Tomponskiy (Sakha) Map Cropping Samples

Tomponskiy (Sakha) Map Cropping Samples-1

Tomponskiy (Sakha) Map Cropping Samples-2

Tomponskiy neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Tomponskiy with 3D shadow effect

Tomponskiy map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Tomponskiy (geojson format) :
Tomponskiy.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Tomponskiy map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Tomponskiy Map : ( 61.569228 , 132.203826 , 66.216319 , 140.809229 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Tomponskiy map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](61.569228, 132.203826, 66.216319, 140.809229);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Tomponskiy)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Tomponskiy
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Allary-Khastyakh | 62.650000 , 136.033330 |
Alys-Khaya | 65.850910 , 135.409360 |
Anmannykan | 65.470150 , 137.934490 |
Bedekel' | 64.016670 , 133.233330 |
Burgavchan | 65.706110 , 134.895590 |
Byas' | 63.150000 , 135.433330 |
Chagyllakh | 62.983330 , 135.583330 |
Churan | 61.957840 , 135.648800 |
D'elind'e | 64.950000 , 135.800000 |
Dadar | 62.916670 , 134.300000 |
Darkylakh | 61.733330 , 135.283330 |
Dirin-Atakh | 62.766670 , 134.000000 |
Dyby | 62.583330 , 138.966670 |
Dzhebariki-Khaya | 62.210840 , 135.848760 |
El'gendzha | 65.884130 , 137.949450 |
Keng-Yuryakh | 64.450000 , 133.416670 |
Khadzhyma | 62.751130 , 134.324460 |
Khamystakh | 62.692430 , 135.150730 |
Khandyga | 62.649670 , 135.544761 |
Khara-Tas | 65.746860 , 135.209380 |
Kharantyn | 61.716670 , 135.416670 |
Khatyn-Uryakh | 63.016670 , 135.200000 |
Khocho | 62.923450 , 134.110840 |
Kiri | 63.400000 , 134.800000 |
Kommunar | 64.291100 , 133.969010 |
Krest-Khal'dzhay | 62.812410 , 134.514120 |
Kumakh-Bulung | 62.584130 , 135.191060 |
Kuranakh | 61.850000 , 135.816670 |
Kysyl-Sulus | 63.500000 , 138.383330 |
Kyulyunken | 64.150000 , 136.050000 |
Lamygytta | 62.300000 , 135.683330 |
Lippelyakh | 62.766670 , 134.600000 |
Moyuona | 62.700000 , 134.900000 |
Mys Krest | 62.583330 , 135.583330 |
Nikiforova | 62.416670 , 135.600000 |
Nongokan | 63.819530 , 140.083210 |
Prokop'yevskiy | 62.716670 , 135.083330 |
Rosomakha | 63.050000 , 137.983330 |
Saydy | 62.602110 , 135.470150 |
Silyan | 62.850000 , 134.266670 |
Solongdo | 62.333630 , 135.848540 |
Suglan | 64.200000 , 133.983330 |
Sugzha | 62.048440 , 135.788820 |
Talasy | 63.416670 , 135.800000 |
Teply Klyuch | 62.784870 , 136.808860 |
Tirekh-Yuryuya | 64.718450 , 133.132930 |
Tompo | 63.914140 , 135.852250 |
Tomporuk | 62.916670 , 137.250000 |
Topolinyy | 64.075460 , 135.969590 |
Turangnakh | 62.700000 , 134.416670 |
Ust'-Amginskoye | 62.639170 , 134.746240 |
Yakutskoye | 62.666670 , 134.783330 |
Yebe-Alasa | 62.850000 , 134.316670 |
Yebya | 63.150000 , 134.466670 |
Нежданинское | 62.505190 , 139.048460 |
- You can download geometry data for Tomponskiy in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.