Kaffrine (Kaffrine) Map Cropping Samples

Kaffrine (Kaffrine) Map Cropping Samples-1

Kaffrine (Kaffrine) Map Cropping Samples-2

Kaffrine neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Kaffrine with 3D shadow effect

Kaffrine map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Kaffrine (geojson format) :
Kaffrine.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Kaffrine map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Kaffrine Map : ( 13.74317 , -15.699585 , 14.582182 , -15.104004 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Kaffrine map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](13.74317, -15.699585, 14.582182, -15.104004);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Kaffrine)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Kaffrine
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Alouki | 14.283330 , -15.666670 |
Baiti | 13.833330 , -15.133330 |
Bako | 14.000000 , -15.266670 |
Bali | 13.983330 , -15.366670 |
Bamba Mamadou | 13.866670 , -15.233330 |
Bambali | 13.850000 , -15.550000 |
Batiare Ouro Gueladjo | 14.400000 , -15.683330 |
Bene Djouma | 14.016670 , -15.583330 |
Bene Mamour | 14.033330 , -15.583330 |
Binngel | 14.400000 , -15.500000 |
Bofi | 13.983330 , -15.450000 |
Boki Baga Pui | 14.483330 , -15.633330 |
Bondie | 14.416670 , -15.583330 |
Bondie Peul | 14.433330 , -15.583330 |
Bondie Tiamene | 14.416670 , -15.583330 |
Bondie Tiarene | 14.416670 , -15.566670 |
Boubane | 14.433330 , -15.600000 |
Boul Peul | 14.200000 , -15.500000 |
Boulel | 14.300000 , -15.533330 |
Bountoum | 14.150000 , -15.516670 |
Bourdiop | 14.066670 , -15.466670 |
Boye Gnibi | 14.450000 , -15.616670 |
Daga Gouye | 14.050000 , -15.433330 |
Daro | 13.966670 , -15.150000 |
Daro Marnane | 13.833330 , -15.466670 |
Darou Salam | 14.483330 , -15.633330 |
Demissira | 13.916670 , -15.166670 |
Diagle | 14.183330 , -15.466670 |
Diama Gadio | 13.783330 , -15.416670 |
Diarhao | 14.316670 , -15.533330 |
Diemballa | 13.750000 , -15.416670 |
Diogo | 14.116670 , -15.500000 |
Diokoul | 13.816670 , -15.400000 |
Dioli | 13.983330 , -15.333330 |
Dioli Mbaba | 13.883330 , -15.500000 |
Diolotene | 14.416670 , -15.650000 |
Diouni Guel | 14.350000 , -15.583330 |
Djigane | 13.933330 , -15.366670 |
Djigui | 14.083330 , -15.566670 |
Donbol | 14.266670 , -15.533330 |
Dougoubene | 14.133330 , -15.583330 |
Farato | 14.016670 , -15.350000 |
Galoule | 14.366670 , -15.483330 |
Gnibi | 14.433330 , -15.650000 |
Gnibi Lambaye | 14.450000 , -15.650000 |
Godiba | 14.066670 , -15.516670 |
Gotou Malik | 14.016670 , -15.483330 |
Gotou Peul | 14.000000 , -15.450000 |
Goui Madi Bouri | 13.866670 , -15.516670 |
Goulo Koum | 14.316670 , -15.650000 |
Gouye Tiebe | 14.383330 , -15.683330 |
Guennte Gouye | 14.050000 , -15.566670 |
Hamdalaye | 13.833330 , -15.383330 |
Kadao | 13.883330 , -15.133330 |
Kai | 14.300000 , -15.683330 |
Kaifara | 13.866670 , -15.450000 |
Kalial | 14.000000 , -15.316670 |
Kalial | 13.983330 , -15.300000 |
Kande | 14.200000 , -15.483330 |
Kassas | 14.183330 , -15.533330 |
Katakel | 13.950000 , -15.450000 |
Katial | 14.016670 , -15.316670 |
Katiot | 13.933330 , -15.400000 |
Kaye | 14.166670 , -15.616670 |
Keur Abdou Mbaye | 13.850000 , -15.133330 |
Keur Abdoulaye Aminata | 13.850000 , -15.116670 |
Keur Aliou Sisse | 14.166670 , -15.550000 |
Keur Babou | 13.916670 , -15.216670 |
Keur Biram Mata | 14.033330 , -15.550000 |
Keur Diangane | 13.833330 , -15.500000 |
Keur Madi Touet | 13.900000 , -15.500000 |
Keur Maharam Dieng | 14.333330 , -15.683330 |
