Nioro du Rip (Kaolack) Map Cropping Samples

Nioro du Rip (Kaolack) Map Cropping Samples-1

Nioro du Rip (Kaolack) Map Cropping Samples-2

Nioro du Rip neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Nioro du Rip with 3D shadow effect

Nioro du Rip map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Nioro du Rip (geojson format) :
Nioro du Rip.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Nioro du Rip map for "Google Maps" :
Nioro du Rip.txt
Bounding Box for Nioro du Rip Map : ( 13.5917415671 , -16.2515869141 , 13.9120862158 , -15.4144001888 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Nioro du Rip map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](13.5917415671, -16.2515869141, 13.9120862158, -15.4144001888);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Nioro du Rip)
rel["name"="Nioro du Rip"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Nioro du Rip"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Nioro du Rip
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Ainoumal | 13.616670 , -15.666670 |
Babou | 13.683330 , -15.700000 |
Badiene | 13.700000 , -16.116670 |
Bakesaloum | 13.716670 , -15.833330 |
Barkjewel | 13.800000 , -15.766670 |
Bouboudieme | 13.816670 , -15.783330 |
Bouleye Dia | 13.616670 , -15.900000 |
Boulou Boki | 13.650000 , -15.783330 |
Boumbouni | 13.600000 , -15.550000 |
Bove | 13.816670 , -16.166670 |
Dabali | 13.750000 , -15.683330 |
Dafar | 13.800000 , -15.866670 |
Daga | 13.783330 , -15.733330 |
Daga Bani | 13.800000 , -16.033330 |
Daro Koudous | 13.850000 , -15.750000 |
Daro Salam | 13.783330 , -15.750000 |
Darou | 13.616670 , -15.483330 |
Darou Baila | 13.900000 , -15.800000 |
Darou Mousti | 13.883330 , -15.800000 |
Dertadi | 13.816670 , -15.800000 |
Diaene Kade | 13.733330 , -16.100000 |
Diahene Dioubene | 13.800000 , -15.983330 |
Diahene Siente | 13.833330 , -15.983330 |
Diakle | 13.600000 , -15.533330 |
Dialo Kouna | 13.766670 , -15.616670 |
Diama Guene | 13.783330 , -15.433330 |
Diama Palene | 13.800000 , -15.450000 |
Diama Tievi | 13.750000 , -15.483330 |
Dianiene | 13.800000 , -15.600000 |
Diawara Alkali | 13.783330 , -16.016670 |
Diaye | 13.683330 , -15.983330 |
Dieri Kao | 13.616670 , -15.583330 |
Diguimar | 13.650000 , -15.583330 |
Dinnguiraye | 13.850000 , -15.866670 |
Dionvelli | 13.850000 , -15.800000 |
Dongoro | 13.650000 , -15.633330 |
Doubourou | 13.833330 , -16.133330 |
Falifa | 13.600000 , -15.716670 |
Fas | 13.716670 , -15.516670 |
Fetto | 13.666670 , -16.050000 |
Firgui | 13.700000 , -15.683330 |
Forou | 13.866670 , -15.916670 |
Garan | 13.733330 , -15.583330 |
Goria | 13.733330 , -15.983330 |
Guehene | 13.600000 , -16.000000 |
Guiente Kaye | 13.833330 , -15.966670 |
Guine | 13.783330 , -16.066670 |
