Gumine (Chimbu) Map Cropping Samples

Gumine (Chimbu) Map Cropping Samples-1

Gumine (Chimbu) Map Cropping Samples-2

Gumine neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Gumine with 3D shadow effect

Gumine map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Gumine (geojson format) :
Gumine.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Gumine map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Gumine Map : ( -6.350216 , 144.6814 , -6.031337 , 144.979757 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Gumine map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-6.350216, 144.6814, -6.031337, 144.979757);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Gumine)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Gumine
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Amia | -6.281010 , 144.884380 |
Are | -6.280650 , 144.870920 |
Ayalungwi | -6.078860 , 144.911980 |
Bakaman | -6.155340 , 144.887920 |
Bakobi | -6.121390 , 144.857040 |
Bamin | -6.198540 , 144.883190 |
Bamun | -6.216670 , 144.916670 |
Banima | -6.275640 , 144.841290 |
Barekane | -6.053260 , 144.896250 |
Bemal | -6.087010 , 144.940330 |
Bianggau | -6.073110 , 144.932560 |
Bikanggau | -6.165420 , 144.842530 |
Bire | -6.297760 , 144.896670 |
Borikiba | -6.153750 , 144.848660 |
Buri | -6.166670 , 144.900000 |
Dege | -6.228510 , 144.823210 |
Digakane Number 1 | -6.050000 , 144.966670 |
Digakane Number 2 | -6.102130 , 144.929400 |
Digakani | -6.144510 , 144.849730 |
Dirima | -6.188630 , 144.915430 |
Dirima Number 1 | -6.173660 , 144.903060 |
Dombia | -6.200000 , 144.933330 |
Domkane | -6.216310 , 144.918980 |
Dunggaulum | -6.255290 , 144.801930 |
Dungge | -6.206060 , 144.905190 |
Elmagle | -6.281970 , 144.796510 |
Elukane | -6.083330 , 144.950000 |
Erimaienggaglma | -6.066670 , 144.800000 |
Gelbikaumo | -6.142400 , 144.882370 |
Geluangama | -6.057400 , 144.923440 |
Gena Number 1 | -6.222570 , 144.810510 |
Gena Number 2 | -6.183330 , 144.916670 |
Genabona | -6.083330 , 144.900000 |
Gingaulum | -6.290170 , 144.801160 |
Gomgale | -6.185430 , 144.871000 |
Goro | -6.279070 , 144.887810 |
Gorokuran | -6.282970 , 144.836360 |
Gumine | -6.190750 , 144.916300 |
Gunuamarime | -6.162140 , 144.908890 |
Iani | -6.150000 , 144.866670 |
Ioburegaun | -6.283330 , 144.800000 |
Ionuwai | -6.161650 , 144.793690 |
Kabanil | -6.100000 , 144.833330 |
Kaloweri | -6.276000 , 144.910390 |
Kalumbianggo | -6.100000 , 144.933330 |
Kaualagu | -6.229940 , 144.809530 |
Kaupabienggaua | -6.168080 , 144.929450 |
Kebaiela | -6.084780 , 144.860700 |
Kebakabi | -6.116670 , 144.850000 |
Kebamiankani | -6.101640 , 144.875480 |
Kerikane | -6.148770 , 144.877270 |
Kerilku | -6.300000 , 144.800000 |
Kibi | -6.165720 , 144.829330 |
Koban | -6.166960 , 144.862240 |
Kobokane | -6.091820 , 144.929530 |
Kua | -6.150000 , 144.850000 |
Kulekane | -6.047620 , 144.929870 |
Kumaikane Number 1 | -6.266760 , 144.781030 |
Kuruku | -6.300000 , 144.800000 |
Kwiamkane Number 1 | -6.050000 , 144.916670 |
Marume | -6.298750 , 144.839910 |
Miankane | -6.182680 , 144.853540 |
Mornmaul | -6.108110 , 144.920330 |
Mugali | -6.193000 , 144.958510 |
Muribai | -6.187010 , 144.952220 |
Naurunggauma | -6.083330 , 144.916670 |
Nebigu | -6.191920 , 144.904760 |
Nondiri | -6.272540 , 144.852510 |
Nuilgauma | -6.049900 , 144.953650 |
Omdata | -6.144640 , 144.895710 |
Omungalu | -6.259450 , 144.877360 |
Orikibia | -6.144740 , 144.840750 |
Pirewamil | -6.160100 , 144.879870 |
Pirikiau | -6.179000 , 144.930060 |
Poiku | -6.166670 , 144.916670 |
Sobagil | -6.064070 , 144.933330 |
Tinegirai | -6.095480 , 144.863400 |
Toma | -6.273000 , 144.865920 |
Umbianggauma Number 1 | -6.239110 , 144.807700 |
Walegau | -6.066670 , 144.950000 |
Wame | -6.305410 , 144.890120 |
Yoba | -6.286150 , 144.875040 |
Yobamonia | -6.109140 , 144.863400 |
Yoburugauan | -6.314140 , 144.787530 |
Yurau | -6.189590 , 144.934680 |
- You can download geometry data for Gumine in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.