Lehri (Balochistan) Map Cropping Samples

Lehri (Balochistan) Map Cropping Samples-1

Lehri (Balochistan) Map Cropping Samples-2

Lehri neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Lehri with 3D shadow effect

Lehri map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Lehri (geojson format) :
Lehri.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Lehri map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Lehri Map : ( 28.602109 , 67.645913 , 29.376789 , 68.460729 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Lehri map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](28.602109, 67.645913, 29.376789, 68.460729);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Lehri)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Lehri
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abra Wand | 28.980100 , 67.931600 |
Admani Noh | 28.736740 , 67.906600 |
Ahmad Hara | 28.969000 , 67.686040 |
Ahorha | 28.950000 , 68.000000 |
Allahabad | 28.891000 , 67.794200 |
Allahabad Karyar | 28.756590 , 67.860530 |
Arain | 28.992030 , 67.697570 |
Arbani Sharqi | 28.811500 , 67.889150 |
Arit | 29.003550 , 67.738650 |
Awwal Hashim Abro | 28.828350 , 67.840210 |
Azmatpur | 28.870860 , 67.857710 |
Babar | 29.066630 , 68.072510 |
Baga Khan Chotani | 29.238770 , 68.099920 |
Baghdar Muradwah | 29.233020 , 68.085000 |
Bahram Khan | 28.783330 , 67.833330 |
Basti Baghra | 28.694450 , 67.782760 |
Basti Bukhtiar | 28.699810 , 67.823840 |
Basti Don | 28.723390 , 67.856970 |
Basti Hashim | 28.691230 , 67.829070 |
Basti Jaffar | 28.987270 , 67.799790 |
Basti Juma | 28.982520 , 67.838840 |
Basti Kamal | 28.703900 , 67.857900 |
Basti Mirabad | 28.985020 , 67.786140 |
Basti Muhammad | 29.031570 , 67.846590 |
Basti Pahnar | 28.687370 , 67.762160 |
Basti Panahu | 28.712300 , 67.802200 |
Basti Shahmir | 28.742230 , 67.904900 |
Basti Somaro | 29.089100 , 67.825320 |
Basti Sukhani | 28.708700 , 67.821360 |
Basti Syedan | 29.203580 , 68.228900 |
Bei Ghan | 28.876760 , 67.842450 |
Bellpat | 28.990390 , 68.011540 |
Bembhar | 29.030160 , 67.809330 |
Bhag | 29.042613 , 67.821955 |
Bhand | 29.125140 , 67.999260 |
Bharu | 28.833330 , 68.116670 |
Bibi | 29.113720 , 67.778470 |
Borri | 29.267600 , 68.205410 |
Brahim Khan | 29.072320 , 67.844550 |
Bujar | 29.108780 , 67.742330 |
Chachar | 29.057960 , 68.060760 |
Chhalga | 28.957440 , 67.887050 |
Chhuttalabad | 28.811800 , 67.887700 |
Dashti | 29.008020 , 67.897330 |
Dhad | 29.006290 , 68.072320 |
Dharpali | 28.785460 , 67.713040 |
Dunri Wazir Khan | 29.104300 , 67.858360 |
Durrani | 29.128540 , 68.220660 |
Gabol | 28.832440 , 68.110810 |
Gahurani | 29.118290 , 67.819410 |
Ganjlu | 28.904510 , 67.797880 |
Garhi Muhammad Bakhsh | 29.162770 , 68.209910 |
Ghazi Fatwani | 29.105700 , 67.823080 |
Ghial | 28.940890 , 67.824160 |
Ghowar | 29.126750 , 67.776760 |
Ghulam Haidar | 28.806100 , 67.854200 |
Ghulam Nabi | 28.786830 , 67.812590 |
Giddar | 28.942330 , 67.763170 |
Golah Long | 29.032150 , 67.800910 |
Golah Muhammad Umer | 29.029370 , 67.753060 |
Goth Abdul Karim | 28.829580 , 68.080800 |
Goth Abdul Rahim Gabol | 28.834330 , 68.104080 |
Goth Abrah | 28.971730 , 67.686860 |
Goth Ali Nawaz | 29.022320 , 67.699900 |
Goth Aliyar | 29.091670 , 68.008330 |
