Shiekan (Shamal Kurdufan) Map Cropping Samples

Shiekan (Shamal Kurdufan) Map Cropping Samples-1

Shiekan (Shamal Kurdufan) Map Cropping Samples-2

Shiekan neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Shiekan with 3D shadow effect

Shiekan map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Shiekan (geojson format) :
Shiekan.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Shiekan map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Shiekan Map : ( 12.428593 , 29.523002 , 13.616299 , 30.527445 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Shiekan map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](12.428593, 29.523002, 13.616299, 30.527445);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Shiekan)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Shiekan
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
`Amarah | 12.983330 , 30.233330 |
Abu Haraz | 12.966670 , 29.866670 |
Abu Khoreis | 13.283330 , 30.216670 |
Ageig | 13.233330 , 30.016670 |
Al `Udaydat | 12.666670 , 30.133330 |
Al Beniya | 13.216670 , 30.016670 |
Al Eseilat | 13.100000 , 30.083330 |
Al Ghassiba | 12.766670 , 30.183330 |
Al Hammadiyah | 13.200000 , 30.416670 |
Al Haraz | 13.516670 , 30.116670 |
Al Humr | 13.333330 , 30.166670 |
Al Ibnoia | 12.783330 , 30.066670 |
Al Muraykib | 13.083330 , 30.133330 |
Al Ubayyid | 13.188223 , 30.217037 |
Allobar | 12.600000 , 30.316670 |
An Numayr | 13.133330 , 29.833330 |
An Nuqay`ah | 12.616670 , 30.300000 |
Ar Riheiwa | 13.266670 , 29.583330 |
Arit | 13.416670 , 30.183330 |
As Salamat | 12.583330 , 30.350000 |
Bigga | 12.900000 , 30.116670 |
Birkah | 12.600000 , 30.133330 |
Birkah | 12.566670 , 30.116670 |
Boteh | 13.250000 , 29.716670 |
Buhayr | 13.483330 , 30.166670 |
Buraykah | 12.516670 , 30.066670 |
Damukiyah | 13.266670 , 30.433330 |
El Obeid | 13.183290 , 30.216698 |
Faraj Allah | 13.366670 , 30.283330 |
Faroga | 13.516670 , 29.966670 |
Gaibat | 12.583330 , 30.150000 |
Ghabush | 13.433330 , 30.266670 |
Jallabiyah | 13.166670 , 30.116670 |
Joku | 12.966670 , 30.166670 |
Kaba | 13.116670 , 30.166670 |
Kao | 13.166670 , 30.466670 |
Kazgeil | 12.783330 , 30.150000 |
Khawr Teggat | 13.200000 , 30.300000 |
Kurdufan | 13.083330 , 30.350000 |
Luwayb | 13.250000 , 30.366670 |
Malakiyah | 13.216670 , 30.300000 |
Muaddir | 12.733330 , 29.983330 |
Mulbas | 13.016670 , 30.233330 |
Musa | 13.566670 , 30.100000 |
Nabaliyah | 12.616670 , 30.383330 |
Oreil | 13.250000 , 30.183330 |
Qawz al Kursan | 12.700000 , 30.366670 |
Quraywid | 13.333330 , 29.733330 |
Ruwabah | 12.750000 , 30.166670 |
Sharafah | 13.266670 , 30.100000 |
Shawai | 12.583330 , 30.283330 |
Shuqayq | 13.050000 , 30.066670 |
Umm Arada | 12.983330 , 30.116670 |
Umm Dawmah | 13.166670 , 30.050000 |
Umm Dukaykah | 13.350000 , 30.133330 |
Umm Gamzuz | 13.233330 , 30.383330 |
Umm Garun | 12.616670 , 30.150000 |
Umm Gawawa | 13.483330 , 30.066670 |
Umm Harazat | 13.500000 , 30.116670 |
Umm Ramad | 12.983330 , 30.033330 |
Umm Rub | 13.000000 , 30.033330 |
Umm Sheria | 13.450000 , 30.200000 |
Umm Sumeima | 13.150000 , 29.633330 |
Wad al Bagha | 12.966670 , 30.333330 |
Warri | 13.200000 , 30.083330 |
Zungah | 13.300000 , 30.383330 |
- You can download geometry data for Shiekan in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.