Hamdalaye | 13.800000 , -15.816670 |
Kabakoto | 13.783330 , -15.650000 |
Kakounda | 13.800000 , -15.466670 |
Kantor | 13.650000 , -15.733330 |
Kaymor | 13.766670 , -15.600000 |
Keur Abdou Bouri | 13.683330 , -15.700000 |
Keur Abdou Diafe | 13.800000 , -16.066670 |
Keur Abibou | 13.750000 , -15.866670 |
Keur Abou Diane | 13.783330 , -16.183330 |
Keur Alassane Khodia | 13.633330 , -15.883330 |
Keur Ali Bat | 13.666670 , -16.100000 |
Keur Ali Diangou | 13.783330 , -15.600000 |
Keur Ali Gueye | 13.750000 , -15.850000 |
Keur Ali Pate | 13.700000 , -15.916670 |
Keur Ali Samba | 13.683330 , -15.883330 |
Keur Amat Fal | 13.783330 , -15.983330 |
Keur Amat Rasta | 13.800000 , -15.883330 |
Keur Amat Seydou | 13.666670 , -16.016670 |
Keur Ayip | 13.600000 , -15.616670 |
Keur Babou Dio | 13.633330 , -15.800000 |
Keur Babou Fadi | 13.600000 , -15.666670 |
Keur Babou Ngone | 13.683330 , -15.750000 |
Keur Baka | 13.650000 , -15.650000 |
Keur Bakari | 13.716670 , -15.566670 |
Keur Bamba | 13.683330 , -15.600000 |
Keur Bambou | 13.683330 , -16.150000 |
Keur Bandiougou | 13.833330 , -15.816670 |
Keur Bara | 13.866670 , -15.866670 |
Keur Bidi Aoua | 13.716670 , -15.900000 |
Keur Bidji Ouri | 13.783330 , -15.783330 |
Keur Biram | 13.866670 , -15.950000 |
Keur Bouboa | 13.716670 , -15.650000 |
Keur Dam | 13.850000 , -16.183330 |
Keur Demba Diabi | 13.600000 , -15.866670 |
Keur Diabel | 13.850000 , -15.816670 |
Keur Diaka | 13.700000 , -16.150000 |
Keur Diam | 13.850000 , -16.116670 |
Keur Diata | 13.633330 , -15.783330 |
Keur Dinguere | 13.733330 , -16.050000 |
Keur Dongo | 13.716670 , -16.033330 |
Keur Fode | 13.600000 , -16.000000 |
Keur Galadio | 13.716670 , -15.966670 |
Keur Gamon | 13.850000 , -15.833330 |
Keur Gaye | 13.766670 , -16.133330 |
Keur Gaye | 13.800000 , -15.866670 |
Keur Lahine Sako | 13.800000 , -16.216670 |
Keur Lali | 13.600000 , -15.783330 |
Keur Lamine | 13.716670 , -16.050000 |
Keur Layene | 13.633330 , -15.616670 |
Keur Layene | 13.700000 , -15.866670 |
Keur Mademba | 13.733330 , -15.683330 |
Keur Madi Assine | 13.700000 , -16.116670 |
Keur Madiabel | 13.850000 , -16.066670 |
Keur Madiebel | 13.766670 , -15.700000 |
Keur Maka | 13.750000 , -15.633330 |
Keur Malahine | 13.716670 , -16.116670 |
Keur Mamour Koumba | 13.750000 , -16.083330 |
Keur Mandongo | 13.833330 , -16.100000 |
Keur Maniabe | 13.816670 , -16.066670 |
Keur Massar Ba | 13.666670 , -15.900000 |
Keur Massemba | 13.733330 , -16.000000 |
Keur Matar Souna | 13.850000 , -16.216670 |
Keur Mbaye | 13.850000 , -15.733330 |
Keur Moussa Intia | 13.816670 , -15.750000 |
Keur Moussa-Poste | 13.616670 , -15.866670 |
Keur Nakoumba | 13.783330 , -15.983330 |
Keur Nala | 13.666670 , -15.783330 |
Keur Ndari | 13.733330 , -16.083330 |
Keur Ndiankou | 13.783330 , -15.550000 |
