Hebron (West Bank) Map Cropping Samples

Hebron (West Bank) Map Cropping Samples-1

Hebron (West Bank) Map Cropping Samples-2

Hebron neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Hebron with 3D shadow effect

Hebron map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Hebron (geojson format) :
Hebron.geojson (**)
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Bounding Box for Hebron Map : ( 31.342602 , 34.880274 , 31.670944 , 35.355859 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Hebron map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](31.342602, 34.880274, 31.670944, 35.355859);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Hebron)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Hebron
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
`Abdah | 31.465570 , 35.023290 |
`Iziz | 31.430180 , 35.082080 |
`Otni'el | 31.439870 , 35.028430 |
'Abda | 31.464298 , 35.023363 |
'Anab al Kabir | 31.398097 , 34.926536 |
'Arab al Fureijat | 31.352284 , 34.924203 |
'Irqan Turad | 31.604039 , 35.150120 |
'Omarim | 31.366670 , 34.950000 |
‘Arab al Furayjāt | 31.356380 , 34.920720 |
‘Innāb al Kabīr | 31.397130 , 34.929100 |
Abu al 'Asja | 31.430725 , 35.026717 |
Abu al 'Urqan | 31.430416 , 35.021454 |
Abu al Ghuzlan | 31.434772 , 35.009768 |
Abu Suhweila | 31.454076 , 34.916914 |
Ad Dayrāt | 31.443800 , 35.163520 |
Ad Deirat | 31.442741 , 35.161711 |
Ad Duwayr | 31.462500 , 35.130910 |
Ad Duweir | 31.459013 , 35.127232 |
Ad Duwwara | 31.556364 , 35.144836 |
Adh Dhahiriya | 31.414176 , 34.973631 |
Adora | 31.516670 , 34.983330 |
Adorah | 31.550000 , 35.016670 |
Al `Alaqah al Fawqa | 31.460550 , 35.008470 |
Al `Udaysah | 31.547960 , 35.139960 |
Al 'Alaqa al Fauqa | 31.460225 , 35.008867 |
Al 'Alaqa at Tahta | 31.455044 , 35.003349 |
Al 'Arrub Camp | 31.621281 , 35.137120 |
Al 'Imarah | 31.535150 , 35.094070 |
Al 'Uddeisa | 31.547517 , 35.141989 |
Al Baqqar | 31.601002 , 35.086442 |
Al Bira | 31.437526 , 34.925843 |
Al Buq‘ah | 31.541990 , 35.142790 |
Al Burj | 31.436976 , 34.909047 |
Al Buwayb | 31.463960 , 35.152270 |
Al Buwayrah | 31.487940 , 35.116650 |
Al Buweib | 31.461911 , 35.149005 |
Al Faqir | 31.407490 , 35.203609 |
Al Fawwar Camp | 31.478754 , 35.064187 |
Al Heila | 31.473637 , 35.106111 |
Al Hijra | 31.488323 , 35.055606 |
Al Ḩīlah | 31.474540 , 35.107420 |
Al Karmil | 31.424178 , 35.131663 |
Al Khalil | 31.540593 , 35.095573 |
Al Khamajat | 31.544323 , 35.041949 |
Al Kum | 31.532684 , 34.962188 |
Al Majd | 31.480408 , 34.950658 |
Al Muntar | 31.432181 , 35.076047 |
Al Muwarraq | 31.532553 , 34.971343 |
al-Kum | 31.531230 , 34.960640 |
al-Shuyukh | 31.575000 , 35.149420 |
An Najada | 31.420629 , 35.237749 |
An Najādah | 31.407940 , 35.212400 |
Ar Rakeez | 31.411185 , 35.155356 |
Ar Rakiz | 31.409230 , 35.161030 |
Ar Ramadin | 31.378734 , 34.914435 |
Ar Ramāḑīn | 31.379520 , 34.912460 |
Ar Rifa`iya | 31.450000 , 35.150000 |
Ar Rifa'iyya | 31.449132 , 35.150970 |
Ar Rihiya | 31.469813 , 35.076861 |
Ar Rīḩīyah | 31.469500 , 35.077810 |
