Tewae-Siassi (Morobe) Map Cropping Samples

Tewae-Siassi (Morobe) Map Cropping Samples-1

Tewae-Siassi (Morobe) Map Cropping Samples-2

Tewae-Siassi neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Tewae-Siassi with 3D shadow effect

Tewae-Siassi map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Tewae-Siassi (geojson format) :
Tewae-Siassi.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Tewae-Siassi map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Tewae-Siassi Map : ( -6.377923 , 146.720346 , -5.282917 , 148.114609 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Tewae-Siassi map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-6.377923, 146.720346, -5.282917, 148.114609);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Tewae-Siassi)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Tewae-Siassi
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Ago | -6.290780 , 147.754240 |
Alairo | -5.424030 , 148.052100 |
Apalap | -5.989040 , 147.007490 |
Awar | -5.333940 , 147.609120 |
Bakon | -6.141690 , 147.597530 |
Barang | -5.612510 , 147.818180 |
Birik | -5.722120 , 148.051950 |
Boneia | -5.898980 , 146.877530 |
Bukum | -5.750000 , 147.916670 |
Bun | -5.300360 , 147.561200 |
Bwambi | -6.050410 , 147.498520 |
Derongge | -5.882250 , 146.834050 |
Etep | -6.033330 , 147.200000 |
Ezanko | -6.033330 , 147.483330 |
Gasam | -5.590640 , 147.814900 |
Gauru | -5.733330 , 148.033330 |
Gerup | -6.204600 , 147.609810 |
Gitukia | -6.088850 , 147.482500 |
Gom | -5.584910 , 147.760470 |
Gomlongon | -5.661760 , 147.905670 |
Hem | -6.046890 , 147.101210 |
Hompua | -6.345330 , 147.721710 |
Hongo | -6.011390 , 147.218730 |
Honpato | -6.083330 , 147.233330 |
Hubegong | -6.316670 , 147.783330 |
Hudewa | -6.250000 , 147.650000 |
Kabi | -5.560430 , 148.003930 |
Kakalo | -6.033330 , 147.200000 |
Kanzarua | -6.228240 , 147.687440 |
Karangan | -6.034880 , 147.276010 |
Kaunkiol | -6.134370 , 147.568140 |
Kemburum | -6.115730 , 147.593240 |
Kinalakna | -6.040330 , 147.466400 |
Kingfaringau | -6.359540 , 147.657660 |
Kondolop | -6.061910 , 147.263700 |
Kulami | -6.001160 , 147.278400 |
Kulavi | -5.967110 , 147.247070 |
Lab Lab Mission | -5.728340 , 148.056760 |
Lebangande | -6.027400 , 147.302410 |
Malasanga | -5.916670 , 147.050000 |
Mararamu | -5.557430 , 147.864670 |
Marli | -5.600000 , 148.050000 |
Masa | -6.356920 , 147.614820 |
Masele | -5.479690 , 147.774540 |
Meiawa | -6.200000 , 147.633330 |
Mula | -6.042330 , 147.323960 |
Mulau | -5.344590 , 147.596830 |
Nambariwa | -5.972070 , 147.373300 |
Nineia | -5.906950 , 146.904810 |
Opai | -5.715970 , 147.867010 |
Orarako | -6.272430 , 147.602180 |
Oropot | -5.574680 , 147.804020 |
Pendeng | -6.050000 , 147.183330 |
Rebafu | -6.288120 , 147.593660 |
Ririwo | -6.234300 , 147.641090 |
Rua | -6.172580 , 147.609390 |
Salaboran | -5.743500 , 147.883110 |
Sambe | -6.243140 , 147.656440 |
Satop | -6.044080 , 147.219280 |
Scharnhorst | -5.966670 , 147.433330 |
Siang | -5.991900 , 146.971090 |
Sikikia | -6.116140 , 147.535650 |
Singor | -5.966670 , 147.083330 |
Sio 1 | -5.930760 , 147.330230 |
Sio 2 | -5.931110 , 147.342980 |
Soweng | -6.160870 , 147.610300 |
Sumpanam | -5.766430 , 147.932660 |
Tarawe | -5.656340 , 147.854110 |
Tiku | -6.366670 , 147.666670 |
Towat | -6.016670 , 147.166670 |
Tunge | -6.180730 , 147.618420 |
Vincketown | -5.950000 , 147.233330 |
Walingai | -6.249290 , 147.691030 |
Wandokai | -6.320540 , 147.806060 |
Wap | -6.067430 , 147.235590 |
Wasu | -5.970560 , 147.203170 |
Wavit | -6.033330 , 147.166670 |
Yangla | -5.758510 , 148.034460 |
Yowong | -5.880940 , 146.780160 |
Zagahemi | -6.339880 , 147.644570 |
Zakubep | -6.220120 , 147.603190 |
Zankoa | -6.231120 , 147.612160 |
Zongafifi | -6.310660 , 147.624920 |
Zoroge | -6.266670 , 147.633330 |
Zunzumua | -6.296290 , 147.627320 |
- You can download geometry data for Tewae-Siassi in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.