Keur Ngatane | 13.616670 , -15.616670 |
Keur Ossene | 13.750000 , -15.716670 |
Keur Ouak Batio | 13.716670 , -16.066670 |
Keur Ouar | 13.650000 , -15.850000 |
Keur Oumar Tounkara | 13.766670 , -15.866670 |
Keur Pate | 13.800000 , -15.766670 |
Keur Saafadi | 13.866670 , -15.716670 |
Keur Saafatime | 13.866670 , -15.833330 |
Keur Saaloumbel | 13.733330 , -15.616670 |
Keur Samba | 13.766670 , -15.516670 |
Keur Samba Amat | 13.750000 , -16.133330 |
Keur Samba Ka | 13.700000 , -16.033330 |
Keur Samba Kouta | 13.600000 , -15.733330 |
Keur Samba Ndoukou | 13.683330 , -15.816670 |
Keur Sering Amadou | 13.866670 , -15.766670 |
Keur Sering Oumar Ndao | 13.900000 , -15.866670 |
Keur Sering Tioye | 13.616670 , -15.600000 |
Keur Set | 13.683330 , -15.766670 |
Keur Siet | 13.650000 , -15.633330 |
Keur Soule | 13.716670 , -15.850000 |
Keur Sountou | 13.700000 , -15.783330 |
Keur Soutoura | 13.883330 , -15.933330 |
Keur Tamba | 13.600000 , -15.783330 |
Keur Tjidi | 13.600000 , -15.866670 |
Keur Yoro Koudie | 13.733330 , -16.016670 |
Keur Yougo | 13.600000 , -15.800000 |
Koel | 13.616670 , -15.650000 |
Kolma Diordior | 13.816670 , -15.866670 |
Kolma Peul | 13.816670 , -15.833330 |
Kolomba | 13.750000 , -15.633330 |
Kotinete | 13.750000 , -16.150000 |
Kouare | 13.833330 , -15.933330 |
Koudom | 13.816670 , -16.083330 |
Kouloumbodou | 13.700000 , -15.616670 |
Koupar | 13.666670 , -15.600000 |
Koutango | 13.666670 , -16.083330 |
Layene Koredia | 13.816670 , -15.900000 |
Leona | 13.800000 , -15.533330 |
Leyene | 13.733330 , -15.700000 |
Lohene | 13.666670 , -15.516670 |
Manka | 13.633330 , -16.050000 |
Mankakounda | 13.616670 , -15.783330 |
Mbanpana | 13.666670 , -16.116670 |
Mbap | 13.600000 , -15.483330 |
Mbap | 13.716670 , -15.783330 |
Mbaye Faye Fafa | 13.733330 , -15.800000 |
Mbaye Faye Ouali Bop | 13.733330 , -15.850000 |
Mbiteyene | 13.750000 , -15.950000 |
Medina | 13.716670 , -15.866670 |
Medina Sabakh | 13.600000 , -15.583330 |
Missira | 13.766670 , -16.000000 |
Missira Dinai | 13.866670 , -16.033330 |
Naolerou | 13.600000 , -15.933330 |
Ndam | 13.700000 , -16.016670 |
Ndama | 13.816670 , -15.700000 |
Ndarou Matar | 13.683330 , -16.100000 |
Ndemene | 13.833330 , -15.766670 |
Ndiabo | 13.650000 , -15.500000 |
Ndiahene | 13.666670 , -15.683330 |
Ndiaouara | 13.600000 , -15.700000 |
Ndiavene | 13.800000 , -15.716670 |
Ndiba | 13.766670 , -15.550000 |
Ndiba | 13.700000 , -16.083330 |
Ndiba Ndiayene | 13.683330 , -15.666670 |
Ndieguiene | 13.650000 , -15.883330 |
Ndimbou Touba | 13.816670 , -15.583330 |
Ndioufene | 13.683330 , -16.116670 |
Ndiouga Drame | 13.833330 , -15.866670 |
Ndrame Escale | 13.800000 , -16.166670 |
Ngapar | 13.866670 , -15.883330 |
Ngayene | 13.618330 , -16.055000 |
