Guinguinéo (Kaolack) Map Cropping Samples

Guinguinéo (Kaolack) Map Cropping Samples-1

Guinguinéo (Kaolack) Map Cropping Samples-2

Guinguinéo neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Guinguinéo with 3D shadow effect

Guinguinéo map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Guinguinéo (geojson format) :
Guinguinéo.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Guinguinéo map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Guinguinéo Map : ( 14.107727 , -16.134277 , 14.498108 , -15.688416 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Guinguinéo map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](14.107727, -16.134277, 14.498108, -15.688416);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Guinguinéo)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Guinguinéo
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Ate Ndiaye | 14.350000 , -15.850000 |
Atiou | 14.300000 , -15.950000 |
Aye Noumad | 14.400000 , -15.750000 |
Aye Noumane | 14.466670 , -15.733330 |
Bab Sar | 14.416670 , -15.716670 |
Babouni | 14.233330 , -16.000000 |
Bafaye | 14.183330 , -15.933330 |
Bafel | 14.183330 , -15.900000 |
Bak | 14.200000 , -16.016670 |
Bak Dior | 14.283330 , -16.050000 |
Barsine | 14.383330 , -15.916670 |
Belfadak | 14.316670 , -16.100000 |
Bidjika | 14.350000 , -15.833330 |
Binndiou | 14.366670 , -15.966670 |
Biram Diate | 14.416670 , -15.716670 |
Bossedji Bara | 14.316670 , -15.733330 |
Bossedji Bobou Faye | 14.316670 , -15.716670 |
Boulogne Diavandou | 14.383330 , -15.700000 |
Daga Daoud | 14.150000 , -15.916670 |
Daga Guirene | 14.183330 , -15.966670 |
Daga Sangare | 14.250000 , -16.116670 |
Dara | 14.316670 , -15.716670 |
Darou | 14.300000 , -16.016670 |
Darou Bak | 14.266670 , -16.050000 |
Darou Dieng | 14.233330 , -15.900000 |
Darou Sam | 14.283330 , -16.066670 |
Davene | 14.316670 , -15.766670 |
Diagle | 14.200000 , -16.100000 |
Diagne Kahone | 14.350000 , -15.816670 |
Diago | 14.316670 , -15.900000 |
Dianveli Morsek | 14.466670 , -15.716670 |
Diare Mamadou | 14.450000 , -15.750000 |
Diarga Ka | 14.416670 , -15.700000 |
Diatmel Dam | 14.416670 , -15.766670 |
Diayene | 14.433330 , -15.716670 |
Dingleri | 14.266670 , -15.983330 |
Dinnguier | 14.383330 , -15.716670 |
Diobene | 14.433330 , -15.700000 |
Diolofene | 14.366670 , -15.866670 |
Djibayala | 14.233330 , -16.016670 |
Dofane Masseri | 14.133330 , -15.950000 |
Farabougou | 14.250000 , -15.950000 |
Fas | 14.350000 , -16.033330 |
Fas | 14.366670 , -15.800000 |
Ganiek | 14.333330 , -15.983330 |
Ganiek | 14.316670 , -16.016670 |
Gatie | 14.333330 , -15.900000 |
Gatie Peulh | 14.166670 , -15.900000 |
Goui Leum | 14.316670 , -15.733330 |
Guinguinéo | 14.266670 , -15.950000 |
Ibra Fal | 14.433330 , -15.700000 |
Kahone | 14.150000 , -16.033330 |
Kasse Medina | 14.316670 , -15.850000 |
Kebe | 14.233330 , -16.050000 |
Keur Daouda | 14.316670 , -15.900000 |
Keur Dianba Soutra | 14.116670 , -15.866670 |
Keur Madiengue | 14.266670 , -15.916670 |
Keur Masseye | 14.366670 , -15.833330 |
Keur Mayene Boumbou | 14.250000 , -15.983330 |
Keur Miniane | 14.300000 , -16.116670 |
Keur Modj | 14.150000 , -15.933330 |
Keur Morgone | 14.200000 , -15.933330 |
Keur Mori | 14.283330 , -15.850000 |
Keur Mori Diarete | 14.233330 , -15.883330 |
Keur Niamakore | 14.316670 , -15.933330 |
Keur Sadia | 14.383330 , -15.916670 |
Kirpa | 14.166670 , -15.950000 |
Kongoli | 14.183330 , -15.983330 |
Kouta | 14.316670 , -16.116670 |
Laloye | 14.333330 , -15.950000 |
Laneane | 14.350000 , -15.950000 |
Maka Baye | 14.316670 , -15.916670 |
Maka Kahone | 14.150000 , -16.016670 |
Mbadarhour | 14.216670 , -16.033330 |
Mbos | 14.366670 , -15.750000 |
Mbos Bal | 14.400000 , -15.716670 |
Mbos Bal Peul | 14.383330 , -15.716670 |
Mbos Nadiour | 14.366670 , -15.783330 |
Mboulem | 14.216670 , -16.033330 |
Mbouloum Seno | 14.416670 , -15.783330 |
Meo Meo | 14.300000 , -15.966670 |
Narga | 14.350000 , -15.883330 |
Ndieng | 14.183330 , -15.866670 |
Ndirene | 14.350000 , -15.866670 |
Ndofane | 14.233330 , -16.100000 |
Ndour Ndour | 14.200000 , -16.033330 |
Ngadj | 14.200000 , -15.900000 |
Ngane Saer | 14.200000 , -16.050000 |
Ngatye Naoude | 14.133330 , -15.883330 |
Ngokare | 14.183330 , -16.033330 |
Ngoloum | 14.216670 , -15.883330 |
Nguekor | 14.250000 , -16.066670 |
Nguelou | 14.366670 , -15.950000 |
Ourour | 14.333330 , -16.033330 |
Paffa | 14.216670 , -15.966670 |
Paffa Tierer | 14.200000 , -15.983330 |
Palado | 14.133330 , -16.016670 |
Panal | 14.450000 , -15.716670 |
Paou Paou | 14.200000 , -16.050000 |
Parasse | 14.133330 , -15.983330 |
Petegne | 14.300000 , -15.833330 |
Petegne | 14.333330 , -15.816670 |
Petegne Kahone | 14.316670 , -15.800000 |
Poulomak | 14.333330 , -15.983330 |
Rhelkoun | 14.216670 , -16.066670 |
Sakagne | 14.300000 , -15.866670 |
Salenia | 14.216670 , -15.900000 |
Samba | 14.400000 , -15.766670 |
Sare Ngadiari | 14.200000 , -16.083330 |
Sate Ouali | 14.216670 , -16.100000 |
Savila | 14.200000 , -15.966670 |
Sayet Ndiaye | 14.283330 , -15.983330 |
Seane | 14.250000 , -16.033330 |
Sele | 14.433330 , -15.700000 |
Sene | 14.416670 , -15.783330 |
Tchiki | 14.333330 , -15.983330 |
Tene Fode | 14.350000 , -15.916670 |
Teudeu Biti | 14.316670 , -15.750000 |
Tiambene | 14.433330 , -15.716670 |
Tiofak | 14.166670 , -16.050000 |
Vendou Gatie | 14.166670 , -15.866670 |
Vendou Gniva | 14.366670 , -15.850000 |
Yougoure Diolofene | 14.350000 , -15.766670 |
Yougoure Keur Morbeye | 14.350000 , -15.783330 |
- You can download geometry data for Guinguinéo in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.