Goth Allah Rakhia | 28.874530 , 68.053260 |
Goth Aziz Machhi | 29.044850 , 68.165230 |
Goth Baghdar | 29.197910 , 68.101410 |
Goth Bahram | 28.833330 , 68.116670 |
Goth Bakhra Khattri | 29.066670 , 68.166670 |
Goth Bakhshan | 28.833330 , 68.150000 |
Goth Bakhtiar Machhi | 29.076660 , 68.055500 |
Goth Bangu Basham | 29.145610 , 68.072720 |
Goth Barkhordar | 29.261390 , 68.232250 |
Goth Bhand | 29.098610 , 68.005560 |
Goth Bhand Hamza Khan | 29.004430 , 67.735740 |
Goth Bhand Muhammad Ashrif | 29.007310 , 67.731960 |
Goth Bira Khan | 28.967590 , 68.230030 |
Goth Chachar | 29.010100 , 68.113080 |
Goth Chukhra | 28.883570 , 68.092740 |
Goth Dauli | 29.097780 , 68.090830 |
Goth Dilmurad | 29.259490 , 68.196050 |
Goth Dilshad | 29.036860 , 68.147400 |
Goth Fateh Machhi | 29.091670 , 68.116670 |
Goth Fazil Muhammad Badduzai | 29.097110 , 68.091220 |
Goth Gabol | 28.865260 , 68.092560 |
Goth Ghazi Khan | 29.115600 , 68.166710 |
Goth Golawer Usman | 29.159430 , 68.003150 |
Goth Gole | 29.256500 , 68.210570 |
Goth Gul Muhammad | 28.868480 , 68.126660 |
Goth Gulan Werah | 29.150270 , 68.010460 |
Goth Habib | 28.979570 , 68.085450 |
Goth Haider | 29.043520 , 68.155260 |
Goth Haji Jafar | 29.069040 , 68.099490 |
Goth Hayat Khan Domki | 28.980490 , 68.182360 |
Goth Hoth | 29.056890 , 68.137420 |
Goth Idris Khan | 28.956600 , 68.136910 |
Goth Imam Bakhsh | 29.158330 , 68.200000 |
Goth Jalal Khan | 28.938780 , 68.228870 |
Goth Kamal Khan | 29.000000 , 68.050000 |
Goth Kamal Khan | 29.008330 , 68.048610 |
Goth Kamal Khan Kaprani | 28.800350 , 68.054160 |
Goth Karim Dad | 29.133910 , 68.184370 |
Goth Khair Muhammad | 29.242380 , 68.237230 |
Goth Khan Muhammad | 29.113440 , 68.048200 |
Goth Khano | 29.094620 , 68.057630 |
Goth Khosa | 29.033100 , 68.059080 |
Goth Khosa | 29.072220 , 68.055560 |
Goth Khosa | 29.022220 , 68.080560 |
Goth Lal Shah | 29.075630 , 68.147750 |
Goth Lange | 29.260750 , 68.224280 |
Goth Machhi | 28.955920 , 67.689810 |
Goth Mandost | 28.836950 , 68.157690 |
Goth Mauladad | 29.085060 , 68.052290 |
Goth Mehmdi Machhi | 29.074910 , 68.104360 |
Goth Mehrab Khan | 29.055650 , 68.073260 |
Goth Mian | 29.000000 , 68.200000 |
Goth Mian Khan | 29.145030 , 68.215150 |
Goth Mir Dost | 29.155560 , 68.200000 |
Goth Mir Hassan Tahlani | 29.121180 , 68.237070 |
Goth Miroi | 29.150000 , 68.183330 |
Goth Mirza Detha | 29.021930 , 68.138760 |
Goth Mochian | 29.130440 , 68.194070 |
Goth Muhammad Ali | 29.130560 , 68.233330 |
Goth Nabi Bakhsh | 29.160470 , 68.217970 |
Goth Nabi Bakhsh | 29.133800 , 68.200940 |
Goth Nadhan | 28.868870 , 68.116700 |
Goth Nasir | 28.860090 , 68.092950 |
Goth Nindani | 29.105440 , 68.112850 |
Goth Nur Muhammad | 28.923020 , 68.242230 |
Goth Pirak | 29.131380 , 68.026560 |
Goth Piru | 29.119540 , 68.086920 |
Goth Qadir Bakhsh Kaprani | 28.819980 , 68.126680 |
Goth Qaisar Khan | 28.918900 , 68.234030 |
Goth Qazi | 29.052730 , 68.168650 |
Goth Rais Fazla | 29.077310 , 68.136180 |
Goth Rais Rehman | 29.067550 , 68.130930 |
Goth Rashidabad | 28.980660 , 67.930510 |
Goth Relo | 29.275720 , 68.232120 |
Goth Sadiq | 29.150000 , 68.198610 |
Goth Safar Dadh | 29.015240 , 68.070970 |
Goth Sattar | 28.852920 , 68.094320 |
Goth Sawal Dinari | 29.110350 , 68.090160 |