Ngayene | 13.633330 , -15.950000 |
Ngor | 13.683330 , -16.083330 |
Ngoule | 13.666670 , -16.050000 |
Nguer | 13.800000 , -16.083330 |
Nguevik | 13.900000 , -15.850000 |
Niagniene | 13.783330 , -15.933330 |
Nianta | 13.833330 , -16.033330 |
Niapa Balla | 13.866670 , -15.983330 |
Niayene | 13.600000 , -15.950000 |
Nioro du Rip | 13.750000 , -15.800000 |
Ousmane Koumba | 13.700000 , -15.983330 |
Padaf | 13.800000 , -15.583330 |
Pakala | 13.616670 , -15.516670 |
Pakala | 13.866670 , -15.916670 |
Pakane | 13.700000 , -15.650000 |
Pakha | 13.766670 , -15.716670 |
Pane | 13.750000 , -16.016670 |
Pane | 13.666670 , -15.950000 |
Paoskoto | 13.783330 , -15.816670 |
Passi Ngayene | 13.700000 , -15.466670 |
Passi Rip | 13.600000 , -15.633330 |
Payama | 13.683330 , -15.583330 |
Prokhane | 13.700000 , -15.833330 |
Saboya | 13.618330 , -16.083610 |
Sam | 13.700000 , -15.833330 |
Samba Drame | 13.816670 , -16.033330 |
Samba Sire | 13.800000 , -15.666670 |
Sangap | 13.633330 , -15.533330 |
Sare Leyene | 13.716670 , -15.733330 |
Sine | 13.683330 , -15.533330 |
Sintiou Diors | 13.850000 , -16.000000 |
Sintiou Koel | 13.733330 , -15.633330 |
Sintiou Mamar Mbaye | 13.700000 , -15.816670 |
Sintiou Mamout | 13.850000 , -15.983330 |
Sintiou Missira | 13.750000 , -15.966670 |
Siwol | 13.600000 , -15.666670 |
Som | 13.900000 , -15.833330 |
Sonkoron | 13.783330 , -15.550000 |
Sotokoye | 13.750000 , -15.616670 |
Sotokoye | 13.650000 , -15.766670 |
Soukoto | 13.666670 , -16.133330 |
Taiba | 13.766670 , -15.900000 |
Taiba Baene | 13.833330 , -16.116670 |
Taiba Ndioufene | 13.850000 , -16.016670 |
Taifa | 13.866670 , -16.066670 |
Taoua | 13.650000 , -15.800000 |
Taoua | 13.750000 , -15.966670 |
Tiaba | 13.593890 , -16.048890 |
Tiamene | 13.716670 , -16.133330 |
Tiamene Diafori | 13.783330 , -16.133330 |
Tiamene Oualo | 13.766670 , -15.933330 |
Tiarene | 13.633330 , -15.983330 |
Tiarene Alassane | 13.766670 , -16.116670 |
Tiarene Guissa | 13.833330 , -16.200000 |
Tiekene | 13.700000 , -15.533330 |
Tiennpol | 13.750000 , -15.566670 |
Tille Garan | 13.616670 , -15.933330 |
Tille Ndiaye | 13.650000 , -15.933330 |
Tiodorbe | 13.700000 , -15.866670 |
Tioubene | 13.816670 , -15.983330 |
Tioyene | 13.600000 , -15.983330 |
Tjisse | 13.750000 , -15.883330 |
Tjisse | 13.800000 , -15.666670 |
Tjisse Kaymor | 13.783330 , -15.566670 |
Touba | 13.633330 , -16.066670 |
Touba | 13.733330 , -15.600000 |
Touba Fal | 13.816670 , -15.933330 |
Touba Niagne | 13.866670 , -16.033330 |
Toubassaloum | 13.783330 , -15.700000 |
Velingara | 13.883330 , -15.800000 |
Velingara | 13.633330 , -16.016670 |
Wak-Ngouna | 13.750000 , -16.066670 |
Yal | 13.883330 , -15.833330 |
- You can download geometry data for Nioro du Rip in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.