ndiarato | 14.583330 , -15.616670 |
Ndiayene | 14.516670 , -15.700000 |
Ndiene | 14.666670 , -15.666670 |
Ndievene | 14.616670 , -15.750000 |
Ndinngui | 14.666670 , -15.650000 |
Ndiok Doumaleourou | 14.433330 , -16.183330 |
Ndoulo Malka | 14.500000 , -15.950000 |
Ndoye Dione | 14.433330 , -15.950000 |
Nesseona | 14.533330 , -15.650000 |
Ngassaman | 14.700000 , -15.800000 |
Ngom | 14.566670 , -15.683330 |
Ngom Latri | 14.516670 , -15.650000 |
Ngour Soare | 14.583330 , -15.800000 |
Niangue | 14.416670 , -16.050000 |
Niapguel | 14.466670 , -15.966670 |
Niombre | 14.450000 , -16.000000 |
Nionbre | 14.400000 , -15.983330 |
Panui | 14.483330 , -15.750000 |
Parane | 14.533330 , -16.000000 |
Patar Lia | 14.483330 , -16.166670 |
Patiem | 14.533330 , -15.883330 |
Ranevi | 14.466670 , -15.766670 |
Rayane Mourit | 14.466670 , -16.050000 |
Rhayane Bambara | 14.466670 , -16.050000 |
Rhaye Bayar | 14.466670 , -15.916670 |
Salou Ndiagne | 14.550000 , -15.633330 |
Samba Diagne | 14.433330 , -15.900000 |
Samba Diop | 14.533330 , -15.900000 |
Sanari | 14.633330 , -15.750000 |
Sangari | 14.650000 , -15.733330 |
Sarhmak | 14.450000 , -16.183330 |
Tabakali | 14.366670 , -16.083330 |
Taoua | 14.433330 , -16.066670 |
Taourou Gari | 14.450000 , -15.900000 |
Tchiki | 14.433330 , -16.000000 |
Tchinngue | 14.466670 , -15.816670 |
Tchisse Keur Amar Rhoule | 14.633330 , -15.650000 |
Tchisse Keur Mor | 14.633330 , -15.700000 |
Tchisse Modou Kossas | 14.650000 , -15.666670 |
Tek Bang Hadji | 14.683330 , -15.750000 |
Teourou | 14.466670 , -16.016670 |
Teourou | 14.416670 , -15.983330 |
Teourou Kossom | 14.516670 , -16.033330 |
Tiakmar | 14.483330 , -16.166670 |
Tiala | 14.566670 , -15.833330 |
Tiele | 14.500000 , -15.916670 |
Tieneba | 14.416670 , -16.100000 |
Tioumbo | 14.500000 , -15.733330 |
Tioyene | 14.483330 , -15.883330 |
Touba Kahone | 14.400000 , -15.833330 |
Toubeye Ka | 14.400000 , -15.950000 |
Tougout | 14.416670 , -15.950000 |
Toune | 14.483330 , -16.133330 |
Toure | 14.516670 , -16.066670 |
Toutle | 14.500000 , -15.950000 |
Wore | 14.500000 , -15.816670 |
Yak Sao | 14.650000 , -15.600000 |
Yargouye | 14.383330 , -15.866670 |
- You can download geometry data for Gossas in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.