As Samu' | 31.394805 , 35.063296 |
As Samū‘ | 31.396710 , 35.066110 |
As Sikka | 31.491399 , 34.945801 |
As Simiya | 31.527263 , 34.968372 |
As Simya | 31.420970 , 35.033140 |
As Sura | 31.468430 , 34.985058 |
Aş Şūrrah | 31.470980 , 34.998970 |
Ash Shuyukh | 31.584167 , 35.160971 |
Ash Shuyūkh | 31.570040 , 35.156060 |
At Tabaqa | 31.496746 , 35.014648 |
At Tuwani | 31.412100 , 35.151687 |
At Tuwānī | 31.412660 , 35.153820 |
Az̧ Z̧āhirīyah | 31.409670 , 34.973290 |
Az Zuweidin | 31.433505 , 35.196972 |
Bani Na'im | 31.520058 , 35.152675 |
Banī Na‘īm | 31.515910 , 35.164160 |
Bani Qays | 31.491240 , 35.114840 |
Bayt ‘Amrah | 31.450200 , 35.049520 |
Bayt ‘Awwā | 31.509110 , 34.949380 |
Bayt ‘Īnūn | 31.558700 , 35.124400 |
Bayt al-Rush al-Tahta | 31.463760 , 34.935520 |
Bayt ar Rūsh al Fawqā | 31.451960 , 34.926520 |
Bayt ar Rūsh at Taḩtā | 31.463380 , 34.935950 |
Bayt Kāḩil | 31.570110 , 35.065020 |
Bayt Maqdūm | 31.535370 , 34.971920 |
Bayt Mirsim | 31.452370 , 34.915030 |
Bayt Ūlā | 31.596180 , 35.029600 |
Bayt Ūmmar | 31.623290 , 35.104460 |
Beit 'Amra | 31.449518 , 35.048192 |
Beit 'Awwa | 31.506225 , 34.955539 |
Beit 'Einun | 31.558603 , 35.123605 |
Beit ar Rush al Fauqa | 31.451595 , 34.926566 |
Beit ar Rush at Tahta | 31.461823 , 34.935738 |
Beit Kahil | 31.573389 , 35.061186 |
Beit Maqdum | 31.535552 , 34.970446 |
Beit Ula | 31.597519 , 35.020151 |
Beit Ummar | 31.620481 , 35.109812 |
Bet Mirsham | 31.450000 , 34.916670 |
Bir Musallam | 31.574075 , 34.979455 |
Birin | 31.487169 , 35.148521 |
Biyar al 'Arus | 31.469042 , 35.128573 |
Burj el Baiyara | 31.433330 , 34.900000 |
Dahriya | 31.409640 , 34.975510 |
Dayr al ‘Asal al Fawqā | 31.468320 , 34.938320 |
Dayr al ‘Asal at Taḩtā | 31.473290 , 34.944600 |
Dayr Sāmit | 31.520570 , 34.974420 |
Deir al 'Asal al Fauqa | 31.467329 , 34.938161 |
Deir al 'Asal at Tahta | 31.473121 , 34.944257 |
Deir Razih | 31.471707 , 35.039154 |
Deir Samit | 31.519894 , 34.973989 |
Dura | 31.496322 , 35.027758 |
Dūrā | 31.507770 , 35.029290 |
Edh Dhahiriya | 31.355499 , 34.965500 |
Fuqeiqis | 31.490151 , 34.992731 |
Fuqīqīs | 31.488390 , 34.984300 |
Giv`at Harsina | 31.533330 , 35.116670 |
Hadab al 'Alaqa | 31.453456 , 34.995632 |
Hadab al Fawwar | 31.476152 , 35.054219 |
Ḩadb al ‘Alqah | 31.455500 , 34.994930 |
Haggy | 31.492620 , 35.078270 |
Halhul | 31.580807 , 35.103521 |
Haribat an Nabi | 31.378869 , 35.109155 |
Ḩattā | 31.618800 , 35.023610 |
Hebron (Al Khalil) | 31.524337 , 35.088008 |
Hitta | 31.620249 , 35.016963 |
Humsa | 31.536579 , 34.989100 |
Hurayz | 31.469500 , 35.122160 |
Hureiz | 31.476212 , 35.152491 |
I'zeiz | 31.428657 , 35.076791 |
Idhna | 31.558109 , 34.973187 |
Idhnā | 31.558740 , 34.974360 |
Imneizil | 31.370741 , 35.106143 |
Imnīzil | 31.371380 , 35.104600 |
Imreish | 31.467854 , 35.005204 |
Imrīsh | 31.468950 , 35.008190 |
Iskeik | 31.465021 , 34.954326 |
Jālā | 31.619620 , 35.074090 |
Jala | 31.618667 , 35.077437 |
Jurun al Lawz | 31.545210 , 35.174170 |
Jurun al Louz | 31.547751 , 35.163437 |
Juwai & Kafr Jul | 31.447950 , 34.950879 |
