Ialibu-Pangia (Southern Highlands) Map Cropping Samples

Ialibu-Pangia (Southern Highlands) Map Cropping Samples-1

Ialibu-Pangia (Southern Highlands) Map Cropping Samples-2

Ialibu-Pangia neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Ialibu-Pangia with 3D shadow effect

Ialibu-Pangia map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Ialibu-Pangia (geojson format) :
Ialibu-Pangia.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Ialibu-Pangia map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Ialibu-Pangia Map : ( -6.646423 , 143.79164 , -6.160912 , 144.564606 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Ialibu-Pangia map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-6.646423, 143.79164, -6.160912, 144.564606);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Ialibu-Pangia)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Ialibu-Pangia
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Apenda | -6.374200 , 144.176060 |
Aria | -6.342030 , 144.211760 |
Aru | -6.300000 , 143.950000 |
Borona | -6.433330 , 144.133330 |
Crocku | -6.300000 , 144.000000 |
Ebapini | -6.514530 , 144.130680 |
Ialibu | -6.282080 , 143.993540 |
Iamala | -6.272540 , 143.897880 |
Iamjami | -6.283330 , 143.983330 |
Iarena | -6.316670 , 143.933330 |
Iaro | -6.452970 , 144.078420 |
Iawi | -6.216670 , 143.883330 |
Imuna | -6.350000 , 143.950000 |
Irawara | -6.289240 , 143.813720 |
Kabubinie | -6.366670 , 143.933330 |
Kanda | -6.333330 , 143.916670 |
Karani | -6.427950 , 144.084660 |
Karue | -6.438430 , 144.185450 |
Kauwo | -6.411190 , 144.086000 |
Kebigi | -6.300000 , 143.983330 |
Keia | -6.300000 , 143.916670 |
Kendagl | -6.266670 , 143.966670 |
Kerabari | -6.432130 , 144.262910 |
Kireni | -6.269540 , 143.831720 |
Kombemi | -6.233330 , 143.916670 |
Kuabini | -6.433440 , 144.218040 |
Kumien | -6.362030 , 144.147880 |
Laue | -6.462450 , 144.312820 |
Lebera | -6.218380 , 143.906390 |
Lega | -6.382550 , 144.050560 |
Loluapu | -6.383330 , 144.083330 |
Luluabo | -6.400000 , 144.016670 |
Magila | -6.250000 , 143.850000 |
Maia | -6.406650 , 144.103960 |
Mamuane | -6.483650 , 144.125450 |
Mankera | -6.279660 , 143.800610 |
Marabin | -6.425670 , 144.234320 |
Marila Hill | -6.316670 , 143.966670 |
Marime | -6.300000 , 144.333330 |
Maubin | -6.466670 , 144.166670 |
Mele | -6.364790 , 144.147420 |
Mondanda | -6.374460 , 144.006780 |
Moria | -6.295130 , 144.327180 |
Moro | -6.316530 , 144.169780 |
Mungemabu | -6.283330 , 143.983330 |
Munku | -6.300000 , 143.866670 |
Noiya | -6.395510 , 144.261980 |
Padi | -6.320150 , 143.901790 |
Pagura | -6.259410 , 143.927490 |
Pandaranda | -6.333330 , 143.933330 |
Pangipuru | -6.216670 , 143.900000 |
Pau-Ia | -6.333330 , 143.966670 |
Paura | -6.394670 , 144.011750 |
Pogari | -6.351700 , 144.282820 |
Pompoli | -6.216670 , 143.900000 |
Pondi | -6.341620 , 144.115660 |
Ponowi | -6.266670 , 143.933330 |
Porago | -6.426120 , 144.112050 |
Poreio | -6.439230 , 144.063530 |
Porogo | -6.412690 , 144.160510 |
Poru | -6.333330 , 144.200000 |
Poruberi | -6.527350 , 144.141310 |
Pugi | -6.469490 , 144.267450 |
Pundura | -6.316670 , 143.900000 |
Remali | -6.366670 , 143.950000 |
Rienda | -6.266670 , 143.966670 |
Riro | -6.375340 , 143.978720 |
Tagaru | -6.414220 , 144.157230 |
Tempikeni | -6.486290 , 144.203750 |
Timbari | -6.480900 , 144.220000 |
Tindua | -6.370280 , 144.039540 |
Tiri | -6.300000 , 143.833330 |
Tuli | -6.307150 , 143.908500 |
Tunda | -6.438680 , 144.278910 |
Undiapu | -6.448240 , 144.229800 |
Urandorie | -6.350000 , 143.933330 |
Waluboi | -6.383330 , 144.016670 |
Wangai | -6.324480 , 143.981440 |
Warababe | -6.382950 , 144.003060 |
Wembu | -6.461640 , 144.350460 |
Williame | -6.495030 , 144.187050 |
Yarapi | -6.250000 , 143.933330 |
Yunguli | -6.383330 , 144.066670 |
- You can download geometry data for Ialibu-Pangia in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.