Goth Shab Kor | 29.118820 , 68.042070 |
Goth Shah Murad Tahlani | 29.110560 , 68.242520 |
Goth Shirani | 29.050000 , 68.000000 |
Goth Sona Gabol | 28.862780 , 68.113270 |
Goth Tahlani | 29.047050 , 68.108700 |
Goth Talani | 29.148180 , 68.213050 |
Goth Tarkuly | 28.864760 , 68.126520 |
Goth Terhi Muhammadani | 29.286370 , 68.186670 |
Goth Wabi Bakhsh | 29.000000 , 68.200000 |
Goth Wahid Bakhsh | 29.025000 , 68.075000 |
Goth Walia Khan | 29.065360 , 68.091000 |
Goth Wasu | 29.130180 , 68.203390 |
Goth Wazir Machhi | 29.133710 , 68.117570 |
Goth Waziran | 29.127650 , 68.216480 |
Gugi | 29.186700 , 68.235940 |
Gul Mir | 28.848330 , 67.826980 |
Gumb | 28.995180 , 67.809070 |
Gusher Wand | 28.890410 , 67.844790 |
Hadwar | 29.062050 , 67.853460 |
Haji Amir Jan | 29.112750 , 67.768510 |
Haji Jah | 29.013740 , 67.729050 |
Haji Jhok | 28.820630 , 67.819220 |
Hajijah Balina | 29.086530 , 67.781510 |
Hajijah Zerina | 29.073280 , 67.777690 |
Halim Khan | 28.983640 , 67.693270 |
Hambi | 29.022660 , 67.934740 |
Hamidullah Buledi | 28.865260 , 67.721290 |
Hassan Ali | 28.725140 , 67.901430 |
Hiju Machhi | 29.169580 , 68.134570 |
Imam Bakhsh Dinari | 29.213280 , 68.008260 |
Jalal Khan | 29.033770 , 67.730320 |
Jangi | 28.747760 , 67.716010 |
Jangu | 29.115770 , 67.788640 |
Jellan | 29.240110 , 68.252800 |
Jhak Anbab | 28.869710 , 67.802350 |
Jhambarra | 29.038030 , 67.752270 |
Jhandi | 29.088820 , 67.914570 |
Jhok Inam | 29.065470 , 67.955280 |
Kachhi Mir Wah | 29.172550 , 68.150530 |
Kalani | 28.906670 , 67.652860 |
Kalarkot | 29.087670 , 67.981630 |
Kalhora | 28.853480 , 67.822630 |
Kalra | 28.942820 , 67.801140 |
Kalri | 29.050000 , 67.833330 |
Kals | 28.850470 , 67.912530 |
Kamal | 28.724200 , 67.857600 |
Kamal Khan | 28.627060 , 67.864330 |
Kamal Khan | 28.970030 , 67.783730 |
Kamal Khan | 28.895200 , 67.993000 |
Kashmir | 29.033010 , 67.947250 |
Katohar | 28.948460 , 67.679160 |
Khairwah | 29.162360 , 68.077250 |
Khan Wah | 28.864990 , 67.944190 |
Khudadad | 29.132670 , 67.784890 |
Kilarkot | 29.074010 , 68.012200 |
Kili Sahib Khan Jat | 29.188850 , 68.178130 |
Kora Allahabad | 28.905200 , 67.825400 |
Korani | 29.090770 , 67.864020 |
Korkanj | 29.119010 , 67.765000 |
Korn Chhalgari | 28.824140 , 67.922430 |
Kot Ghulam Ali Buledi | 28.919190 , 67.744790 |
Kulachi | 28.887920 , 67.672590 |
Kungu Shah | 28.944860 , 67.696810 |
Lachar | 28.813140 , 67.871820 |
Lahri | 29.181890 , 68.210320 |
Laiq Khan | 29.217400 , 68.017450 |
Lakhan | 28.899430 , 67.651190 |
Lakhmir Mastol | 28.840030 , 67.871980 |
Lal Jan | 28.752100 , 67.708140 |
Lal Jan Basti | 28.975380 , 67.777230 |
Landi | 28.702800 , 67.890950 |
Lohi Hafiz | 28.939220 , 68.102530 |
Lohi Hayat | 28.921490 , 68.097740 |
Lohi Saifullah | 28.926440 , 68.103430 |
Lundi Nasir | 28.889970 , 68.174250 |
Machhi | 28.971240 , 67.680480 |
Machhi Barohi | 28.643700 , 67.760150 |
Machhi Inam | 28.971480 , 67.893010 |
Machhi Jat | 28.649270 , 67.841750 |
Machhi Wasti | 29.017310 , 67.816940 |
Madad Ali Shah | 28.966850 , 67.726190 |
Mahesar | 28.960700 , 67.788800 |
Mahmud Bhatti | 28.926110 , 67.855520 |
Mahram | 28.850370 , 67.816590 |
Malik ka Ghar | 29.062780 , 67.922160 |
Malik Miran Khan | 29.237850 , 68.005450 |
Mall Sohriani | 29.369330 , 67.989800 |
