Al-Madinah (Al Madinah) Map Cropping Samples

Al-Madinah (Al Madinah) Map Cropping Samples-1

Al-Madinah (Al Madinah) Map Cropping Samples-2

Al-Madinah neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Al-Madinah with 3D shadow effect

Al-Madinah map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Al-Madinah (geojson format) :
Al-Madinah.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Al-Madinah map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Al-Madinah Map : ( 23.005741 , 38.667727 , 25.495667 , 40.630652 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Al-Madinah map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](23.005741, 38.667727, 25.495667, 40.630652);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Al-Madinah)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Al-Madinah
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
`Anqa' | 24.783330 , 39.166670 |
`Ushayrah | 24.015730 , 39.669970 |
Aba Ad Dud | 24.690780 , 39.542850 |
Abu an Na`am | 25.228060 , 38.828330 |
Abu Dhiba | 23.198870 , 39.553670 |
Abu Kabir | 24.393720 , 39.498920 |
Abu Rubayq | 23.728600 , 39.754340 |
Abyar AlMashi | 24.175870 , 39.557070 |
Ad Dathir | 24.926760 , 40.120060 |
Ad Duhu | 23.815930 , 39.650150 |
Ad Dulu` | 24.768890 , 39.540830 |
Al `Asibat | 24.852780 , 39.378610 |
Al `Uqul | 24.531620 , 39.779790 |
Al Akhal | 23.312920 , 39.857540 |
Al Bardiyah | 24.045470 , 39.602410 |
Al Basirah | 23.316670 , 39.616670 |
Al Faqirah | 23.421670 , 39.709720 |
Al Furaysh | 24.220790 , 39.285520 |
Al Gharid | 24.313680 , 39.386210 |
Al Ghusan | 24.237890 , 39.586010 |
Al Hafirah | 24.883550 , 39.724240 |
Al Hindiyah | 23.658070 , 39.671800 |
Al Hufrah | 24.608890 , 39.183060 |
Al Hzm | 24.337320 , 39.020780 |
Al Jafr | 24.405300 , 39.152330 |
Al Khulayl | 24.594410 , 39.568880 |
Al Khuwayjiyah | 23.133330 , 39.516670 |
Al Kitimah | 23.809780 , 39.643250 |
Al Madiq | 23.321960 , 39.620950 |
Al Malbanah | 23.174870 , 39.518610 |
Al Milhah | 23.804120 , 39.463010 |
Al Mufrihat | 24.374180 , 39.468500 |
Al Mulaylih | 24.829720 , 39.159720 |
Al Mundassah | 24.635530 , 39.310430 |
Al Qutay`a' | 24.602200 , 39.763220 |
Altammah | 24.858610 , 39.171110 |
Ar Rabad | 23.183330 , 39.533330 |
Ar Raghiyah | 23.948790 , 39.385850 |
Ar Rasi`ah | 24.702690 , 39.812420 |
Ar Rayyanah | 23.533330 , 39.750000 |
As Sadayir | 24.243070 , 39.187690 |
As Sidr | 23.453640 , 39.760840 |
As Suhaylat | 24.975000 , 39.134170 |
Ash Shahba' | 23.400000 , 39.683330 |
Ash Shaqrah | 24.757500 , 40.281940 |
Ash Shifayyah | 23.568570 , 39.751140 |
Ash Shuwamin | 23.519770 , 39.707700 |
Bayad ad Dathir | 24.918890 , 40.090830 |
Bi'r al Mashi | 24.219360 , 39.550890 |
Dil` al Kharwa` | 24.928610 , 39.030560 |
Haylat Radi al Baham | 24.083610 , 39.725280 |
Hirmah | 24.578000 , 40.352120 |
Istabl Antar | 25.098420 , 38.890700 |
Jada`ah | 25.378890 , 38.817500 |
Medina | 24.477429 , 39.627516 |
Shajwa | 25.055040 , 38.984380 |
Suwaydarah | 24.727830 , 40.157560 |
Taitad | 24.850000 , 38.866670 |
Umm al `Iyal | 23.257500 , 39.568190 |
Yasirah | 23.600000 , 39.550000 |
- You can download geometry data for Al-Madinah in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.