Shendi (Nahr an Nil) Map Cropping Samples

Shendi (Nahr an Nil) Map Cropping Samples-1

Shendi (Nahr an Nil) Map Cropping Samples-2

Shendi neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Shendi with 3D shadow effect

Shendi map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Shendi (geojson format) :
Shendi.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Shendi map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Shendi Map : ( 15.982948 , 32.693612 , 17.055477 , 34.399516 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Shendi map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](15.982948, 32.693612, 17.055477, 34.399516);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Shendi)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Shendi
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abu al Hasan | 16.616670 , 33.250000 |
Abu Sunaytat | 16.350000 , 34.050000 |
Al Basabir | 16.536390 , 33.006390 |
Al Basabir | 16.521110 , 32.941110 |
Al Meja | 16.392600 , 32.948300 |
Al Mirekh | 16.599700 , 33.204900 |
Al Mirewa | 16.407700 , 32.798500 |
Al Qawz | 16.616670 , 33.250000 |
Ash Shekab | 16.452100 , 32.839000 |
Banat | 16.724000 , 33.497700 |
Banat | 16.653400 , 33.331100 |
Birerab | 16.620200 , 33.275300 |
Ed Dayomab | 16.409700 , 32.793300 |
Ed Dowyab | 16.648600 , 33.289900 |
Ed Dowyab | 16.627800 , 33.280700 |
Ed Duweimat Island | 16.666670 , 33.316670 |
Ed Dwemat | 16.660600 , 33.306100 |
El `Amaren | 16.517100 , 33.126400 |
El Awatib | 16.550000 , 33.150000 |
El Basaber el Sok | 16.525800 , 32.992600 |
El Basaber Hillat el Mda | 16.519500 , 32.991000 |
El Fijeja | 16.655000 , 33.294500 |
El Ghadoora | 16.518000 , 33.139400 |
El Kilewa Wad Gamal | 16.520500 , 32.963700 |
El Konoz | 16.716300 , 33.447200 |
El Madanab | 16.605300 , 33.241200 |
El Misektab | 16.338700 , 32.723300 |
El Qirenab | 16.644700 , 33.269200 |
El Ushara | 16.664300 , 33.316500 |
El Ushara | 16.720400 , 33.480000 |
Es Salama | 16.582300 , 33.210700 |
Es Salama | 16.602800 , 33.253000 |
Esh Shaqalo | 16.713200 , 33.456900 |
Esh Sharef | 16.720400 , 33.492700 |
Fareiq Ahmad Wad `Ali | 16.272500 , 32.987600 |
Gasr el Hineka | 16.401700 , 32.775600 |
Hajar al `Asal | 16.405000 , 32.784720 |
Hamoriba | 16.283330 , 34.033330 |
Hegeina | 16.333330 , 34.033330 |
Hilat et Tondob | 16.657400 , 33.322200 |
Hilat Wad el Hag | 16.659500 , 33.340400 |
Hilla | 16.506700 , 33.473400 |
Hilla | 16.518100 , 33.496900 |
Hillat `Atra | 16.738200 , 33.534200 |
Hillat al Kihek | 16.922100 , 33.706700 |
Hillat al Qiblab | 16.777500 , 33.607400 |
Hillat Deim el Qarray | 16.809300 , 33.648100 |
Hillat ed Darqab | 16.931500 , 33.710600 |
Hillat el `Arabi | 16.763900 , 33.615200 |
Hillat el Bigrawiya | 16.907900 , 33.698100 |
Hillat el Doshen | 16.756900 , 33.581300 |
Hillat el Fiqerab | 16.487200 , 32.860000 |
Hillat el Fitrab | 16.737100 , 33.567000 |
Hillat el Hamadab | 16.897500 , 33.696300 |
Hillat el Hasanab | 16.513300 , 32.932700 |
Hillat el Hassanab | 16.489000 , 32.865400 |
Hillat el Hosh | 16.855800 , 33.682900 |
Hillat el Kandarya | 16.449100 , 32.820800 |
Hillat el Kubbo Shab | 16.871500 , 33.675700 |
Hillat el Malaha | 16.505800 , 33.031200 |
Hillat el Malaha | 16.503100 , 33.013000 |
Hillat el Mashaykha | 16.840600 , 33.671700 |
Hillat el Qileia | 16.665800 , 33.396100 |
Hillat el Qoz | 16.729400 , 33.504500 |
Hillat el Sideira | 16.749100 , 33.567100 |
Hillat el Taragma | 16.743400 , 33.538000 |
Hillat es Simemit | 16.833100 , 33.660800 |
Hillat esh Sharbab | 16.795000 , 33.641900 |
Hillat esh Sheikh | 16.734400 , 33.510300 |
Hillat esh Sheikh Attayiq | 16.745100 , 33.604000 |
Hillat ez Zaraqna | 16.427100 , 32.816000 |
Hillat Ezzoroq | 16.482400 , 32.883300 |
Hillat Mostafa | 16.660600 , 33.398600 |
Hillat Qad el Habob | 16.563300 , 33.190000 |
Hillat Qadaw | 16.973800 , 33.729400 |
Hillat Qasm es Sed | 16.397000 , 32.797200 |
Hillat Qoz el Hag | 16.828800 , 33.660700 |
Hillat Tartor | 16.712300 , 33.563800 |
Hillat Tartor | 16.710300 , 33.555100 |
Hillat Tartor Abdel Salamab | 16.698400 , 33.550600 |
Hillat Umm `Ali | 17.030700 , 33.721900 |
Hillat Wad `Ibed | 16.403900 , 32.782800 |
Hillat Wad Bilelw | 16.399000 , 32.772200 |
Hillat Wad Saqqa | 16.818600 , 33.658100 |
Hillat Wadi el Abed | 16.469900 , 32.841700 |
Hosh Wad Banaqa | 16.663800 , 33.348400 |
Kabushiyah | 16.886200 , 33.691700 |
Kijayna | 16.363600 , 32.735300 |
Misiktab | 16.716670 , 33.483330 |
Qandato | 16.649200 , 33.280600 |
Qandato | 16.632700 , 33.254900 |
Qandato | 16.639100 , 33.259300 |
Qisar | 16.830830 , 33.658060 |
Qoz el Motraq | 16.631400 , 33.233800 |
Qresh | 16.664200 , 33.409800 |
Salamat | 16.583330 , 33.233330 |
Sanq at | 16.655900 , 33.304100 |
Sayyal Siraj | 16.766670 , 33.616670 |
Shendi | 16.691500 , 33.434100 |
Suriba | 16.466670 , 34.000000 |
Umm Hashima | 16.383330 , 34.000000 |
Umm Hashima | 16.416670 , 34.033330 |
Umm Shql | 16.613700 , 33.240200 |
Wad Soltab | 16.522100 , 33.133100 |
Zoroq Korbab | 16.517200 , 32.949200 |
- You can download geometry data for Shendi in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.