Mandani | 28.950000 , 68.133330 |
Mandha | 28.790600 , 67.884300 |
Mandwari | 29.131190 , 67.770490 |
Mazar Pir Muhammad Taqi | 29.077520 , 67.877730 |
Mehar Dil | 28.973560 , 67.703360 |
Mehlab | 28.889480 , 67.818500 |
Mian Roda | 28.992030 , 67.803470 |
Mir Khan | 29.120810 , 67.832890 |
Mir Wah | 28.824160 , 67.916890 |
Mirwah | 28.764130 , 67.728470 |
Mithani | 29.081930 , 67.756410 |
Mithu Khokhar | 28.877190 , 67.834700 |
Moch | 29.177080 , 67.987470 |
Motu | 29.116960 , 67.826520 |
Mundrani | 29.067840 , 67.857790 |
Muradwah Gola | 29.241570 , 68.123010 |
Muradwah Janubi | 29.214400 , 68.028590 |
Musa Tahlani | 29.183830 , 68.061290 |
Mut Qobul | 28.643090 , 67.834970 |
Naib Aziz Gola | 28.998300 , 67.711640 |
Nala | 29.010240 , 67.997640 |
Nala Khuda Bakhsh Sharti | 29.145790 , 68.112990 |
Nauro | 28.934710 , 67.661590 |
Naushahra | 28.803300 , 67.829100 |
Naushahra | 29.065580 , 67.841540 |
Nawab Khan Muradwah | 29.246450 , 68.136420 |
Nindani | 28.950000 , 68.133330 |
Nura Hara | 28.914630 , 67.654050 |
Pahor | 29.104930 , 67.796700 |
Pasand Khan Basti | 28.992060 , 67.767000 |
Pat Kohna | 28.853060 , 67.927670 |
Pat Manjnu Nau | 28.846930 , 67.922040 |
Pathan Kals | 28.893370 , 67.860340 |
Phuj | 28.905510 , 67.659360 |
Phuleji | 29.179170 , 68.105690 |
Pir Bukhsh Brahui | 28.630190 , 67.778440 |
Pir Hussain Shah | 29.097880 , 67.864690 |
Pir Mahmud Aulla | 28.925530 , 67.749140 |
Pir Tiar Ghazi | 29.100370 , 67.810350 |
Purana Babbar | 28.918130 , 67.898040 |
Purana Khokha | 28.769240 , 67.701490 |
Purana Makhan Bela | 28.754290 , 67.804470 |
Qadir Bakhsh Abro | 28.830660 , 67.864980 |
Qazi Mir Wah | 29.156930 , 68.224910 |
Qazi Wandh | 28.962400 , 67.851840 |
Qazi Wandh Inam | 28.972840 , 67.820190 |
Rahmatpur | 28.839690 , 67.944560 |
Rais Azizullah | 28.983690 , 67.709760 |
Rais Hath | 28.952370 , 68.009820 |
Rais Sangat Machhi | 29.153500 , 68.138380 |
Rashid Faqir | 28.707580 , 67.792930 |
Rawela | 28.991900 , 67.806000 |
Razi | 28.855160 , 67.850760 |
Rehanzai Khuna | 29.043160 , 67.745680 |
Sachu | 29.135970 , 67.732910 |
Sad Bela Pahor | 29.034010 , 67.720380 |
Sathiani | 28.986440 , 67.708490 |
Sayal | 28.883330 , 68.083330 |
Shahan | 29.117520 , 67.783980 |
Shera Bulra | 28.908630 , 67.863150 |
Sherdil Muradwah | 29.220150 , 68.080680 |
Sobha Bhatti | 28.898160 , 67.882810 |
Sona Khan | 29.118930 , 67.823470 |
Sultanpur | 28.766340 , 67.884310 |
Takri Gharb | 28.816750 , 67.895890 |
Talabwala | 28.889530 , 67.659370 |
Tand Khudai Khan | 28.995160 , 67.712940 |
Tandra Mugheri | 28.987010 , 67.711820 |
Tangoti Arbab | 28.998320 , 67.882120 |
Tangoti Khan Muhammad | 28.982160 , 67.883270 |
Tarir | 29.210320 , 68.238270 |
Tazi Sangani | 29.244040 , 68.221180 |
Terhi | 29.284340 , 68.143140 |
Tunian | 29.106880 , 68.213840 |
Tunie | 28.861940 , 67.685720 |
Umar Shahmir | 28.922430 , 67.849180 |
Usman Gola | 29.157870 , 68.149780 |
Wand Unar | 28.734310 , 67.725750 |
Wazira | 28.973530 , 68.158760 |
Wazirabad | 28.875880 , 67.883450 |
Zaro | 28.789440 , 67.871930 |
Zorgarh Nia | 28.780340 , 67.890170 |
- You can download geometry data for Lehri in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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