Guimba (Nueva Ecija) Map Cropping Samples

Guimba (Nueva Ecija) Map Cropping Samples-1

Guimba (Nueva Ecija) Map Cropping Samples-2

Guimba neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Guimba with 3D shadow effect

Guimba map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Guimba (geojson format) :
Guimba.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Guimba map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Guimba Map : ( 15.581181 , 120.644669 , 15.751071 , 120.843381 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Guimba map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](15.581181, 120.644669, 15.751071, 120.843381);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Guimba)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Guimba
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agcano | 15.590250 , 120.757740 |
Ayos Lomboy | 15.690300 , 120.772010 |
Bacayao | 15.663180 , 120.751670 |
Balbalino | 15.730300 , 120.767600 |
Balbinit | 15.709800 , 120.715000 |
Balingiw | 15.640100 , 120.713800 |
Balingog East | 15.631700 , 120.763300 |
Bambanaba | 15.723800 , 120.725300 |
Banitan | 15.625730 , 120.744030 |
Bantug | 15.632450 , 120.759600 |
Bunol | 15.667100 , 120.834400 |
Butad | 15.730810 , 120.743540 |
Caballero | 15.633700 , 120.814700 |
Cabaruan | 15.658700 , 120.815200 |
Calem | 15.634960 , 120.711720 |
Calinat | 15.661200 , 120.818300 |
Callos | 15.701100 , 120.830200 |
Cardinal | 15.603940 , 120.782900 |
Casongsong | 15.669440 , 120.745560 |
Cawayan Bugtang | 15.634800 , 120.794400 |
Consuelo | 15.656900 , 120.803100 |
Culong | 15.650000 , 120.766670 |
Escano | 15.687400 , 120.685500 |
Galvan | 15.653860 , 120.708840 |
General Tinio | 15.650000 , 120.766670 |
Guimba | 15.660500 , 120.768300 |
Hacienda Triala | 15.650000 , 120.766670 |
Katigan | 15.708400 , 120.715600 |
Kulos-Baleng | 15.696100 , 120.722000 |
Lamorito | 15.650000 , 120.766670 |
Lennec | 15.683500 , 120.733800 |
Macamias | 15.634200 , 120.730200 |
Macapabellag | 15.699060 , 120.798470 |
Macatcatuit | 15.647900 , 120.746500 |
Manggang Marikit | 15.662490 , 120.741260 |
Matondo | 15.633330 , 120.783330 |
Maturanoc | 15.657100 , 120.792100 |
Maybubon | 15.668700 , 120.665100 |
Medico | 15.685980 , 120.675030 |
Monic | 15.690100 , 120.682880 |
Naglabrahan | 15.681500 , 120.837000 |
Nagpandayan | 15.599700 , 120.766000 |
Pacac | 15.688000 , 120.729700 |
Pacarso | 15.650100 , 120.690200 |
Partida | 15.647210 , 120.727540 |
Pasong Insik | 15.666670 , 120.750000 |
Pasubaan | 15.613800 , 120.695000 |
Pudiot | 15.643940 , 120.715860 |
Rizal | 15.719350 , 120.740870 |
Saguing | 15.650000 , 120.766670 |
San Agustin | 15.671900 , 120.697800 |
San Andres | 15.722200 , 120.778000 |
San Casimiro | 15.650000 , 120.766670 |
San Francisco | 15.694930 , 120.722970 |
San Manuel | 15.643700 , 120.695300 |
San Marcelino | 15.710220 , 120.752530 |
San Mariano | 15.615760 , 120.772190 |
San Mauricio | 15.665260 , 120.729560 |
San Miguel | 15.644720 , 120.695830 |
San Rafael | 15.659280 , 120.725990 |
San Roque | 15.655200 , 120.780100 |
San Vicente | 15.650000 , 120.766670 |
Sangat | 15.650000 , 120.833330 |
Santa Ana | 15.690060 , 120.780740 |
Santa Clara | 15.706300 , 120.715800 |
Santa Lucia | 15.681810 , 120.775460 |
Sinulatan | 15.688530 , 120.822780 |
Subol | 15.627600 , 120.711400 |
Tampac Primero | 15.621800 , 120.777480 |
Tampac Segundo y Tercero | 15.607900 , 120.788700 |
Tampac Segundo y Tercero | 15.614000 , 120.801020 |
Toledo | 15.671200 , 120.652900 |
Triala | 15.655220 , 120.816990 |
- You can download geometry data for Guimba in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.