Karma | 31.448815 , 35.025501 |
Karmah | 31.451820 , 35.026890 |
Karme Zur | 31.600000 , 35.100000 |
Karmel | 31.416670 , 35.183330 |
Kefar `Ezyon | 31.650000 , 35.116670 |
Khallat `Arabi | 31.458760 , 35.052200 |
Khallat ad Dār | 31.497370 , 35.113620 |
Khallat al ‘Aqd | 31.467510 , 34.986370 |
Khallat al Mayyah | 31.442220 , 35.142860 |
Khallat al Musāfir | 31.507400 , 35.202810 |
Khallat Şāliḩ | 31.420130 , 35.115160 |
Khallet 'Arabi | 31.442690 , 35.045766 |
Khallet al 'Aqed | 31.467134 , 34.987853 |
Khallet al Maiyya | 31.445015 , 35.141063 |
Khallet Salih | 31.435137 , 35.117940 |
Kharas | 31.616641 , 35.037138 |
Khārās | 31.614800 , 35.041740 |
Kharsa | 31.482455 , 35.017640 |
Khashem al Karem | 31.407466 , 35.210426 |
Khashm ad Daraj | 31.416270 , 35.239480 |
Khayr wa Shuyūsh wal Ḩadīdīyah | 31.441720 , 35.127950 |
Khirbat `Asidah | 31.621300 , 35.102220 |
Khirbat ad Dayr | 31.655600 , 35.025530 |
Khirbat al Fakhīt | 31.376620 , 35.166190 |
Khirbat al Hijrah | 31.488500 , 35.056110 |
Khirbat al Majnunah | 31.485950 , 35.042610 |
Khirbat al Maq`urah | 31.397040 , 35.180000 |
Khirbat al Mushrif | 31.624390 , 35.026670 |
Khirbat an Nasara | 31.553000 , 35.101770 |
Khirbat as Salāmah | 31.491140 , 34.998350 |
Khirbat Bayt Nasib al Gharbiyah | 31.591640 , 35.025030 |
Khirbat Bayt Nasib ash Sharqiyah | 31.588050 , 35.024570 |
Khirbat Bīr al ‘Idd | 31.375470 , 35.132090 |
Khirbat Dayr an Nil | 31.657640 , 35.069650 |
Khirbat Duma | 31.430450 , 34.982990 |
Khirbat Jamrin | 31.629570 , 35.046700 |
Khirbat Kufin | 31.616670 , 35.116670 |
Khirbat Ra'fat | 31.386060 , 35.062090 |
Khirbat Ţawīl ash Shīḩ | 31.383030 , 35.225350 |
Khirbat Umm `Allas | 31.601150 , 35.014680 |
Khirbet Abu Hamid | 31.472340 , 34.954292 |
Khirbet ad Deir | 31.654131 , 35.024734 |
Khirbet al Fakheit | 31.387947 , 35.143248 |
Khirbet al Hasaka | 31.566831 , 35.090701 |
Khirbet al Kharaba | 31.369076 , 35.091748 |
Khirbet al Majaz | 31.384301 , 35.146417 |
Khirbet al Mantara | 31.637314 , 35.115001 |
Khirbet al Maq'ura | 31.394462 , 35.159658 |
Khirbet ar Rahwa | 31.364225 , 34.950798 |
Khirbet Asafi | 31.396552 , 35.180106 |
Khirbet at Tabban | 31.393666 , 35.142574 |
Khirbet at Tawamin | 31.389997 , 35.124045 |
Khirbet Bir al 'Idd | 31.391674 , 35.128012 |
Khirbet Bism | 31.464244 , 35.030223 |
Khirbet Deir Shams | 31.407899 , 35.023117 |
Khirbet Ghuwein al Fauqa | 31.357184 , 35.078159 |
Khirbet Jamrura | 31.627127 , 35.038438 |
Khirbet Mushrif | 31.626679 , 35.024797 |
Khirbet Salama | 31.485864 , 34.994745 |
Khirbet Sarura | 31.402321 , 35.152927 |
Khirbet Shuweika | 31.402008 , 35.002252 |
Khirbet Tawil ash Shih | 32.506476 , 35.311113 |
Khirbet Zanuta | 31.375079 , 35.001607 |
Khuraysah | 31.452090 , 35.128690 |
Khurisa | 31.439700 , 35.089021 |
Khursā | 31.482320 , 35.017420 |
Kureise | 31.540464 , 35.049761 |
Kurisah | 31.522740 , 35.016380 |
Kurza | 31.440221 , 34.999113 |
Kurzah | 31.440580 , 34.999100 |
Kuziba | 31.598312 , 35.159522 |
Ma`ale Hever | 31.500000 , 35.150000 |
