Dinaig (Maguindanao) Map Cropping Samples

Dinaig (Maguindanao) Map Cropping Samples-1

Dinaig (Maguindanao) Map Cropping Samples-2

Dinaig neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Dinaig with 3D shadow effect

Dinaig map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Dinaig (geojson format) :
Dinaig.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Dinaig map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Dinaig Map : ( 6.940001 , 124.047999 , 7.196898 , 124.361111 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Dinaig map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](6.940001, 124.047999, 7.196898, 124.361111);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Dinaig)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Dinaig
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Alagan | 7.085280 , 124.323060 |
Alangan | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Awang | 7.153060 , 124.221110 |
Baclayan | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Bagua | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Balibod | 7.038610 , 124.328330 |
Baruin | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Benuren | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Biniruan | 7.183330 , 124.166670 |
Bintun | 7.063330 , 124.344720 |
Bito | 7.153890 , 124.271390 |
Buabuaya | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Bugawas | 7.097500 , 124.312220 |
Buoal | 7.158330 , 124.125830 |
Capiton | 7.168330 , 124.230000 |
Cawa | 7.092500 , 124.325000 |
Curintum | 7.060830 , 124.281670 |
Dadtumeg | 7.183330 , 124.166670 |
Dadus | 7.057500 , 124.321670 |
Dalican | 7.027430 , 124.322450 |
Dimapatuy | 7.183330 , 124.166670 |
Dinaig | 7.025560 , 124.315000 |
Dorogao | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Dubab | 7.176110 , 124.224170 |
Dulangan | 7.161390 , 124.276110 |
Dumague | 7.017220 , 124.308330 |
Dumbon | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Gapet | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Kaliawa | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Kalunangon | 7.166670 , 124.216670 |
Kamasy | 7.183330 , 124.166670 |
Kapimpiran | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Kebleg | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Kenebaka | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Kenebelen | 7.077500 , 124.270280 |
Kibatang | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Kibucay | 7.094440 , 124.224440 |
Kinagatan | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Kulidtum | 7.183330 , 124.166670 |
Kusiong | 7.140280 , 124.108610 |
Labuñgan | 7.103060 , 124.235000 |
Laguitan | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Lasedan | 7.183330 , 124.166670 |
Lichibong | 7.183330 , 124.166670 |
Linek | 7.169440 , 124.159440 |
Ling | 7.168890 , 124.170280 |
Makadalum | 7.151390 , 124.296670 |
Makir | 7.030830 , 124.304170 |
Manaculil-Timako | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Matibong | 7.158610 , 124.253890 |
Midtuad | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Mirab-Ridgecroft | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Mumpun | 7.161390 , 124.193060 |
Munsagui | 7.076940 , 124.341390 |
Nara | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Niyuguen | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Pagalamatan | 7.183330 , 124.166670 |
Palamata Rancheria | 7.166670 , 124.266670 |
Peningusan | 7.098060 , 124.256940 |
Pimbagueran | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Pualas | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Salpa | 7.150000 , 124.216670 |
Samba | 7.182500 , 124.205560 |
Sapalan | 7.076110 , 124.331390 |
Siawan | 7.180000 , 124.212220 |
Sibuto | 7.100000 , 124.250000 |
Sibutu | 7.026670 , 124.286390 |
Sopad | 7.129720 , 124.315000 |
Tambak | 7.100000 , 124.250000 |
Tanuel | 7.183330 , 124.166670 |
Tanuel | 7.157780 , 124.260000 |
Tapian | 7.136670 , 124.068060 |
- You can download geometry data for Dinaig in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.