Pototan (Iloilo) Map Cropping Samples

Pototan (Iloilo) Map Cropping Samples-2

flag map of Pototan with 3D shadow effect

Pototan map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Pototan (geojson format) :
Pototan.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Pototan map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Pototan Map : ( 10.857262 , 122.55912 , 10.998264 , 122.683231 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Pototan map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](10.857262, 122.55912, 10.998264, 122.683231);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Pototan)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Pototan
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abangay | 10.968800 , 122.646900 |
Abat | 10.950000 , 122.633330 |
Agcawaypa | 10.947900 , 122.641700 |
Amamaros | 10.916500 , 122.627100 |
Astorga | 10.964200 , 122.596300 |
Bangac | 10.950000 , 122.633330 |
Barasan | 10.916670 , 122.650000 |
Basa | 10.916900 , 122.647900 |
Batuan | 10.950800 , 122.645700 |
Cabilauan | 10.892220 , 122.659170 |
Cahaguichican | 10.891800 , 122.636300 |
Callan | 10.933330 , 122.650000 |
Casalsagan | 10.888600 , 122.617500 |
Cato-ogan | 10.933330 , 122.633330 |
Caw-ayan | 10.950000 , 122.633330 |
Culob | 10.884720 , 122.654720 |
Culob | 10.894400 , 122.647700 |
Dapitan | 10.933330 , 122.650000 |
Dawis | 10.883330 , 122.616670 |
Dongsol | 10.862600 , 122.639700 |
Donsol | 10.866670 , 122.633330 |
Fundacion | 10.950000 , 122.633330 |
Guibuangan-Pototan | 10.950000 , 122.633330 |
Igang | 10.916000 , 122.638800 |
Ilaya | 10.944800 , 122.607400 |
Intal-uan | 10.950000 , 122.633330 |
Iwa | 10.965400 , 122.635600 |
Jamabalod | 10.878800 , 122.621200 |
Janipa-an | 10.933330 , 122.633330 |
Jibioc | 10.873500 , 122.649000 |
Latauan | 10.996300 , 122.585000 |
Lua Ilya | 10.986600 , 122.629800 |
Lualaua | 10.978000 , 122.632800 |
Lumbo | 10.942600 , 122.608300 |
Lumboy | 10.950000 , 122.600000 |
Macatol | 10.973500 , 122.630500 |
Malosgod | 10.950000 , 122.633330 |
Malublub | 10.970000 , 122.572900 |
Monpon | 10.911940 , 122.637780 |
Naga | 10.900000 , 122.616670 |
Nanga | 10.883330 , 122.633330 |
Nasirum | 10.971700 , 122.592000 |
Naslo | 10.955000 , 122.614700 |
Naslo | 10.938200 , 122.616500 |
Palangwa | 10.982200 , 122.600300 |
Panao | 10.981900 , 122.614700 |
Pitogo | 10.983330 , 122.600000 |
Polot-an | 10.916670 , 122.666670 |
Pototan | 10.943700 , 122.635200 |
Rombang | 10.932000 , 122.633100 |
San Julian | 10.976500 , 122.583000 |
Sarague | 10.972700 , 122.636900 |
Sariri | 10.985800 , 122.582500 |
Tabucan | 10.919170 , 122.670830 |
Tina | 10.986100 , 122.594900 |
Tina Norte | 10.993200 , 122.591700 |
Tipolo | 10.950000 , 122.633330 |
Tuburan | 10.916390 , 122.669720 |
Tugot | 10.981300 , 122.587000 |
Tumay | 10.950000 , 122.633330 |
Tumcon Ilawod | 10.916670 , 122.666670 |
Tumcon Ilaya | 10.950000 , 122.633330 |
Ubang | 10.950000 , 122.633330 |
Zarrague | 10.933330 , 122.633330 |
- You can download geometry data for Pototan in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.