Ma`on | 31.400000 , 35.166670 |
Ma'in | 31.401776 , 35.132544 |
Ma‘īn | 31.409840 , 35.132350 |
Maghayir al `Abid | 31.377070 , 35.149200 |
Maghayir al 'Abeed | 31.394356 , 35.136064 |
Manoah | 31.502020 , 35.104010 |
Mantiqat Shi'b al Batin | 31.410221 , 35.148689 |
Marah al Baqqar | 31.473507 , 34.979869 |
Marāḩ al Baqqār | 31.476400 , 34.980540 |
Mezad | 31.583330 , 35.183330 |
Mezad B | 31.583330 , 35.183330 |
Minţaqat Shi‘ib al Bāţin | 31.394090 , 35.131600 |
Nahal Negohot | 31.483330 , 34.966670 |
Nahal Yaqin | 31.500000 , 35.166670 |
Nahal Zor`ef | 31.633330 , 35.066670 |
Nuba | 31.608765 , 35.033156 |
Qafan al Khamis | 31.570466 , 35.146497 |
Qalqas | 31.490690 , 35.095149 |
Qanan Jabir | 31.422640 , 35.105560 |
Qawawis | 31.399846 , 35.142088 |
Qila | 31.611590 , 35.001212 |
Qilā‘ Zaytā | 31.552940 , 35.120770 |
Qinan an Najma | 31.456346 , 35.055279 |
Qinan an Namir | 31.543388 , 35.185952 |
Qinan Jaber | 31.417910 , 35.116917 |
Qiryat Arba' | 31.528380 , 35.118970 |
Qurnet ar Ras | 31.451750 , 35.141758 |
Rabud | 31.437788 , 35.014362 |
Rābūd | 31.439090 , 35.016200 |
Rafada | 31.513217 , 35.037885 |
Ramadin | 31.375590 , 34.905570 |
Ras al Jora | 31.604771 , 34.994322 |
Ras al Jurah | 31.604840 , 34.997900 |
Ras at Tawil | 31.564713 , 35.145480 |
Sa'ir | 31.577907 , 35.138807 |
Safa | 31.641982 , 35.100052 |
Shamaliyyat al Hawa | 31.593210 , 35.145750 |
Shima | 31.387200 , 35.012660 |
Shuyukh al 'Arrub | 31.613617 , 35.142772 |
Shuyūkh al ‘Arrūb | 31.617350 , 35.143660 |
Si'ir | 31.584990 , 35.143690 |
Sika | 31.491320 , 34.943820 |
Sikkah | 31.491610 , 34.943050 |
Somara | 31.418543 , 34.930781 |
Suba | 31.541761 , 34.996950 |
Surif | 31.643978 , 35.070056 |
Şūrīf | 31.650780 , 35.064390 |
Suseya | 31.391160 , 35.113680 |
Taffuh | 31.537475 , 35.048597 |
Taffūḩ | 31.538550 , 35.049660 |
Tarqumiya | 31.575298 , 35.013011 |
Tarqūmyā | 31.575510 , 35.012230 |
Ţarrāmah | 31.480810 , 35.032520 |
Tarusa | 31.525855 , 34.983162 |
Tawas | 31.488622 , 34.955361 |
Telem | 31.563690 , 35.031190 |
Turrama | 31.480745 , 35.030594 |
Umm ad Daraj | 31.445380 , 35.200710 |
Umm al ‘Amd | 31.452130 , 35.133570 |
Umm al Butm | 31.599358 , 35.153741 |
Umm al Khayr | 31.425440 , 35.195700 |
Umm ash Shaqḩān | 31.448640 , 35.138230 |
Umm Lasafa | 31.436370 , 35.155142 |
Umm Laşafā | 31.435970 , 35.156120 |
Wadi 'Ubeid | 31.508939 , 34.973076 |
Wādī ‘Ubayd | 31.490320 , 35.006790 |
Wādī al ‘Amāyir | 31.372380 , 35.092020 |
Wadi al Kilab | 31.435760 , 34.979305 |
Wadi ar Rim | 31.547941 , 35.197539 |
Wadi as Sada | 31.475740 , 35.095425 |
Wadi ash Shajina | 31.470813 , 35.030882 |
Wādī ash Shājinah | 31.470570 , 35.031510 |
Wadih | 31.503271 , 35.000701 |
Yatta | 31.447621 , 35.097066 |
Yattir | 31.433330 , 35.083330 |
Yuta | 31.445900 , 35.094430 |
Zif | 31.481515 , 35.122102 |
Zīf | 31.466930 , 35.136710 |
Zohar | 31.400000 , 34.983330 |
- You can download geometry data for Hebron in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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