Libon (Albay) Map Cropping Samples

Libon (Albay) Map Cropping Samples-2
Libon (Albay) Map Cropping Samples-2

flag map of Libon with 3D shadow effect
flag map of Libon with 3D shadow effect

Libon map with 3d shadow effect
Libon map with 3d shadow effect

Create and download free physical and topographic maps for Libon.

Download outline map of Libon (geojson format) : Libon.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Libon map for "Google Maps" : Libon.txt
Bounding Box for Libon Map : ( 13.139102 , 123.287109 , 13.334926 , 123.464106 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Libon map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](13.139102, 123.287109, 13.334926, 123.464106);
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Libon)
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Neighborhoods and Villages of Libon
Neighborhoods and VillagesCoordinates (Latitude, Longitude)
Bacolod 13.270560 , 123.443060
Bariw 13.280600 , 123.374500
Bolos 13.156670 , 123.311390
Bonbon 13.278800 , 123.404200
Bonjol 13.183330 , 123.333330
Buga 13.296600 , 123.359600
Bulusan 13.291500 , 123.408700
Burabod 13.268600 , 123.416200
Caguscos 13.230980 , 123.330660
Canaganan 13.185830 , 123.307220
East Carisac 13.308400 , 123.444200
Harigue 13.255900 , 123.352000
La Medalla 13.289800 , 123.383100
Lalombon 13.265300 , 123.334100
Libon 13.299700 , 123.438600
Libtong 13.269900 , 123.380900
Linao 13.246740 , 123.439060
Mabayawas 13.227520 , 123.420340
Macabugos 13.236200 , 123.305300
Magallang 13.258100 , 123.401700
Malabiga 13.300000 , 123.433330
Malabiga 13.210040 , 123.369870
Malasbolos 13.276500 , 123.347200
Marayag 13.285600 , 123.457500
Matara 13.195570 , 123.389680
Matara 13.300000 , 123.433330
Molosbolos 13.233330 , 123.350000
Nagpo 13.291400 , 123.368000
Natasan 13.300000 , 123.433330
Nino Jesus 13.249800 , 123.413700
Palbon 13.216670 , 123.333330
Pantao 13.194400 , 123.327100
Rawis 13.150620 , 123.296250
Sabang 13.183330 , 123.316670
Sagrada Familia 13.269000 , 123.397700
Sampongan 13.199300 , 123.380990
San Antonio 13.300000 , 123.433330
San Isidro 13.277400 , 123.440100
San Jacinto 13.283330 , 123.450000
San Pasacual 13.221780 , 123.402730
San Pascual 13.300000 , 123.433330
San Ramon 13.238250 , 123.428730
San Vicente 13.261500 , 123.433400
Talin-Talin 13.166500 , 123.311100
West Carisac 13.290900 , 123.450600

- You can download geometry data for Libon in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**) Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.

Create Libon neighborhoods and villages map.

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