Keur Male | 13.833330 , -15.566670 |
Keur Mor Sorona | 13.833330 , -15.116670 |
Keur Safadi | 13.833330 , -15.283330 |
Keur Sandao | 14.133330 , -15.500000 |
Keur Saouili | 13.866670 , -15.133330 |
Keur Sering Aoua | 13.866670 , -15.133330 |
Kilimane | 13.800000 , -15.400000 |
Koutia | 13.950000 , -15.183330 |
Kouyane | 14.416670 , -15.516670 |
Kouyane Kandji | 14.400000 , -15.516670 |
Kouyane Ndiaene | 14.383330 , -15.516670 |
Lahim Lobe | 14.016670 , -15.533330 |
Lanel | 14.366670 , -15.383330 |
Louba | 13.850000 , -15.533330 |
Lougue | 14.083330 , -15.533330 |
Maka Handalla | 13.883330 , -15.416670 |
Makagoui | 13.783330 , -15.233330 |
Mandah | 13.983330 , -15.333330 |
Manganem | 14.033330 , -15.366670 |
Mara | 13.900000 , -15.283330 |
Mbayene Ndakhar | 13.833330 , -15.316670 |
Mbegue | 14.483330 , -15.500000 |
Mbelbouk | 14.033330 , -15.400000 |
Mboul | 13.933330 , -15.316670 |
Medina | 13.883330 , -15.400000 |
Medina | 13.983330 , -15.166670 |
Medina Sintiou Amat Maram | 13.816670 , -15.466670 |
Medinatoul Salam 2 | 14.042670 , -15.532180 |
Meo | 13.866670 , -15.366670 |
Meo Ndiayene | 13.883330 , -15.350000 |
Meo Ndioubene | 13.900000 , -15.350000 |
Mina | 13.833330 , -15.433330 |
Moui | 13.933330 , -15.483330 |
Mounavara | 13.866670 , -15.416670 |
Naoni | 14.416670 , -15.633330 |
Ndakhar | 13.800000 , -15.516670 |
Ndakhar-Poste | 13.816670 , -15.300000 |
Ndanka | 13.883330 , -15.516670 |
Ndankou | 13.833330 , -15.366670 |
Ndiao Bambali | 13.850000 , -15.550000 |
Ndiaouara | 13.916670 , -15.316670 |
Ndiaye Kounda | 13.866670 , -15.150000 |
Ndiaye Kounda | 13.933330 , -15.450000 |
Ndiayene | 13.816670 , -15.116670 |
Ndieme | 13.916670 , -15.450000 |
Ndieri | 14.150000 , -15.533330 |
Ndiok | 13.883330 , -15.333330 |
Ndodj | 14.183330 , -15.433330 |
Ngam | 14.133330 , -15.550000 |
Nganda | 13.833330 , -15.416670 |
Ngoui | 14.000000 , -15.583330 |
Ngouke Diama | 13.800000 , -15.250000 |
Ngouke Kouke | 13.800000 , -15.266670 |
Nguer Mandakh | 13.916670 , -15.250000 |
Nianguene Yerouane | 14.133330 , -15.450000 |
Oualalane | 14.016670 , -15.450000 |
Ouarkere | 14.400000 , -15.450000 |
Pakala | 14.016670 , -15.566670 |
Panal Bayar | 14.450000 , -15.666670 |
Panao Serer | 14.450000 , -15.683330 |
Panetiang Francais | 13.800000 , -15.166670 |
Panetiang Sering Si | 13.800000 , -15.150000 |
Passi Ndialla | 13.850000 , -15.483330 |
Pete | 14.083330 , -15.450000 |
Peuldognon | 13.883330 , -15.133330 |
Sam | 13.900000 , -15.216670 |
Sangol | 14.150000 , -15.500000 |
Senegambia | 13.806080 , -15.292970 |
Sintiou Bamba | 13.816670 , -15.250000 |
Sintiou Dimbe | 13.833330 , -15.416670 |
Sintiou Kilimane | 13.816670 , -15.400000 |
Sintiou Mandar | 13.900000 , -15.483330 |
Sintiou Pate | 13.850000 , -15.133330 |
Sorokogne | 14.183330 , -15.500000 |
Taiba | 13.933330 , -15.450000 |
Tamba | 13.883330 , -15.266670 |
Taoua | 13.900000 , -15.416670 |
Temine | 13.950000 , -15.250000 |
Tialem | 14.133330 , -15.583330 |
Tiamene | 13.950000 , -15.400000 |
Tilmessane | 13.933330 , -15.150000 |
Tiom | 14.400000 , -15.616670 |
Tisse | 14.050000 , -15.533330 |
Torodo | 14.316670 , -15.583330 |
Touba | 14.166670 , -15.633330 |
Touba Ali Fana | 13.816670 , -15.133330 |
Touba Marik | 14.033330 , -15.433330 |
Touba Saloum | 14.283330 , -15.516670 |
Toune | 14.116670 , -15.583330 |
Veinane | 13.983330 , -15.216670 |
Veltiennkou | 13.783330 , -15.383330 |
Waoumane | 14.366670 , -15.650000 |
Wore | 14.366670 , -15.433330 |
- You can download geometry data for Kaffrine in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.