Leon (Iloilo) Map Cropping Samples

Leon (Iloilo) Map Cropping Samples-1

Leon (Iloilo) Map Cropping Samples-2

Leon neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Leon with 3D shadow effect

Leon map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Leon (geojson format) :
Leon.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Leon map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Leon Map : ( 10.734471 , 122.204594 , 10.91223 , 122.421848 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Leon map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](10.734471, 122.204594, 10.91223, 122.421848);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Leon)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Leon
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agboy Norte | 10.766670 , 122.400000 |
Agboy Sur | 10.783330 , 122.366670 |
Aningalan | 10.834800 , 122.242300 |
Anonang | 10.767850 , 122.399000 |
Apian | 10.825350 , 122.346400 |
Avenzada | 10.800000 , 122.366670 |
Awis | 10.812350 , 122.372100 |
Ayabang | 10.856200 , 122.337200 |
Ayubo | 10.819050 , 122.336300 |
Bacolod | 10.850000 , 122.250000 |
Barangbang | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Barosong | 10.741850 , 122.396100 |
Batuan Ylaud | 10.750000 , 122.416670 |
Bayag | 10.764850 , 122.356600 |
Berin | 10.770050 , 122.390100 |
Biri Norte | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Bobon | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Bocari | 10.876800 , 122.306600 |
Bonlag | 10.800000 , 122.350000 |
Buenavista | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Buga | 10.809050 , 122.390400 |
Bulad | 10.803650 , 122.359000 |
Bulwang-Camandag | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Cabacanan Proper | 10.900000 , 122.253330 |
Cabolo-an | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Cabunga-an | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Cagay | 10.835500 , 122.286700 |
Cagus-an | 10.816670 , 122.266670 |
Camandag | 10.883330 , 122.266670 |
Cananaman | 10.807150 , 122.333400 |
Captain Fernando | 10.800850 , 122.371800 |
Carara-an | 10.842500 , 122.341400 |
Carolina | 10.800000 , 122.350000 |
Cawilihan | 10.843000 , 122.309100 |
Coyugan Sur | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Dorang | 10.842700 , 122.354400 |
Dorog | 10.833500 , 122.333800 |
Dusacan | 10.828640 , 122.352400 |
Gamog-gines | 10.766650 , 122.365900 |
Igcadios | 10.848000 , 122.337000 |
Isian | 10.789950 , 122.358200 |
Isian Victoria | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Jamog | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Lampaya | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Lang-og | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Leon | 10.780850 , 122.389400 |
Ligtos | 10.828550 , 122.366000 |
Magcapay | 10.816750 , 122.361900 |
Maliao Pongco | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Malublub | 10.840800 , 122.365500 |
Marirang | 10.836400 , 122.310900 |
Nalbang | 10.823450 , 122.334400 |
Oluangan | 10.821950 , 122.368200 |
Omambong | 10.752250 , 122.394500 |
Paga | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Pandan | 10.762500 , 122.406390 |
Pangdan | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Panginman | 10.783750 , 122.345600 |
Panpanan | 10.906900 , 122.258800 |
Samlague | 10.809750 , 122.352600 |
San Alejandro | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Siol Norte | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
Tacuyong | 10.817450 , 122.325100 |
Tacuyong Sur | 10.783330 , 122.366670 |
Tagsing | 10.783330 , 122.366670 |
Tagsing | 10.847500 , 122.325800 |
Talaco-an | 10.773250 , 122.389600 |
Tarog | 10.800000 , 122.366670 |
Tina-an Norte | 10.829440 , 122.376600 |
Tina-an Sur | 10.816670 , 122.366670 |
Tu-og | 10.783330 , 122.383330 |
- You can download geometry data for Leon in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.